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2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The school board of Rehoboth Christian School requests applications for both elementary and secondary teaching positions. Interested applicants are asked to contact the following:

John VanDerBrink, Principal

P.O. Box 220, Norwich

Ontario, Canada NO J 1PO

Ph. 1-519/863-2403

Henry Scholten, President

6 Main St., East

Norwich, Ontario NO J 1PO

Ph. 1-519/863-3824

Ponatahi Christian School, in New Zealand, is in need of a qualified teacher for upper elementary grades. Because of the immigration laws in New Zealand, this position may only be for one year, commencing late July, 1985. For further information, interested persons are asked to write to The Principal, Ponatahi Christian School, R.D. 2, Carterton, New Zealand. Mrs. R.T. Bertram, Principal.

Pompton Plains School (Franklin Lakes-Clifton) anticipates appointing a teacher-principal for the 1985-86 school year. Also needed is either an upper or lower elementary teacher. For information contact:

Mr. Donald Van Grouw, Pres.

258 Fairview Ave.

Prospect Park, N.J. 07508

Ph. 201/595-6417

The school board of the Calvin Christian School of Fort Macleod and Lethbridge invites applications from qualified teachers for one secondary and two elementary teaching positions.

Applicants for Junior High level grades 7 to 9 should be qualified to teach one or more of these subjects — Lang. Art, Math., Science, Indus. Ed., Home Ec, Phy. Ed., Art, French, Typing. Combination with other subjects also possible.


Mr. A.H. Verhoef, Principle

P.O. Box 29 Monarch

Alberta, Canada T0L 1MO

School 403/381-3030

Home 403/381-4434


Mr. Adrian DeWilde, Sec’y.

P.O. Box 142 Monarch

Alberta, Canada T0L 1MO

Ph. 403/824-3698


we must lose to gain;
we must give to obtain;
we must be humble to be exalted;
we must be least to be greatest;
we must die to live.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1985

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1985

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's