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Engagement beyond our own walls

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Engagement beyond our own walls

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The unique Dutch system of Reformed education has also inspired development of Reformed schools by Dutch immigrants in Alberta and elsewhere. In the decades since the initial sacrifices made to start these schools, Christian education has thankfully become “normal”.

Recent trends, though, show a need to expand our vision beyond simply the continued existence of our schools. In Alberta, our previous government’s efforts to impose one view of “diversity” in human sexuality showed a clear enmity against Biblical truths. School policy statements about men and women being created in the image of God were even labelled ‘uncaring and/or disrespectful’. Thankfully, the Lord has granted relief from this attack. But does our concern end if we are now for a time “left alone” to offer Biblical instruction within our schools? I am convinced that supporters of Christian education have a further calling. Galatians 6:10 instructs us, ‘as we have (…) opportunity, [to] do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith’. Yes, our first duty is to our own families, churches, and schools. But God’s word is both true and good not only for our own students, but for all people! Exactly those who fight most bitterly against Scriptural truths also need the Lord’s work in their lives. But how can they come to know this truth if we rest satisfied with its presence only within our churches and schools?

By God’s grace we do still have opportunity to participate, even in an ever more hostile culture. That brings a responsibility. If Christian ideas are not shared publicly, culture shifts to make such viewpoints unacceptable. Simply speaking to neighbours, then, about why you choose religious education can be a preservative.

Building relationships to show in practice that we seek the good of our fellow men can lead to further opportunities, perhaps in community organizations or through the political process. And where are the Reformed individuals involved in curriculum and policy development, thereby to promote the Biblical good for áll children and young people? Part of the task of Christian education is to prepare our students for such a role of example and engagement beyond our own walls. Let us then seek out opportunities to ‘do good to all men’. As the culture around us grows darker, it is ever more important to ensure that the true Light may shine clearly.


Principal of the Calvin Christian School in Alberta, Canada.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 september 2020

De Reformatorische School | 48 Pagina's

Engagement beyond our own walls

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 september 2020

De Reformatorische School | 48 Pagina's