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6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The witness sent by God into this world, did bear witness of the Shining Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. That Light was in the world, and made the world, yet the world knew Him not. He even came to His own, but they received Him not. Who is this character, then? None other than Jesus Christ, the Son of God! He is that true Light. But, for whom did He come into the world?—if He lighteth every man, and made the world, yet was rejected or not known by the world,—who does know Him? Even when His own did not receive Him, who then did He come for? He came for those that received Him, and to them He gave power to become the sons of God. Those who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

He is a Shining Light unto every one that is born of God. By which heavenly and spiritual birth they are enabled to receive Him as sent from God unto them, even to believe on His name to the end that they become spiritual sons of God in and through Him.

This true Light came into the world, from heaven, assuming human nature from the virgin Mary by the operations of the Holy Spirit. He did so shine forth in the darkness of this world with His righteousness to the end that sinners could be reconciled to God. Through sin, spiritual darkness and ignorance reigned over all the earth and in every persons heart. But in the fulness of Gods time, Jesus came to suffer, bleed, and die, for all the elect family of God. He gave His body over unto cruel enemies in order to deliver the bodies of His dear children. He gave His soul over unto the agonies of hell in order to redeem the souls of His dear children from hell. He gave Himself over unto death so that His people might be delivered out of their spiritual death, and to remove the sting out of their corporal death, also, to redeem them from eternal death. He did all this perfectly and completely to the satisfaction of God. Now this is that Light which the devil and his hosts endeavoured to distinguish by crucifying Him upon the cross at Mount Calvary.

He was taken by the Jews, His own nationality, according to the flesh, and tried before an earthly court, falsely accused and condemned to death. They crucified Him and afterwards He was buried. “Aha!” said they, “now we are rid of that troublesome person.” But, not so! ’tis true, He had completed His mission of redemption when He cried out upon the cross. “It is finished”; but His soul will not be left in hell, neither will He see corruption. “I am the resurrection,” said He—thus He arose by His own power a mighty conqueror and victor over hell, death and the grave. Here again, He shines forth from apparent defeat into the glorious and mighty Prince and Monarch on behalf of His people. In that hour of darkness He arose as Lord and King over all, after which He ascended into heaven to reign in all pomp and glory as King of kings and Lord of lords. There He is now seated beholding everything and governing all things until He shall return again to judge the quick and the dead.

When He returns, shall you be found ready and expectant? Shall He bid thee, “enter in unto my rest,” forever more? Happy is that soul which is expecting and awaiting His coming. Blessed indeed with such humility as to be waiting for Him to bid thee enter. Wait on, dear soul, He will not delay His coming. Be fervent in prayer. Constant in watching. Behold,—in the midst of all your trials, sufferings, afflictions, doubts, fears, and unbelief so often striving against little faith,—the Lamb of God; that great Sacrifice, upon the cross. He is your only true Light that can and will shine into your dark benighted and clouded soul. He obtained pardon for thee through His sufferings upon the cross, and by His agonies of soul in the garden of Gethsemanie. He was made a curse for thee and entered into death to give you life eternal. He only is worthy to receive all honor and glory. Wait then upon Him in meekness and lowliness of heart; for, as He ascended up into heaven to govern His Church, so shall He return to gather them in and take all His members unto Himself to become one body of that glorified Head. Then to live with Him in perfectness for ever and ever.

Most unhappy and awfully miserable is that man which has no such Light shining within his soul. Who knows nothing of Jesus as a Saviour and Redeemer, or the Hope of Israel, savingly. All who are still living in their natural state as they entered this world, carnal, unregenerate, enemies of God and of self, children of the devil, sold under sin; all such are in a sad state. Not having share nor lot in this great Light, Jesus, ye are yet dead in your sins and strangers to God. O sinner, hearken while it is day, befote that hour overtake thee when this Light Will burningly shine forth upon thee as the Righteous Judge. Then He will no longer be a Saviour, wherefor, now while He may be found, call upon Him. He is yet the same, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” John the Baptist was not that Light, but he was a witness of that Light, sent of God to testify and cry aloud from the wilderness; “there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is”, and, “Behold, He is the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Unhappy souls, here is an eternity of wealth and happiness for poor sinners. Seek Him and ye shall find eternal life. Call upon Him for He will hear every truly penitent sinner. Knock at His door of mercy and thou shalt obtain grace for grace; for He has a storehouse of abundant mercies. Yea, repent of thine iniquities and implore light from this Light and ye shall receive Light.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 april 1935

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 april 1935

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's