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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

But while mortality and piety should not be so exalted, as to be put into the place of Christ for righteousness; so neither should the free grace of God be exalted in such a manner, as to neglect or darken the necessity of true holiness in heart and life. Ministers had need take special heed how they preach, and others should be as careful how and what they hear; lest the pride of human nature should be fed by self-righteous doctrine, or the corruption of human nature be indulged by antinomian doctrine. He is a true gospel divine that can keep the medium between these two extremes in his preaching; and he is a true Christian that keeps this medium in his experience and conduct. An inclining to either side, to the right-hand or the left, in preaching or practice, is very pernicious.

2. What necessity is there for all that make pretensions to religion, to examine themselves thoroughly, lest there be a flaw, an essential flaw in their religion! You may be possessed of many amiable qualifications, may have performed many duties, may make high pretensions, and a shining appearance in your own eyes, and in the eyes of others, without the least degree of true Christianity in the heart. Do not conclude you are true believers upon slight grounds. Are you moral? so was Paul when a stranger to a work of grace. Are you devout? So were the Pharisees, and yet were enemies to Christ. Are you orthodox? so are many that never felt the power of the truth. Are your affections sometimes moved under ordinances? so it was with the stony-ground hearers. Have you a persuasion within yourself that Christ is yours? so has many a presumptuous enthusiast. Look therefore closely into your hearts and ways, and see whether, in the midst of all your profession and pretensions, you have that faith in Christ which worketh by love. Pray earnestly that the Lord would examine and prove you, that he would try your reins and your heart.

3. How desirable and useful are many things, that are yet short of true Christianity! We should not, we would not degrade or depreciate any of those particulars, which have been laid aside as insufficient evidences of a saving faith, God forbid, that we should despise civility, morality, devotional exercises, or scriptural knowledge. It is the duty of all to aim at, and seek after these things. And those who have believed in God, are under special obligations to maintain good works; for these things are good and profitable to men.

4. What a mercy is it that any are endowed with saving faith, and may come to the knowledge of it for themselves! Some may be ready to say, if these things are so, who then can be saved? But let us not say this in a way of discouragement, but rather answer ourselves; with men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. And, if we have any desire after this faith and salvation, or any concern about it, let us take that rule with us, Jam. 4:6, “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.”

Do you farther inquire, “How is it possible for me to know whether I have received this precious faith? I am afraid I have not, since there are so many things that are short of it, and so many difficulties attending the inquiry.” I answer, let me entreat you to suspend your doubtful and gloomy thoughts upon this head, till you have seen or heard the other part of this subject. I would not have any serious soul discouraged by what has been offered. If the Lord should make it a means of demolishing any false hopes, or awakening the consciences of any deluded souls, it will be a great mercy to them; while the timorous soul, that desires to lean and live upon Christ, will, I trust, receive some encouragement from the plain solution of the next question.

(To be continued)

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 april 1936

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 april 1936

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's