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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

TIME, like an ever rolling stream, bears all its sons away. This has been our experience again in the past year and already in this newly begun year. That rolling stream of time has born several of our friends, relatives, and loved ones from our circles; their breath having gone forth from them and they are now in eternity. Their lot is cast forever. Those that have died in the Lord, unto glory; but those that have died in their sins, unto destruction.

And Moses also records in the ninetieth psalm that a thousand ages in God’s sight are like an evening gone. Therefore he prays to God, who has been Israel’s help in ages past, as his only hope for years to come. Moses realized that God’s arm alone is sufficient and only His defense is sure. Well my dear readers, can we have a more blessed word to direct you to than this? Oh we wish you all such a happy new year’s blessing as this psalm of Moses contains. We wish you all spiritual prosperity, as in this psalm, for this year.

God has been our help throughout the past year, may He be our only hope for this year. We have nothing in ourselves but sin, evil, and iniquity. May we be quickened to realize it more and more. And brought to the feet of Jesus for all things in Providence as well as in Grace. The present times are evil. The world is in a turmoil and is as a volcano ready to burst forth into a fiery substance of hot lava which spells destruction to everything in its paths. O that our hope may be in the God of Israel who is the sovereign Ruler of all nations and who holdeth the hearts of kings and princes in His hand. May the Lord be with our Government and authorities. Give them counsel and wisdom from above that we as a nation may be governed with discretion and according to His fear and Word. May we be humbled low in repentance and sorrow at His feet, confessing our guilt and transgressions, and for our many unemployed, the Lord grant thee to hope in Him alone. He alone has the power to give work for the laborers. He is our only hope to retain peace as a nation; O may He be our guard while troubles last.

The state of God’s church at present is also very unhealthy, all over the world. Humility is lacking. Love to God in our hearts has waxed cold; resulting in a barreness of soul and a selfish spirit of “I am god” reigning. Love towards our neighbor is not to be found, but instead greedy selfish lusts are indulged. O may the Lord of the harvest remember His vineyard in mercy and grant a deliverance to His glory and the welfare of poor souls. May He make His precious Word fruitful to many. Yea, may He be our spiritual guard also while all these stormy blasts of trouble last; and prove to be our only hope and our eternal home.

“Happy is that man who hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose trust is in the Lord his God.” They shall not be ashamed but shall inherit the eternal portion laid away for them by God, even life forever more.

But, my dear readers, those of you who are not yet partakers of this great happiness in soul, your eternal lot will be with the devil in the lake burning with fire and brimstone, if you die without a hope in this God of Jacob. O, may God bless you this year with His dearly beloved Son and convict you of sin and evil.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1938

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1938

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's