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7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

No. 10

Beloved Congregation:

From the letters which I wrote during the past weeks it has no doubt become evident to you to what extent the church of God in the old Fatherland is torn and divided as regards its visible manifestation. I could write you even more about the sad conditions which prevail everywhere. Death separates, but life unites.

When grace reigned and the Lord wrought effectually with his Spirit things were far different. When the Spirit of God descended on that notable day of Pentecost at Jerusalem they were of one heart and of one mind. In the days of oppression and persecution, too, people sought one another, and even the world and the enemy were compelled to admit: "Behold, how they love one another."

Fears often assail my heart that if the Lord is once again to bring this Church together it will most likely be through a pathway filled with blood and tears.

It is not surprising that many young people are oftentimes bewildered upon viewing this sad discord in the Church of God. The question often arises: "Where do I really belong? To which denomination should I unite myself?"

Here in America there are many denominations too, and the discord is equally as great as in the

Netherlands. Nevertheless the matter of Church membership need not remain an open question for us. When Paul arrived in Athens he perceived that the people were extremely religious. What a great number of churches in that city, too! There were many different kinds also. But what impressed Paul most of all was the altar with the inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. And this became the subject of his sermon on Mars' hill.

To the question: "Where doth Christ gather his church?" our fathers answered, "Where God's Word is purely preached, and the holy sacraments administered according to the institution of Christ."

For us, too, this is an answer of the greatest significance. But doesn't this take place in every church? Far from it. How desirable it would be if the pure truth were preached and proclaimed in all churches. You will ask, how can we tell where the truth is proclaimed in accordance with the Word of God? Where God is most highly exalted and the sinner most deeply abased.

God is most highly exalted when he is proclaimed according as he was declared himself to be in His Word, as the supreme Sovereign of heaven and earth. Of him, and through him, and to him, are all things. He is one in essence, distinguished in three Persons. He is the fountain, source and origin of all life, light, consolation and salvation. Out of Christ he is a consuming fire and everlasting burnings, but in Christ he is reconciled and satisfied with all his chosen people.

Such preaching is sound which constantly presents:

the electing love of the Father;
the redeeming love of the Son; and
the sanctifying love of the Holy Ghost.

A sound ministry teaches man's state of death in Adam but also life in Christ alone. Where even the smallest part is taken from the doctrine of free grace and ascribed to man himself, the pure truth is denied. There God is robbed of his honor and Christ is dethroned.

Paul wrote emphatically to the churches of Galatia that if another should come, even though it were an angel from heaven, preaching any other gospel than that which he had preached, "Let him be accursed". That is why it is so necessary for us to be trained at an early age in the sound doctrines of the Gospel. But the most important thing of all is for us to be taught by God and to be established in "the doctrine which is according to godliness". O, let us not attempt to explain this away or lose sight of this. From the lips of thousands all one hears is: "We are born of believing parents, we are baptized; we have made confession; we partake of communion;" . . . and then . . . and then . . . "of course we can expect to enter heaven."

"We are covenant members", this they declare and teach, "we are included in the covenant of grace". The fact that the invincible operations of the Spirit of God must be magnified in our hearts is denied by many. Things are presented in such a way as if everything depended upon man himself. My friends, I do not want to minimize man's responsibility, indeed not; on the contrary, I desire to maintain the doctrine of man's responsibility to the very limit. However, the sovereignty of God must always be placed in the foreground. This is not a terrible and cruel doctrine, but a doctrine full of consolation, because if it did not exist there would be no hope of salvation or deliverance.

Let each one of us judge for himself, wouldn't it be most deplorable if salvation were left to man himself? Actually, there is not one who asks about God or seeks for him. There is no longing or desire in our hearts to have God for our portion. Deliberately and of our own free will we turned our backs upon God, and we will rush onward to our eternal destruction if God himself does not stop us and cast us to the ground like Saul of Tarcus of old.

Some may ask further, "What does our church teach in accordance with the Word of God regarding the Covenant of Grace?" This covenant originated in eternity; it was confirmed in time by the blood of Jesus, the great Mediator of the Covenant; and it will continue in force to all eternity Jesus is not only the Surety and Mediator of this Covenant, but also its Head. The Church is chosen in him, and it is Christ who represents his people in the presence of his Father. This Covenant was made with the elect only.

Now, what distinction must we always make so we will not err here or deceive ourselves? That in virtue of our baptism and confession we are within the ministration of the Covenant, but that we are actually instated in the covenant through regeneration and the renewing by the Holy Ghost. This pure gospel doctrine is not only as milk for babes but also as strong meat for them that are of full age.

Through all the ages the doctrine of free grace, which excludes everything which is of man, has been received with very little enthusiasm. It is a Gospel which does not appeal to man but is directly opposite to our nature. Boys and girls, I hope you will come to a true and thorough knowledge of this doctrine for your own heart and life. Pray God for regenerating grace. See to it that your place is not vacant when the Word of God is purely preached. Attend Catechism classes regularly. Do not consider these things too lightly. One day you will have to give an account of all you have done or neglected to do before the Judge of heaven and earth. And when the time arrives for you to make public confession, which everyone is called upon to do when he has reached the years of discretion, examine yourself closely so you may discern whether or not you are persuaded in your heart that you can entrust your soul's eternal state to that truth which is proclaimed there.

I must break off at this point and I hope to find an opportunity later to go into these matters more fully. Hearty greetings to all from your well-wishing minister,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1947

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1947

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's