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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

"Boston, June 30, 1747

My dear Brother:

"It is on the verge of "Eternity" I now address you. I am heartily sorry that I have so little strength to write what I long so much to communicate to you. But, let me tell you, my brother, "Eternity" is another thing than we ordinarily take it to be in a healthful state. O, how vast and boundless! O, how fixed and unalterable! O, of what infinite importance is it, that we be prepared for "Eternity"! I have been just a dying, now for more than a week; and all around me have thought me so. I have had clear views of "Eternity"; have seen the blessedness of the "godly", in some measure; and have longed to share their happy state; as well as been comfortably satisfied, that through grace, I shall do so: but O, what anguish is raised in my mind, to think of "Eternity" for those who are "Christless", for those who are mistaken, and who bring their false hopes to the grave with them! The sight was so dreadful, I could by no means bear it: my thoughts recoiled, and I said, under a more affecting sense than ever before, 'Who can dwell with everlasting burnings!' O, methought, could I now see my friends, that I might warn them to see to it, that they lay their foundation for "Eternity" sure. And for you, my dear brother, I have been particularly concerned; and have wondered I so much conversing with you about your spiritual state at our last meeting. O, my brother, let me then beseech you now to examine, whether you are indeed a "new creature"? whether you have ever acted above "self"? whether the glory of God has ever been the sweetest and highest concern with you? whether you have ever been reconciled to all the perfections of God? in a word, whether God has been your portion, and a holy conformity to him your chief delight? If you cannot answer positively, consider seriously the frequent breathings of your soul; but do not, however, put yourself off v/ith a slight answer. If you have reason to think you are graceless, O, give yourself and the throne of grace no rest, till God arise and save. But if the case should be otherwise, bless God for his grace, and press after holiness.

"My soul longs, that you should be fitted for, and in due time go into the work of the "ministry". I cannot bear to think of your going into any other business in life. Do not be discouraged, because you see your elder brothers in the ministry die early, one after another. I declare, how I am dying, I would not have spent my life otherwise for the whole world. But I must leave this with God.

"If this line should come to your hands soon after the date, I should be almost desirous you should set out on a journey to me; it may be you may see me alive; which I should much rejoice in. But if you cannot come, I must commit you to the grace of God, where you are. May he be your guide and counsellor, your sanctifier and eternal portion!

"O, my dear brother, flee fleshly lusts, and the enchanting amusements, as well as corrupt doctrines of the present day, and strive to live to God. Take this as the last line from

"Your affectionate dying brother,

I cannot commit sin but I must set my foot on the law of my Maker. I cannot gratify my lusts but I must go over my bleeding Saviour. Therefore away, foul tempter, I hate thee and thy motions. Lord, save, or I perish.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1947

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1947

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's