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6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

No. 14

Beloved Congregation:

THIS time, as I lift up my eyes to God in in prayer, I wish to write a little about public sins and the measures the Consistory is to take regarding them.

Public sins concern both tables of the Divine Law. They not only relate to our conversation or life, but also our “doctrine”. So often it seems as though censure is applicable only to gross sins, whereby the Name of the Lord is blasphemed and the Church disgraced. However, although the Church is to be extremely watchful in this respect, we may not forget that discipline must also be exercised when a person comes into open conflict with the Truth or when he attacks, denies and forsakes the doctrine which is according to godliness.

In the Bible we find ample proof that the Apostles powerfully attacked the despisers of Divine Truth. With all the strength they possessed the Apostles defended the Truth against every error and falsehood. They never allowed the Truth to be trifled with. In the days of the “Church-fathers”, too, the Church joined battle with those who maintained unchristian doctrines. We are indebted for our confessional writings to the battles which were fought for the cause of sound doctrine. Think only of the Athanasian Creed, which was composed in opposition to the blasphemous heresy of Arius. This Arius, you know, taught that the Son was created by the Father and was therefore a creature. According to him there has been a time that the Son did not yet exist.

It would carry me too far at present to write more about the war which has been waged throughout all ages for the defense and establishment of the truth. Our fathers never considered departure from the truth or attacks upon it as a matter of secondary importance. To give only one more example, one with which we are all no doubt familiar, permit to point to the great National Synod held in Dordrecht in 1618 and 1619. This Synod was composed not only of delegates from the Netherlands churches but from other countries as well. One hundred fifty-four sessions were held and the five errors of the Remonstrants were condemned.

These errors were:

1. election is on the ground of foreseen faith;

2. the atonement of Christ is universal;

3. man obeys the call of the gospel from his own free choice;

4. the grace of God is resistable;

5. it is possible to finally fall away from the state of grace.

The Church is to guard the truth faithfully. When our personal interests are involved we should be like a lamb, but when it concerns the truth we must act like a lion. Oftentimes it is the other way and this is the cause of much distress and misery, also in church life. We should not arm ourselves to defend our own rights, but in matters pertaining to the fundamental points of doctrine let us stand firm, sparing nothing and no one.

“Therefore love the truth and peace.”

We are to arm ourselves against every wind of doctrine and should stand guard so that the heritage of the Lord will not be carried away or led astray with doctrines which assault the honor of God and rob the Church of her comfort and stability.

It is evident then that the Church may not permit the one to favor a certain opinion and the other to promote a different one, in regard to points of doctrine. Everything which is contrary to the Word of God and our Forms of Unity must be severely condemned; and every effort must be made by means of admonition and instruction to win back those who advocate another doctrine. If they persist in adhering to a false doctrine the rules of censure will then have to be put into effect.

We have seen, then, that the Church is to take steps regarding public sins which concern the doctrine as well as the conversation or life of its members.

Now, when must the Church proceed with censure ?

If a person has fallen into sin, (immaterial of what character) and there are signs, definite signs of repentance, the reconciliation shall take place publicly. Formerly such persons were sometimes put under censure for six weeks three months, or half a year; but this is not according to the Word of God.

Some time ago a minister remarked, “When a person is taken sick, he gets medicine. If there is improvement, and the sick man is restored to health, there is no necessity of giving the regular doses of medicine.” So it is also with the administration of discipline in the Church of God. If there is sincere repentance and a returning to the Word and the Law of God, then unto such mercy should be shown.

If the admonition is rejected, and if the evil is persisted in, coupled with a refusal to confess guilt, then the Consistory will be compelled to apply the first step of censure. In that case this is announced in the congregation, stating which commandment has been transgressed, but without mentioning the name of the member. Such a member must be suspended from the Lord’s Supper, has no admittance to congregational meetings, and is not allowed to vote at the election of a minister or other office bearers.

The second step is applied when after repeated admonitions there are no signs of repentance, but a persisting in sin. The second step, however, cannot be applied by the consistory without the advice of the Classis. When the second step is announced in the congregation, the name of the member concerned shall be mentioned also.

After the second step another admonition of such a member takes place, but in case he remains obstinate, he will be excommunicated. Each case has to be considered separately by the Consistory. It is desirable in all cases to practise longsuffering. To excommunicate a person is a dreadful thing. May God protect us against it.

When it is carried out in the right way, then Matth. 18:18 will be fulfilled. However, even for such there is yet a possibility to return: we have also a “Form of Readmitting Excommunicated Persons”.

I’ll break off for this time with this remark: we have to join such a church which maintains the proper administration of discipline.

Hearty greetings to all, your minister,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 april 1948

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 april 1948

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's