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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

(No. 7)

Paterson, N. J. June 21, 1949

My dear young friends:

First of all I wish to thank you for your kind letters received. However, it is impossible for me to answer every one at once, therefore, I hope you will have a little patience while I endeavour to answer each one individually, as we go along.

Let us now attend to the dangers of the theatre and moving picture shows as we promised to do in our last letter (No. 6) June issue. Here allow me to ask: What is the object of the authors and producers of the films and shows? The honor of God? Indeed not! Their sole object is to increase their riches, to persuade and draw mankind into vain notions and ideas, and when they have completed the production of a film or show then they begin to spread propoganda about it or to advertise it as being the very thing that man desires. It is indeed suited to mans taste.

The objection against the theatre and show is that they lead mankind into an atmosphere in which there isn’t the least inclination nor encouragement to seek after God nor after a knowledge of His ways of Truth and Righteousness. Oh, may the eyes of your understanding be opened, dear boys and girls, to see that the theatres and show houses are a displeasure to God, and that they present a life unto man which proves to be spent in direct opposition to God and His Word. Consider seriously how that such places and such a life gives rise to or often occasions crimes, robberies, murders, or a very frivolous life; and they present ungodly examples which often affect the very passions of man. Attending such places has been the ruin of many a person. Oh, how many men and women are now living in sin to their hearts content, who formerly had been instructed in the Truth, but alas, through meeting up with some boy friend or girl friend, they were misled into those evil ways because they made one visit with them to the theatre or moving picture show. Lets go only once! but the result of associating with the wrong company is that they have drifted into the downward path of perdition.

“But dear Reverend,” someone now interrupts, and says: “I beg your pardon! Sir, I will have you to understand that I do not attend any ungodly shows nor films but only those that promote the welfare of mankind and are educational.”

Yes, my dear friends, we understand and fully appreciate all such excuses which you strive to use in your defense, but remember this, my friend, if ever you may be favored of the Lord to bend your knees in the sincerity of your heart before God, then you shall not be able to frequent those places anymore.

In addition to the objections already presented,. we find that the act or the picture itself is actual falsehood. Although they may have the appearance of truth, on the surface, they, nevertheless, are false and deceitful in their very origin and principle. They are deceitful and false in so much as they present that which is nothing more than imagery as a reality or actuality. This therefore is presenting a lie. Now then, what good does the theatre, moving picture, and show house do? None whatsoever, but to the contrary, they tend to crime and lead your soul down to certain perdition.

There are any number of examples, to be cited, of men and women who had a disagreeable married life, and as they became disheartened and dejected in spirit, went to the movies. There they saw a picture about an unhappy marriage and how those couples put an end to it by shooting each other. Then, too, it is a known fact, that at some future date, when the man or the woman was brought before the judge, voluntarily confessed that he or she attended the movies and concluded therefrom that such a plan of murder was the best and simplest way to end their state of unhappiness.

Someone may object and say: “Surely, there are some innocent movies which it is not wrong to attend!” Nay, my friend, every one is corrupt in principle and origin, just think upon their surroundings in their productive stages. But, also think upon the foolishness of man. At heart, man is a mimicker, he loves to imitate. The hair and dress and attire must be arranged after the fashion of the actor or the actress. Alas, how vain and foolish man is in his state of nature. Oh, my dear friends, may God grant you a deep impression thereof in your very heart, so that you may also see that the theatres, moving pictures, and show houses are nothing more than the entrance to hell. They are an instrument of Satan.

And now, my dear young friends, boys and girls, children; vacation time has again arrived. Remember, that, if and when you may go out among strangers, or are at some distance from home and parents, on your vacation, oh do not attend any such places nor do any thing contrary to the principles of truth, because, if you do, then you indeed give yourself over to the desolations of Satan.

Our earnest desire and prayer for you is that the Lord may keep you and bless you indeed.

The Lord willing and we are spared then we hope to consider in our next letter the “Christian Film” or the Passion of Christ Play or Film.

Heartiest greetings,

Rev. C. Hegeman

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 juli 1949

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 juli 1949

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's