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7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Children, while we were thinking about a title for the June enigma, these words came to our mind, “Look on us”. Some of you have found the answers and mailed them in to us. Others have also found the answers at their home but have not sent them in. We also know of fathers and mothers who work them out with great interest. It is our sincere wish that many may receive a blessing for their soul. That is the most important thing in our life. Jesus tells us plainly to “Search the scriptures” for “they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39. The apostle Paul also writes to his dear son, Timothy, “Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned, them; and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3:14, 15.”

The Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation. Think upon that. Have you ever opened your Bible with that thought in mind? The Bible is a book that can make you wise unto salvation. Does the book itself have that power? No, the book is only made up of material and perishable things such as paper which can easily be destroyed by fire or ruined by water; and ink that may fade or be defaced and marred in many other ways. So it is not these material things in themselves but the power unto salvation is in the very truths contained in this most precious Book of all books. What are those truths? They are divine things which can only proceed from God. And they are very plain in the things necessary for us to know unto our salvation. Do you know them? Have you read the Bible since a little child? Have you become wise or are you foolish? Remember the parable of the ten virgins; five were wise, and five were foolish. The foolish virgins took their lamps but no oil. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”

Children, you must not be satisfied with reading your Bible every day of your life and several times each day. That kind of searching the Scriptures will never make you wise. It is the duty of every one of us to do so but we do not earn a”

reward by it. Remember, the Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith! through faith! Do we have that faith in our own power? Are we able to so believe these divine truths with our natural mind? No, dear friends, we are not able to believe them unto our salvation except through faith; a firm, deeply rooted believing with all our heart, soul, mind, body, and all our strength. Can we so believe in the Holy. Scriptures ? No, this faith is not in us but only in Christ Jesus. This is then the most important thing in our life : faith, which is in Christ Jesus. Faith in Jesus! Have you, have I, got it? We may be able to talk about Jesus, but, children, can we speak of Him through faith? Can we speak of Jesus from the principle of a certain knowledge of Him worked or born in our heart by the Holy Ghost through the gospel? Such knowledge alone is the true faith which is a gift of God which was also the very blessing that Peter and John had received freely from the Lord Jesus, without money and without price. Therefore, Peter said to a poor lame man “Look on us.” Acts 3:4.”

When Peter and John went up together to church or into the temple there lay a lame man at the gate. That poor cripple man had to be carried about by other kind and abled men. Children, are you ready and willing ever to cheerfully help poor lame and crippled children ? Not only one time, nor only one day, but every day, daily?”

While that lame man lay there helpless he looked up at Peter and John and asked them for an alms, a small gift of money to help him get along in this world. Peter and John then stood still and looked down at that poor lame man while he in turn looked up unto them with a pleading look in his eyes and with a hope in his heart and mind that they might give him some money. But, although the lame man was looking at Peter and John expectantly, yet, Peter and John looked upon him in pity and compassion, and Peter said to him “Look on us.””

The lame man was to look upon both Peter and John because they both spoke in the name of Jesus. He had to fasten his eyes and mind and attention upon them because they had a special, a divine message, a divine gift to impart and give unto him. They had neither silver nor gold, nor any other material thing or substance to give him, “but such as I have give I thee,” said Peter. Now, what did Peter have to give? Health and cure! A miracle! A wonder! A most unnatural thing! Strength to his affected limbs so that he was enabled to leap, stand, and walk. That was something he never could do before because he was born lame. And so are we! Therefore, we too must be lifted up by the mighty hand of God through Jesus. Search the Holy Scriptures they teach us this truth plainly.”

We need the power of the Holy Ghost to lead us into a proper knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures: and to make us wise unto salvation, through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. That is why Peter said “Look on us.” He was ready to give what he had received of Jesus and when he had given what he had received did Peter become poorer or richer? He became richer in Jesus because now he and John had a third person to enter into the temple with to praise and magnify the Lord of hosts. This was another trophy added unto the crown of victory. That poor lame man was now a most happy and blessed man in Jesus, for it was through faith in Jesus that he was raised up and healed.”

So it is for you and for me, dear friends, we lay as the lame man, spiritually dead in our soul. Born this way; and in need of the power of Jesus of Nazareth to be revealed and applied unto our soul, by the Holy Ghost, through the preaching of the glorious gospel.”

What a wonder that was! Is it a wonder to you dear child? May you, may I, be found and numbered among all the people that ran together unto Peter and John, greatly wondering. Are you indeed marveling at such a great miracle? Peter didn’t do it; John didn’t do it; they had no power nor holiness in themselves to perform such wonders upon that helpless man.”

Who, then, has that power? How, then, could Peter and John perform such a wonder? Read it for yourselves, dear friends, in the third chapter of The Acts of the Apostles, from the twelfth to the twenty-sixth verse. And may the Holy Spirit lead you and me into a real knowledge of those truths and make us wise unto salvation.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's