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3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Because He hath appointed a day . . .” Acts 17:30, 31.”

You no doubt share with us a deep concern for the welfare of our beloved country and for the precious liberty with which it has been favored throughout all the years of its existence. Anything, therefore, which would harm our country or deprive us of our much coveted liberty must be opposed by us unitedly with promptness and determination.”

It is becoming increasingly evident that a grave danger is threatening our country from within. A generation is arising which consists of a great number who have no knowledge of religion and consequently no love or regard for the great American institution of religious liberty which has been our valued heritage up to thistime.”

As a result of this ignorance the Lord’s name is openly blasphemed, his holy day is desecrated, his holy Law ignored and openly disobeyed, his instituted Church ridiculed, and his sacred ordinances scorned by many. Although these things have taken place in every age and in every land, yet it may well give us great concern that in a nation such as ours, a CHRISTIAN nation, a growing disdain, disregard and even hatred toward all religion is in evidence, the same as is found in those nations who openly disavow all respect for God and religion.”

When we consider the fate of those nations who for a time submitted to the iron rule of ungodly dictators, we must also realize that these same dictators never would have obtained such power if it were not for the fact that a considerable number of the citizens of those countries had lost all regard for the Law of God and for His sacred institutions.”

We must not vainly imagine that this cannot happen here. That great God who is thus highly dishonored can also bring swift retribution upon us if we as a nation continue to depart from His Word and ways.”

In an endeavor to reassert the Truth as it is in Jesus we admonish all despisers of God’s Word and call upon them to turn from their evil ways to that God who has blessed us these many years and who can alone avert a worse national disaster than befel those other nations who forgot God.”

We hope that we may unitedly and earnestly seek the Lord’s blessing upon His glorious Word, that it may be to His honor and glory, to the welfare of our beloved country, and to the salvation of immortal souls.”



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 augustus 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 augustus 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's