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3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The regular collections for the church and for benevolence are accepted as a matter of course every Sunday, because everybody knows what the money is to be used for. Our people usually respond very well to special collections, too, because they have confidence in their Consistory’s judgment.

It is only proper, however, that thankful acknowledgment be made by organizations such as ours (The Inheritance Publishers) who benefit from these special collections. Moreover, it is also no more than proper that we let the church-members and friends know what is being done with the money they contribute.

The Banner of Truth has offered us the use of these columns for this purpose, and we accordingly take this means to thank every one of you for your part in enabling this organization to carry on its work.

Your money is used to print and mail out thousands of little sermons. We buy lists of names and addresses covering various parts of the country. These lists are used only once. Each one on the list receives a single copy of one of our booklets. Along with each sermon a card is enclosed which reads as follows:

“Herewith enclosed you will find a copy of one of our publications. It contains a serious and important message. If, after reading it, you wish to receive similar messages (without charge or obligation) as we publish them, please put your name and address in the space below, drop the card in the mail, and we will put your name on our mailing list.”

New lists are continually being obtained. At present we are covering the state of Georgia. Many of these cards are mailed back to us every week. The names and addresses of these people are then added to our regular mailing list, and they are mailed a copy of every new booklet as published.

We have been doing this now for over 20 years. We have lost count of the number of booklets mailed out during this time, but it numbers many thousands. Thus the regular mailing list (consisting of people who have sent in those cards) has grown to almost 5,000 names.

We try to mail these people a new sermon each month, that is, 60,000 sermons per year. This group of 5,000 people, living in all parts of the country, constitutes our regular readers. There are many ministers among them, too, and they are particularly anxious to get the sermons regularly. We mailed two copies in error last month to one of them, and he wrote us about it. But he wanted us to make sure that we would keep his correct address on our list, so he wouldn’t miss a single copy!

It is evident from this brief description of our work that it takes a lot of money, in fact, an ever increasing amount of money, because we certainly do not want to disappoint our readers or discourage them from reading this type of literature. Nor do we want to reduce the number of booklets and letters mailed out to the various lists which are available to us. The responses from Georgia are very satisfactory, in line with increasing evidence that the demand for this type of sermon is becoming greater, undoubtedly due to the stress of the times.

We reassert our pledge to employ the money entrusted to us to the best possible advantage, so we can reach the greatest number of people and bring them the great message of salvation as often as possible.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 april 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 april 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's