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6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

(No. 65)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

September 21, 1948

Beloved Congregation:

I WISH at this time to write a little concerning the grounds upon which the work of God, which is glorified in the elect sinner, is attributed to God the Son.

The work of redemption is very clearly ascribed to Christ. As God He preserves life in Himself. In John 5:26 the Lord Jesus Himself declares: “For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” In other words, it has been given Him from the Father to possess the independent Divine life in Himself and this Sonship is the ground or reason why Christ could be a life-giving Mediator.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live.” Christ declares here with a double verily that it is His own work to quicken dead sinners. No one upon earth was ever able to do this. The magicians of Egypt by means of their enchantments were able to change water into blood and bring locusts over the whole land but they were completely baffled when they were to change dust into lice. When it came to the creation of life they had to testify: “This is the finger of God.” Even the highly privileged Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 3:6: “I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”

Sometimes we are able to make such an ado that a person’s emotions are stirred up but Christ makes dead sinners alive. Divine omnipotence is necessary for that. Since Christ is the eternal Son of God His voice is mighty and powerful. As soon as He speaks to a sinner his sinful course is halted, the covering of his nakedness is taken away, and the house of his own righteousness is laid in ruins. We may see this in the examples given us in God’s Word.

Let me cite the familiar example of Manasseh from the Old Testament. What a pious bringing up must he have had from his early youth! Who will doubt that Hezekiah warned, admonished, and shed many tears over his son whom he had received as a miracle from God’s hand. He was twelve years old when his Godfearing father died but his heart was not broken under all the earnest admonitions. He reigned fifty-five years as king of Judah. Notwithstanding the many warnings which God had given him by means of the prophets repeatedly sent to him, he hardened his heart still. To what a length did Hezekiah’s son go! We find him finally in prison, in the dungeon. How long he was there we cannot say but we do know that Manasseh of himself would never have been humbled under the heaviest and deepest afflictions. God in His own time, however, came into the dungeon Himself, and that settled the matter. The result was that Manasseh prayed earnestly to God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God. Only the almighty power of God can break the heart and bring us upon our knees.

In the New Testament we read of a Saul of Tarsus who stood upon the highest pinnacle of self righteousness. If there ever was one who in his own opinion was converted, it was he. He had already done so much good that undoubtedly heaven in his own estimation was already secure.

He was a real Pharisee and he would certainly have entered eternity in this condition had it not been for the fact that he was a chosen vessel unto God. Christ appeared to him on the way to Damascus, spoke to him, and he fell immediately upon the ground as a guilty one before God. Now he felt himself lost, eternally lost. Now he saw that he was an enemy of God. Never before in his life was he afraid like now. With all his learning he was ignorant of God but yet he felt that now he had come to the point that he must reckon with God. With all his self-willed religion he had never sought to do God’s will. It is likely that for years he stood upon the street corners muttering words, but never once prayed to God in truth. It was in the street called “Straight” that he prayed sincerely for the first time. Friends, God Himself must teach us how to pray.

As soon as God magnified His almighty and sovereign grace in Saul he cried out “Who art Thou Lord?” “What wilt Thou have me to do?” The lion has become a lamb. It became a hopeless case for him but God took him up in that covenant which is immovable. O how precious and glorious is God’s work.

Now this Divine work must be glorified in us also shall it be well with us for the great eternity. Alas, in our days there is scarcely any more knowledge of this. A generation has arisen which does not realize what true conversion is. They think they are converted but they will have nothing of the doctrine that something must take place in one’s own life before one is converted. And they to whom these truths are presented are for the most part like Gallio who “cared for none of these things.” O that there might come an awakening out of the sleep of death! Friends, it is necessary for a time to come in our lives when God shall speak to us, when we shall lose out before God, and when we as poor penitents and beggars shall come to a throne of grace to seek and find salvation only in Christ Jesus.

Children, seek the Lord in your early youth. Boys and girls, forsake the evil and live. Think of the things that pertain to your everlasting peace. Young and old, make good use of your time because bye and bye there will be no more time. If we have knowledge of these things, acknowledge God for them. May it ever become for you a greater and greater divine wonder.

Hearty greetings to all,

Your well-wishing minister,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juli 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juli 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's