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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

(No. 84)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

February 24, 1949

Beloved Congregation:

AGAIN I pick up my pen to resume my subject. I hope it may be a means in God’s hand to enlighten those that sit in darkness, to strengthen wavering souls, but also to assure established souls more and more of the work of grace once wrought by God in their hearts.

The previous time I wrote about the love to God and the love to our neighbor as marks of those who were truly regenerated to a lively hope. At this time I want to say something about the love to Christ which becomes manifest in those to whom the life of grace has been imparted.

Salvation has the Most High God for its ultimate end. See Psalm 68:20, “He that is our God, is the God of salvation.” However, without hesitation we may call Christ the central point of salvation. He forms the central point of the entire revelation of God. In eternity God the Father appointed him as such, in the Council of Peace. In time he was the substance of the promise. All the prophets testified of him. But in the fulness of time, too, he was the central point; then God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. And in the time of love he becomes such in the hearts of his saints. The Holy Spirit regenerates the elect sinner, and he convinces him of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, but also glorifies Christ.

The Spirit of judgment and of burning makes room for that Mediator, seeing there is no room for him while we are in our natural state. “What shall I do with Jesus?” This was the embarrassed cry of Pilate, and by nature it is no different with us. If we have never become acquainted with our original and actual guilt out of the law of God; if we never came in contact with the curse of the Divine law, nor the sentence of condemnation which has been passed upon us, how will our hearts ever be drawn to that Mediator of the Covenant? If we have never become Adam in the sight of God we have no need for Christ.

O it is so necessary to become acquainted in our own personal life with the unimpeachable justice and spotless holiness of God, and with our absolute inability to satisfy that Divine justice. Else how shall that question ever arise in our hearts: “Is there no way by which we may escape that condign punishment, and be again received into favor?”

In Matthew 16 Peter was privileged to testify so gloriously of the Christ, but how had he attained to that knoweldge? “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven,” was the answer of Christ. By ourselves, or by virtue of our education we do not come to this knowledge. So often I have pointed out to you that no one is so hidden and concealed as Christ.

Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. Christ is revealed to lost sinners. 0 what a blessed moment it is, when God reveals his Son in us, and when we become united to him by faith. That revelation creates a void in our hearts, it causes our needs to be felt, but also brings love with it. “Unto you, therefore which believe he is precious.” The convinced and discovered sinner begins to feel the absolute need for that blessed Person. “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” Without Christ they cannot stand before God. Without Christ there is no forgiveness of their iniquities. Without Christ there is no reinstatement into the favor and fellowship of God. Without Christ they cannot approach to God nor find access to God.

He is our peace. By him the saints are reconciled and united to God. He is their wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and complete redemption. He is all and in all. “God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” “The love of Christ,” Paul declares in Eph. 3:19, “passetti knowledge.”

If we are not a stranger to that love there is also found within us a deep regard for Christ. If a person loves someone in natural life then he regards, values and prizes him highly. It is the same here. Jesus occupies the highest place in the heart. He is valued higher than everything else on this earth. Such souls declare with Asaph : “Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee.” He is that pearl of great price, for which all is sold in order to obtain it. They will sacrifice everything for it.

Because of that love they also have an insatiable desire after fellowship with Christ. When you love someone you seek all possible ways and means to meet that person and enjoy his company. O how often you greatly desire to be in the presence of the one you love! In the same way the quickened soul eagerly longs for the presence of Christ. There is nothing on this earth that can satisfy his heart. “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God,” Psalm 42:1. “My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee,” Psalm 63:1. “My soul longeth, yea even fainteth,” Psalm 84:2. It was an inexpressibly great delight to the disciples to be with Christ every day. It was most grevious when they had to miss him. O, what tears were then shed! Christ had foretold it in Matth. 9:15.

Again I shall have to break off, but I hope to refer to this again in my next letter.

Accept my hearty greetings.

Your minister,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juli 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juli 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's