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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Sioux Center, Iowa

Nov. 5, 1952

Dear Friends,

Through the goodness of God we are all well, and hope that all those who read the Banner of Truth, here in this country and our soldiers overseas, may also be able to say the same.

According to the daily papers, severe fighting has been going on in Korea the last few weeks. O, that the Lord may grant us a prayer for the boys in service, and that we may remember those that are wounded, lying in hospitals far away from home. Oh boys, that you may realize that you are still living in the time of Grace.

The Lord is continuing with His judgments upon the earth, and there is no humiliation for the Word of God. There is much sorrow and grief in our present day, but the Lord still bestows his blessings upon us, which we have experienced again this past week.

Through the Lord’s goodness, we were again blessed with a well born child, whom we have named Benjamin Lee. Sunday morning, Oct. 26, at nine o’clock I took my wife to the hospital, and at ten-thirty the child was already born.

It was the Lord’s Day and we had to serve the Lord’s Supper in our congregation. When I left the church and went to the hospital and was informed of the birth of a child and that my wife was well, Oh, then I felt something of the Lord’s goodness and that He alone is worthy of all honor and thanksgiving. But, oh friends, then I stood with empty hands, God’s goodness was so great over us. He sustained my wife in the birth of a 9 lb. baby boy.

I am placing this in the Banner of Truth because we are not sending any cards, as we forgot some friends when our last son was born. By this means I inform both friends and readers. May the Lord restore health and strength unto my dear wife.

Some of our readers will say, “They now have six children.” Yes, indeed, we have six and would not want to miss one of them. Our children are healthy and eat well, and I would sooner pay the baker than the doctor. We may rejoice in the Lord’s blessings.

Some will say, “How foolish to have so many children. We do not want so many because they cost too much.” Yes friends, in such a shameless manner childbirth is discussed, and all means are being taken to work against it. No, my friends, we need not go outside our own congregations. O, what shall it be to appear as a murderer before God! What a terrible thought to trample down the blessings of having children.

But may there be a prayer that our children might understand something of God’s Grace. Benjamin signifies “son of the right hand.” Oh, that he may receive grace out of God’s right hand, is our wish and prayer.

Boys and girls, we will have to be converted. Are you leaving this old year again in an unconverted state? The year 1952 is almost gone, and oh, may the seriousness of death and eternity be bound upon your soul.

Before long it will be Christmas again, and many will rejoice in having a Christmas tree. Poor people, with a Christmas tree that originated from the heathens; and if we continue thus, we will be lost forever. O, you may say, it isn’t that bad. Friends, when we have a Christmas tree we show that there is no place for Jesus Christ in our homes. Where Jesus is, there is no tree with artificial light, but He is the true light.

I also warn you for hypocrisy, and what do I mean by this? It is, my friends, to be against a Christmas tree in your conversation—but when the minister or an elder comes to your home, then the tree must quickly be moved to another room, which I have experienced already in some places, and afterwards the tree is taken back to its place. And then to say, I am against a Christmas tree. That my friends is, what I call, hypocrisy.

The hypocrites are many in our days, but for us the question should be: what are we? Have you become a hypocrite before God? A sinner before a Holy God? It is my wish that you may leave the old year in that state, then you can expect a blessed 1953.

Your unthankful friend amidst all blessings,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 december 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's