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The Social Security Law did not include selfexisting farmers before the year 1955. Since that year it has changed and farmers are also subject to this law. Many farmers have Biblical and conscientious objections against the new amendment of the law. Consistories and Classis West has considered the complaints of farmers and have come to the decision that something should be done to get conscientious objectors free from this amendment. Here follows a letter which has been sent to some senators and representatives of our government at Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

We, the undersigned, have received the “1954 Amendment to the Social Security Law.” According to this amendment, all farm operators who farm for themselves, are brought under this law and are constrained to pay three per cent of their earnings yearly with their income tax return.

We wish to bring to your attention that many farmers have Biblical and conscientious objections against this law, and especially those who are members of the Netherland Reformed Congregations in the United States of America. In the extension of this Social Security law more and more, we see ourselves deprived of our religious liberties which are warranted by the Constitution of our country.

According to the Word of God and the Doctrinal Standards of our Church, we do not favor this kind of insurance system, but hope to trust in God and come in prayer with all our needs to Him, Who also has instituted the office of deacons in His Church, who are called of God to care for the destitute and needy (Acts 6). By the grace of God, we, as sincere citizens of our country, hope to practise what our fathers have inscribed in our silver dollar: “In God we trust.”

Dear Sir, will you please take this into earnest consideration and use the necessary influences in the legislative body at Washington, so that farmers who have Biblical and conscientious objections against this Social Security amendment, may regain their liberty in this respect.

Considering what liberties some religious parties have received from our Government in some religious matters, we hope that we shall not be disappointed in this our sincere request.

At the same time we express our wish and hope that our Government shall not extend this Social Security tax to ministers of the Gospel, and other professional persons.

Receive our kindest regards, and may it please God to employ your efforts unto the natural and spiritual welfare of our conntry.

Very Truly yours,

Signed by the representatives of the

Netherland Reformed Church in the

United States

Rev. J. Van Zweden

Rev. C. Hegeman

Rev. A. Vergunst.

A few answers from Iowa senators have come in, and are as follows:

Dear Sirs:

I have your letter of July 26 in reference to the 1954 amendment to the Social Security law which extended coverage to farm operators. I am taking careful note of the obligations which you have set forth in your letter.

Social Security legislation is under continuing study in appropriate committees in both the House and Senate. In order that these committees may have the benefit of the views in your letter, I am taking the liberty of forwarding your communication to those committees and am requesting that full consideration be given to those views in the hope that corrective measures may be taken to adjust those sections of the law which meet with the objections of the members of your congregations.

Dear Reverend Van Zweden:

Thank you very much for the letter dated July 26 and signed by you and two of your colleagues and forwarded to me here in Washington from Iowa City.

I appreciate your writing me and giving me the benefit of your views in regard to social security coverage. I am glad to have your letter available for reference whenever legislation on this issue again comes before Congress.

We hope, that wherever our congregations are found in different States of our country, letters will be sent to their senators and representatives at Washington. The Lord may incline the hearts so that farmers and others may be released from this insurance system. — Ed.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 september 1955

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 september 1955

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's