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XXIV Lord’s Day

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Q.—Why cannot our good works be the whole or part of our righteousness before God?

A.—Because that the righteousness, which can be approved of before the tribunal of God, must be absolutely perfect, and in all respects conformable to the divine law.

Q.—What other reasons can you assign?

A.—Also, that our best works in this life are all imperfect and defiled with sin.

Q.—What! do not our good works merit, which yet God will reward in this and a future life?

A.—This reward is not of merit, but of grace.

Q.—But does not this doctrine make men careless and profane?

A.—By no means.

Q.—Why not?

A.—For it is impossible that those, who are implanted into Christ by a true faith, should not bring forth fruits of thankfulness.

XXV Lord’s Day

Q.—Since we are made partakers of Christ and all His benefits, by faith only, whence does this faith proceed?

A.—From the Holy Ghost.

Q.—How does He produce it?

A.—He works faith in our hearts by the preaching of the gospel.

Q.—What does He do to our faith besides working it in our hearts?

A.—He confirms it.

Q.—By what does He confirm it?

A.—By the use of the sacraments.

Q.—What are the sacraments?

A.—The sacraments are holy visible signs and seals.

Q.—Whence do the sacraments derive their authority?

A.—They are appointed of God.

Q.—For what end were they appointed of God?

A.—For this end, that by the use thereof, He may the more fully declare and seal to us the promise of the gospel.

Q.—What is the promise of the gospel which He thus declares and seals?

A.—That He grants us freely the remission of sins and life eternal.

Q.—For the sake of what does He grant us these things?

A.—For the sake of that one sacrifice of Christ, accomplished on the cross.

Q.—Are then both word and sacraments ordained and appointed for this end, that they may direct our faith to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, as the only ground for our salvation?

A.—Yes, indeed.

Q.—How is the end referred to, accomplished by the word?

A.—The Holy Ghost teaches us in the gospel, that the whole of our salvation depends upon that one sacrifice of Christ, which He offered for us on the cross.

Q.—How is it accomplished by the sacraments?

A.—The Holy Ghost assures us by the sacraments, of the same truth in reference to our salvation, which He teaches us by the gospel.

Q.—How many sacraments are there?


Q.—What are they?

A.—Holy baptism, and the holy supper.

(To be continued)

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 maart 1956

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 maart 1956

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's