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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten


It is cheering to find, from accounts which arc recorded from time to time, that there are many even in the present day who are led by the Spirit of God to make the same choice as those did which are recorded in the Scriptures of Truth. Take, for instance, the following interesting account of a youth who was brought up to regularly attend the Bible-class. Whilst there, he was fortunate in having for a teacher a godly man, who was kind and affectionate, and very desirous of being the instrument of God in leading him in “the way of peace.” But every effort the good man put forth George treated with indifference and disregard. In the class he was exceedingly troublesome, and delighted in pinching and tantalizing the other boys. All this, though trying, did not discourage the teacher, but evoked his sympathy and zeal. On one occasion George was so incorrigible that the teacher had to remove him lower down the class, away from the rest of the scholars. This so enraged him, that he sprang to his feet, and defiantly shook his fist at the teacher.

Time rolled on, and George was removed, with his parents, to one of the principal manufacturing towns in England; but previous to his departure his teacher presented him with a Bible, in which was written these words: “Use it, and not abuse it.” For a short time he did read it, but good impressions soon vanished, like the early dew, so that he frequently spent his Sabbaths in visiting public parks, etc. However, it so happened that, after a little more than a year, he with his parents returned to their native place. The first to welcome him was his old devoted teacher, who spoke kindly to him, and hoped he would resume his place in the class on the following Sunday. Being struck with such undeserved kindness, he acceded to his teacher’s importunate request; and now things went on rather smoother than before, and at last the teacher persuaded him to attend the week-night prayer-meeting. The first song sung was —

“When Thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come
To fetch Thy ransomed people home,
Shall I among them stand?
Shall such a worthless worm as I,
Who sometimes am afraid to die,
Be found at Thy right hand?”

The Holy Spirit used these words as an arrow of conviction to George’s soul. He fell, guilty and helpless, before the Lord. The storm-clouds of divine vengeance seemed to threaten him with sudden destruction. He continued in this terrible state of mind for eighteen long, dreary months, during which time it would be impossible to relate what he suffered in his mind. At length the Lord answered his many earnest prayers, and set his soul at liberty by the application of these words: “Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord is mercy and plenteous redemption” (Ps. 130:7). He was now enabled to rely upon the merits and death of Jesus Christ for salvation, and was filled with joy and peace in believing. “ The teacher, who had observed the change, and had often spoken words of consolation, now solicited some account of the Lord’s dealing with him, which rejoiced his soul greatly; for he found his former pupil was now like one of old, sitting clothed, and in his right mind, at the feet of Christ.

Some years ago, a minister used to carry about with him a little book containing three leaves. The first was a black one, which set forth the appearance of a sinner in the sight of God. The next leaf was a red one, which signified that nothing but the blood of Christ could hide a black sinner. The third leaf was a white one, which clearly set forth how a sinner, through the covering of Christ’s righteousness, appears before God, purer than the driven snow.

George now knew, by sweet experience, what was signified by these three leaves; and he desired to show the effects of it in his life. He therefore became a zealous teacher in the Bible-class, and was greatly beloved by all. He could never render God sufficient praise that he should have been thus brought from darkness to Tight and from the kingdom of Satan to that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus it is evident that it is not well with any person young or old, either in this world or the next, who chooses to walk in the ways of their sinful heart, and in the sight of their eyes, know ing that for all these things God will bring them into judgment. But with those born as a babe in Zion, and who have the Lord Jesus as their Guide and Redeemer, it is well, for they have not only the promise of the life that now is, but also of that which is to come.

“In every state secure,
Kept as Jehovah’s eye,
‘Tis well with them while life endures
And well when called to die.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 december 1960

The Banner of Truth | 12 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 december 1960

The Banner of Truth | 12 Pagina's