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How far may the prevailing deficiency in spirituality be traced to the influence of lax views of Divine truth among professedly orthodox Christians, and to the existence of alarming errors, which, like a flood, threaten to sweep away the ancient landmarks of Gospel truth? That such a dearth of spirituality does exist — traced in the pulpit, on the platform, from the press, and in the social intercourse of Christians, cannot be doubted: the only question is, to what are we to refer it as a cause? We unhesitatingly reply, to a defective theology, to false doctrine, to low and lax views of God’s revealed truth. Declension in spirituality has ever foliowed a departure from the purity of the faith. Look at the reformed churches on the continent of Europe; they departed from the pure doctrines of the Reformation, and what and where are they now? Scattered, many of them, to the winds — torn up by the roots; abandoned to the withering influence of an infidel new doctrine and false religion. It is true, the sun of the Reformation appears in some parts of the land of Calvin and Luther to be emerging from its long and deep obscuration, inspiring hopes of the revival of a more pure and spiritual Christianity. And to what are these favorable symptoms to be traced, save to a return of some of the churches and pastors to the pure doctrines of the Reformation? — doctrines which Luther boldly preached, on which Calvin powerfully wrote, and for which Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer went fearlessly to the stake. It is much to be feared, that if the reformed churches of England and of America return not soon to a purer and a more spiritual theology, they will smite upon the rocks on which the Continental churches have so sadly made shipwreck of faith. To descend to particulars:

Is there not in the present day a criminal keeping back by some, and a painful undervaluing by others, of the scriptural and holy doctrines of grace? The doctrines which unfold the eternity of God’s love to His people — the sovereignty of His grace in their election — the effectual power of the Spirit in their calling — the free justification of their persons through the imputed righteousness of Christ, and the entire putting away of their sins by His atoning blood — the solemn obligation to “live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present evil world,” and the certainty of their final glorification in the world to come — are not these Divinely-revealed truths, at the present moment ,and by the great mass of Christian professors and preachers, excluded from our pulpits and exiled from our land? Are they not considered mean and unfashionable? and, having lost their savour with the many, are they not cast out and trodden under foot of men? We verily and solemnly believe that it is so. By some they are professedly received, but criminally held back; by others they are professedly preached, but with such timidity and obscurity, as to render them of none effect; and by the many they are disbelieved altogether, and therefore openly and boldly denied! And yet, these are the doctrines which formed the grand themes of Christian ministration — and these are the doctrines, to the preaching of which by the reformers we owe all the civil and religious liberty which, as a nation, we now possess. We hesitate not, then, to say that, along with the denial or the undervaluing of these doctrines of grace there wil go forth an influence that will wither the spirituality and obstruct the prosperity of the churches of our land. It is true, an outward appearance of fruitfulness may follow the exhibition of opposite and conflicting doctrines — crowds may flock to their Standard, and multitudes seem converted by their influence — but soon these delusive appearances are seen to pass away. The time of trial and of sifting comes, and then it is found — when, alas! too late to close the floodgate against the overwhelming evils which the preaching of error has produced — that the truth, and the truth only, in the hands of the Eternal Spirit of God, can really enlighten the dark mind, regenerate the lifeless soul, and subdue and sanctify the rebellious heart: it is then discovered that the true prosperity of a church, its stability, its spirituality, its vigor, and its holy influence, are essentially, and therefore inseparably, connected with a fearless and holy maintenance of the doctrines of grace; that where they are denied, or held back, or in any way obscured, there may indeed exist the form of godliness, but the power — the glorious, Divine and sanctifying power — is wanting. The preaching of false doctrine may build up a church composed of “wood, hay, stubble” but the preaching of truth alone can rear a church composed of “gold, silver, precious stones.” And the day is apprcaching, when “every man’s work shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it, becaus? it shall be revealcd by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.” 1 Cor. 3:13.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1961

The Banner of Truth | 12 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1961

The Banner of Truth | 12 Pagina's