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7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“For I delight in the law of God after the inward man.” — Romans 7:22

When we have learned to know a little of the secret of being delivered from the law, it does not give us permission to lead a sinful life. Our people sometimes speak very strangely about the law. It is then clearly revealed that man wants to do away with the demands of the law. Then men say: God’s people are not under the law, but under grace, and are how at liberty. This is true from God’s side for all His people, but it is an abomination in the sight of God when man is led away from this, thinking to have liberty to sin all they want to. Oh, all those who oppose the law have not died out yet. But these spirits were also very busy in the Congregation at Rome. These people say: We have nothing to do with sin, because the Lord Testis has paid for us; and we have nothing to do with the law either, for this Jesus has also fulfilled. But listen to what the Apostle Paul has to say to these people, Rom. 6:1: “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid!”

It is free grace in our life if, by the discovering light of the Holy Spirit, the law may discover to us who and what we are as a lost sinner. It is only grace if we receive an eye to see that we cannot be justified by the deeds of the law. Oh, what a fortunate time in the life of God’s people when they may cry out, I have lost God! They cannot exist before God; although they have received an eye to look away from themselves, upon Him, Who hath given Himself to take away the curse of the law for His Church. And still, in their own feelings, it continually becomes more impossible. First having spoken, and given a testimony of the love of God, but now to have to go guilty upon the earth! Oh, what shall the end be? Shall they be revealed as a hypocrite? If you ask me where you must come, then I must tell you, to the end of the law. Yes, to the end of the law, viz., Christ. The comfort does not lie in our emotional frames, but in Christ.

But now there is yet another side to the law, and that lies in sanctification. Yes, the law stays. Although those who are in Christ are delivered from the law, yet they are not loose of the law. Then they are placed in a different relationship to the law; then the law becomes for them a rule of life, and a way of direction. The Lord Jesus then also testifies: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill,” Matthew 5:17. For the sinner the law is a curse, but for the true believers it is a direction unto sanctification. If we are driven by the schoolmaster, the law pursues us, but if we are delivered through Christ, then the law is for us. When the law pursues us, then we cannot speak of a glorious delight in the law. Then the law testifies against us, the man of iron gives no relief. Therefore this experience is called, a being “under the law.” In that time it was a servitude under the law in the oldness of the letter, but being delivered, it becomes an evangelical sighing. Previous to this, God’s people think they have to serve God in order to obtain salvation. And now they experience, through the free grace of God, that they receive salvation to serve the Lord. Therefore Paul says: “For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God,” Gal. 2:19. Previously it was, the chastisement of the law drives us; and now, the love of Christ presses us. Oh, no, being delivered from the law does not mean that the law is made void. Again Paul testifies: “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law,” Rom. 3:31. Yes, now the law first receives its rights. Christ, the end of the law, is made unto us “wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption,” which tells us, a child of God, who is ingrafted in Him as a member, has a true desire and prayer to live to the honor of God, in God’s strength. Oh, how that people is then brought low in the dust! What an eternal wonder it then becomes if they will ever get to heaven! They look forward to the time that they may learn to know, and make usage of Christ in all His offices by faith.

It becomes more impossible all the time, and it continually becomes a greater wonder to them if they experience this. But Oh, people of God, you will not always be in oppression. For they learn to see more and more that it is without man, and it is only in Christ that they meet the Father, and only in. Him a usage to fulfill the commandments of the Lord. Wonderful relation: ship between law and gospel! If we out of free grace feel the power of the law, then we flee to the gospel, and if we experience the power of the gospel, then the people of God receive a delight in the law of God. Have you learned to know your misery out of the law of God in truth? Have you become a guilty and condemnable sinner before God? There are so many in these days that will not hear of the preaching of the law, who are rich in their own eyes. Oh, poor fellow-travelers to eternity, do not refuse to listen to the law of God! There was a time that the people of Judah had forgotten the law; they had so completely forgotten it, that they didn’t even know the contents of it any more. Oh, we have also lost the law! We dp not grieve over it, but how fortunate we are if we may find it like the priest, Hilkiah.

We may strive for the English or Dutch language, but know this, if we do not find our misery, neither will we find Christ. Our forefathers used to testify, there must be made room in our hearts for the Lord Jesus. So the law makes place for the richness of the gospel. Are there some who are sorrowing about their misery? Does it fill you with sorrow that you have lost God? We have not fallen sick in paradise, but we have fallen dead! Yes, I hear someone say, I am sighing under the law, for it has become a mirror to me. Oh, that it also may become my delight! Do not seek it in the law then. If you are walking under the judgment upon earth you will continually feel the curse. Do not seek it in pleasant frames, and think that you will become better, but hope on the grace of God. Only in Jesus is there salvation. God’s people learn to see that the preaching of the law is very necessary. It is necessary in leading to a prayerful life, but also a life of self-examination. Common convictions can go so far. Those sighing people hardly dare to use that big word, sanctification. But still I hear them sigh, those few who are God’s people, in Holland, America, and Canada, yes, also in Africa, the words of the Psalmist:

Unto me, O Lord Jehovah,
Show Thy ways and teach Thou me;
So that, by Thy Spirit guided,
Clearly I Thy paths may see.

But, people of God, there will come a time when the preaching of the law will cease. Then there will be an end to all strife. Then you will never have to bow your guilty head before the law any more. And then Moses, the schoolmaster, will be the angel of peace, who is rejoicing with God’s people in heaven, and is one in Christ. When God’s people may experience this for a few moments, then it becomes true in their soul; Oh, eternity, come speedily! I wish, O Lord, that I was already with Thee!

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 september 1962

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 september 1962

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's