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2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The doctrine of peculiar redemption should not be taken as a discouragement to weaken the hopes of any in their coming to Christ for salvation; any more than that “Many shall seek and shall not be able to enter,” should keep men from striving. On the contrary — which also was Christ’s intent in telling us so — it should quicken our diligence and speed in going to Him, lest the door be shut; which is certainly open while He calls. Suppose the worst: suppose, I say, that your interest in redemption were only as it is, general, that is, for temporal mercies, even that deserves all you can do, and more. What criminal is it, that lying at his prince’s mercy, would not think himself obliged to spend the time of his reprievement in his prince’s service? especially considering that even that service shall have its reward. But why will you shut out yourself? No man is namely exempted; and for any to exclude himself, is to sin against his own soul; and to be a second time guilty of destroying himself. Put it upon trial: you can lose nothing by venturing; but all without. Who can tell but your name may be writen on the High Priest’s breast-plate, as well as Reuben’s or Judah’s? Besides, you have no way to prove it, but by going to see; which never any in good earnest did, but they found it even so.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 februari 1966

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 februari 1966

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's