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Ascension Day Meditation

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Ascension Day Meditation

9 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Everywhere, the glorious event of Christ’s ascension is being commemorated and the attention of the church is being centered upon the history of that memorable day. But, beloved, to each of us comes the personal question: has this day ever had more than a historical meaning for us? How many are there in our midst that have never known the real meaning of this day in their hearts? They, that still possess some knowledge of the Word of God in its literal sense, know that Christ was born in Bethlehem, that He lived upon this earth, that He died on Good Friday, that He arose from the dead on Easter morning and that forty days later He ascended from the Mount of Olives. Further than that, however, they do not understand nor are they impressed with the real meaning of those events. O, what an appalling condition this is.

Millions are deprived of that glorious gospel. They live from day to day and die without ever having heard of that only name given under heaven whereby we can be saved. What makes us to differ from the poor and blind heathen who have never heard the joyful sound of the gospel, or from the obstinate Jews who willfully rejected Christ and now roam the world, as it were, with a veil upon their faces?

O, how we ought to be impressed by the greatness of God’s concern in our behalf, also when we consider the great number of people that willfully withdraw themselves from the true gospel and others that embrace a doctrine of lies which shall lead them to endless perdition. Also among us there are those that even as Gallio, care for none of those things. The frequent preaching of the pure gospel leaves them cold. Either the world rules their heart or they harden their heart through the evils of sin.

Fathers and mothers, boys and girls, children, consider that many have gone to hell whom you knew and as yet God has spared your lives. Should you not consider it a great wonder that God is yet so long suffering in bearing with you and sparing you? O, why has not God severed the thread of life as He could have done in His eternal justice? We have deserved nothing else and we have no longer a right to tread this earth for even one more hour. Let each one of us deem it a great wonder that God has yet caused us to differ from those that have fallen into eternal perdition. God still sends you warnings and the day of grace is not yet come to an end. In Adam, our covenant head, we all have separated ourselves from God and have made ourselves subject to death. If God were to abandon us to ourselves and let us go, we would have no right to object. But God is yet so condescending in His goodness that He causes pardon to be proclaimed from heaven unto death and hell-worthy sinners. You are yet being told that there is still escape for the greatest of sinners.

Do not cast all warnings from you, do not break every restraint. It is still the day of grace, the doors of heaven are still open. Do not think it to be without purpose that God causes His Word to be preached. O no, it is a great favor that He still bestows upon us. The preaching of the Word is not a Mediator. Only Christ is the Mediator, but in the hands of God, the Word is a means to the salvation of sinners.

O, that the God of all grace would use that Word to that end in this hour. That for many it would be as a fire and as a hammer to break hard and stony hearts. That many, that are miserable and hellworthy in themselves, would be brought to the feet of Christ whereas He is the origin of eternal salvation for all that believe in Him. In God’s Name we say unto you young people, and to you poor unconverted fellow traveler to the great eternity: “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little.” Psalm 2:12. That Christ, Who was so deeply humble but is now crowned with honor and glory, shall one day come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. You shall in that day stand before Him to give an accounting.

Now He is still a merciful King to them that call upon Him in truth. Now He is still willing to save you from the wrath of God. But if you refuse to hearken; if you reject Him through unbelief, He shall surely condemn you and cast you out in outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Christ’s ascension into heaven was preceded by a descent into hell. It is essential that there be a personal experience of that in our life. Let each one of us bear in mind that our tears and frames cannot carry us to heaven. So many people consider themselves well off on the basis of a historical faith when the work of God has never been glorified in their soul.

Others build their hope for eternity upon their experiences that are the result of common convictions, and in the last day it shall all prove to have been without ground or basis. Also in this hour we say that there is no other foundation upon which we can have peace with God and upon which we can die in peace than Christ Jesus. That foundation, that eternal foundation shall not be moved, now, nor in the day of eternity. Only that foundation shall stand. Only upon that foundation shall our soul be able to rest and shall we be able to lay our heads and not be put to shame.

O, do not deceive your soul. Can you tell with all honesty where God began His work in you? Where were you a lost man or woman before God? When did you love God’s virtues more than your own life? Where was Christ revealed in you as the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes? When was it Good Friday for you, on which you died with Christ but also arose with Him and by faith embraced the atonement with God?

When the day of eternity dawns, words and confessions shall fall by the way. In that day the all important matter shall be whether or not we possess something that God taught us. For Christ too, there was once a Good Friday. He suffered the torments of hell, and had to die before there could be an ascension to heaven.

O, how necessary is the work of converting grace in our lives, but also to despair of self, and of all things outside of Christ, to find our life only in Him. By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified before God, but only by faith in Christ Jesus.

O, that the people of God, whom He drew out of the world and sin, might be wrought upon by His Spirit, to the end that they might enjoy a conscious restoration to communion with God through Christ.

Seek not an earthy Kingdom. How many souls there are that live from year to year burdened by the judgment of the law, the demands of God’s justice and of his virtues and condemnation by their conscience without finding a solution to the problem within their soul. And although they get a glimpse of Him Whom the Father sent, and take pleasure in His work, and agree with God’s justice yet with it all they have not been cut off from the old trunk. O, that God would yet continue His work and cause it to advance that Zion would be redeemed by justice.

Are there yet people in our midst that long for that day when the shadows shall flee away and the driver shall cease? O, that the year of your liberation would soon dawn upon you. What a great event it would be if the handwriting of your sin was blotted out, and your soul would experience a homecoming in God. Then you would know the love of Christ which passes all understanding. Yea, you would count it your highest joy to honor and praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. People of God, the day of Christ’s ascension was His day of joy and the day of the gladness of his heart. O, that also your soul might rejoice in God on this day.

To you, hell is closed and heaven is open. May you have much employment for the Lord Jesus. He is on the right hand of the Father for your interest. Go to Him freely with all your burdens, sorrows, guilt and sin. May He lighten your burden and fill your heart and your mouth with His joy and praises. That His Spirit, Whom He sent from heaven into your heart, may teach and comfort you. Christ promised to send that Spirit at the time of His ascension to heaven.

In conclusion, remember that the Lord Jesus has gone before you. His admission into heaven is the guarantee that you, too, shall one day be admitted. One day, when we shall have served the full counsel of God concerning us, we shall hear the voice of that elder Brother say to us: “Come in, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

O, that we may be heavenly minded and that our souls may look forward with a great desire and a joyful hope to that day of our coronation; to that day of our triumph. From that day on we shall praise His Name for ever and ever. Amen.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1967

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's

Ascension Day Meditation

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1967

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's