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“Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly” I Kings: 18: 3b

It was greatly that he feared the Lord. This is indeed a noble testimonial concerning him. For truly it was something great to fear the Lord with all his heart, at a time, and in a country, wherein the true worshippers of Jehovah were exposed to public scorn and derision. It was also something great to adhere faithfully to the Lord, when surrounded by persons bitterly prejudiced against real godliness, and by religious and political institutions set up in direct opposition to the true worship and service of Jehovah. To abide in the faith at a court where the god of this world had blinded the eyes of the powerful and had provided every possible temptation to follow the vicious fashions of the day — to keep himself unspotted from the world in a post of honor and responsibility, with the eyes of the public fixed upon him and all his prosperity depending on the favor of the king — to hold on his course in a situation in which he had frequently to communicate with the most profligate among the great — to fear God, not by halves, but fully — to be no time-server, but to serve the Lord and him alone — this was surely something great in Obadiah. But who then is to be praised for this? The great Obadiah? Far from it — To God and his omnipotent grace be all the glory!

Let this picture of Obadiah be held up to the consideration of those who are ready to object that their situation and circumstances prevent them from faithfully serving God. This wretched excuse has no other origin than the blindness and deceitfulness of the human heart. Under any circumstances, however favorable, true piety is not indebted to these, but to the grace of God alone; and those who seek and partake of this serve God in all situations; for what should hinder them? Did our objectors complain that they cannot serve God, because of the corruption of their own hearts, this were a complaint that we might listen to. But thus to complain of outward circumstances is a fearful sign of spiritual death. True Divine life in the soul has a fire in it that burns up this stubble of circumstances. There is a necessity in the case; a necessity which is not to be restrained or checked, much less overpowered, by worldly circumstances.

Excerpt from Elijah the Tishbite

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1968

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1968

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's