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“What doest thou here, Elijah? “ I Kings 19:9

“What doest thou here?” By an inquiry of this sort, divinely applied to the conscience, many a one has been shaken out of carnal security for the rest of his life. Painful indeed has been the experience of many a sinner when thus overtaken on the paths which lead to death. But this has sometimes ended in the most happy result; for men have thus, like the prodigal son, “come to themselves,” and returned to their Father’s house and found a happy welcome there. But we may be even associated with the children of God, and yet the same question may surprise and alarm the conscience: “What doest thou here?” -suggesting that we do not really belong to such society as we have mingled with, and may thus produce great distress and perplexity in the soul; leading it however to deep self-examination. It is also made the means of awakening sleepers in Zion who are hereby aroused to spiritual conflict; and the unwatchful and careless are prevented from going further astray. Thus it acts as a means of separating them more entirely from the spirit and ways of this vain world, and of attaching them more firmly to the service of the Lord Jesus. But, alas, how many among us are there, of whom, although they bear the christian name, it is not in the way of God! Oh that the Almighty may this day meet them with the inquiry, “What doest thou here?” may bring them to their right minds and guide them into that way of peace, which hitherto they have not known!

Excerpt from Elijah the Tishbite by F. W. Krummacher

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juni 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juni 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's