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2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Does your conscience condemn you because of your sin, which is only known to God and your own soul? Are there times that you are sorrowful because of the sin of your heart as well as of your actual sin, the sin of your negligence in prayer, reading, and communion with God, and confess that you are a beast before God?

Isn’t it a time of joy to you when your heart is overwhelmed because of your sin, when the Lord grants you to see them, and you no longer try to cover your sins, but confess them with liberty, and flee to the fullness that there is in Christ Jesus, for His reconciliation?

Have you times that your heart loves Jesus as King as well as Priest? Do you often call upon Him with a request that He will root out all things, which are not submissive to His will; and would it not be to your joy, that with power you were renewed to the image of God in knowledge, righteousness and holiness from day to day?

Do you find that you have an inward desire to all the commandments of the Lord, to see the beauty of them, and with an ardent desire to keep him; Does your soul have a sincere respect and love for the true children of God? If this is your condition, O, seek that your soul may no longer dwell in the uncertainty, but based upon God’s Holy word, place your condition sure; for the true marks of grace are in you, which flow from the change you have experienced.

The minister took as his text the words, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” He explained how God the Father gave His people unto His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and how He came and made an atonement for their sins. God the Father loves His Son and therefore He must love His people because they are in Christ. There are certainly sins in the heart of the believer but these sins are not unto death for the Lord Jesus Christ has taken away the sting of death. These sins have already been atoned for and therefore there is now no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 september 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 september 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's