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33 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

One of the many needy souls in Botswana

Botswana is a country in Southern Africa lying to the south of Rhodesia. Mr. J. Woerden of the Ebenezer Scripture Mission spent some time there. He wrote — “This barren land is larger than France, and has a population of 625,000, of which 5,000 are whites. Botswana is an independent republic with a democratic government. Great droughts, frequent famines, and poverty are not the only cause of misery. It is estimated that in some areas 95% of the children are illegitimate. Most girls reach the age of 14 years with one or more children. Approximately 15 denominations do mission work there, but the spiritual poverty and ignorance seem terrible. A great number of the people are nominal Christians, but the missionary, Patrick Johnstone, estimates that 99% of the population practice heathen religion. May the Lord have mercy upon that poor land.”


It is with sincere thanks that we again gratefully acknowledge the gifts received for the Timothy Mission Fund during the month of September. They amounted to a total of $50.00. May the Lord bless these gifts and cause them to serve to the extension of His Kingdom throughout the world. Disbursements made since the previous month’s report are: for Rev. Kuijt and the work in West Irian — $150.00; for Miss Ann Herfst and her work in Nigeria — $150.00; and for the support of the Bethlehem Mission in Baldwin, Michigan — $150.00. To all donors we relay the thanks of the recipients with the request that they may also be remembered in prayer at the Throne of Grace. The balance of this fund at the end of September amounted to $307.90. Gifts to the Timothy Mission Fund should be sent in care of Mr. Tom Stryd, P.O. Box 2182, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003.


Abakaliki, Nigeria

Dear Mission Friends,

Today, at mid-year, on our 11th wedding anniversary, we want to stop our work for a while and look back on the that has passed since our last letter. A year of toil and dness, but also a year of joy in the Lord, joy of what He does and gives, but also of sadness about the material and spiritual need and poverty around us, a year of encouragements and discouragements.

The following books have been translated and have also been checked by our consultant, Dr. K. Barnwell: Mark, Luke, John, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, 1 – 3 John, James.

We have made some changes since last year in the way we translate. Whereas at that time we translated separately for each of the three dialects, we now work according to the principle of “models.” Paul works at a book with a translator in onedialect only and this “model” translation then serves as example for the other two dialects which the translators try to follow as closely as possible. Only the deviations from the model have then to be discussed again. This new method has really been time-saving, so much so that we can still have the hope to finish the manuscript for the New Testament in all three dialects by next spring.

Even when the New Testament is printed — our responsibility is not fulfilled yet. For what is the use of a New Testament if it is not read by the people? This is one of our great burdens and we would like to encourage you all to pray that the Lord will make ways where there are none yet. We would like so much that in some schools classes could be held in order to prove to the government that literacy will have much better results when it is attempted in the mother tongue. Paul has been able to discuss these matters with the School board in Abakaliki and found that they are in agreement and would be willing to put it to the test. However, the final decision depends on the Ministry of Education in Enugu. Paul has been there too, several times, and met there with officials who are sympathetic to the situation of the Izis, Ikwos and Ezas as far as they themselves come from minority groups. However, we have not yet attempted to push through to the top level. This will not be easy.

Therefore we do not rely on men but on God. Maybe He will choose another way to reach the goal.

We are not astonished anymore that even people who have gone to school are not able to read our translated material fluently and don’t even have the courage to try to read it. So in the literacy area of our work we still have a long way to go.

We greet you all with thankful hearts and pray that the Lord may let us see some of His miracles.

Paul and Inge Meier

Wycliffe Bible Translators



Friend in Clifton Gift 100.00


In G.R. Ch. Col. Gift 20.00

Bradford Christmas Col. Collection 164.56

Bradford Gift Gift 15.00

In Bradford Col. Gift 20.00

Bradford Pentecost Col. Collection 224.16

Sunday School (March) Bradford Collection 24.22

Sunday School (June) Bradford Collection 28.47

Pennies saved Bradford Gift 5.38

Bradford Busje (3580) Collection 14.52

Bradford penny bank PHVW Gift 13.65

Bradford Interest 15.44


In Memory of Mrs. G. Kaat Gift 110.00


Linden Pentecost Collection 445.00

Port Alberni Collection 252.42

Choteau Collections 685.75

TOTAL: $2158.57

Dear Friends,

Herewith we want to acknowledge all of you for your kind support for the Mission work. May the Lord bless you and your gifts. A few words about the Baldwin Mission. It was decided at our mission meeting held Oct. 3 at Rock Valley, Iowa, to accept Mr. and Mrs. Bert Warmenhoven of Sunnyside, Washington, to work full time for the mission at Baldwin. I hope that we may realize a little of the great responsibility that lies on the mission committee and also those who labor on the mission fields, but also on the congregations, that what we do may in the first place be in the favor of the Lord, and in the second place that there may be much prayer that these labors are not in vain. I personally believe that where the Lord has wrought a true regeneration in the heart of man, the fruit thereof has to be a love for God and also a love for the poor souls of our fellowman. In regeneration and after regeneration the Lord teaches man what a sinful man he is. How very dangerous condition man is in, and he needs special grace to seek the honor and glory of God. By nature we only seek ourselves and I am convinced that if we have mission fields only to the honor of man then we have nothing, absolutely nothing and worse than that, an offense to God. Therefor we hope that the Lord may give many prayers and many sighs that these decisions and labors may be blessed to the honor and glory of God and the salvation of poor, lost, and ruined sinners through the blood of the everlasting covenant in these dark and sad times it is our lot as congregations to live. It is not the Lord’s fault, and we can say it is our own fault, each personally, but with such a saying we can live on at ease. May the Lord drive it so powerfully home that we would have to cry out, give me Jesus or I die. May the Lord look upon us all in mercy, and unite us more in love and prayer at His throne. We are sorry to announce that one of our Mission Committee, namely our father Dick Spaans, has been translated, we believe, from the church militant to the church triumphant where sin and sorrow is no more. Also our Uncle Herman Zomer deacon of our Corsica congregation for 22 years was instantly killed in an accident on Oct. 16. May the Lord remember all the sorrowing ones and sanctify the deep afflictions unto us as a congregation of Corsica and fill the empty places. That in place of the fathers may be the sons, and could it be in the fear of the Lord as did our fathers. May the Lord bless all the mission work and workers and all our congregations at home and abroad with the blessings of His right hand, unworthy from our side but possible in Him who became what He was not, that we may become what we are not by nature.

American General Mission Fund

Netherland Reformed Congregations of America and Canada

John Spaans, Treasurer

Plankinton Box 106 RR1

South Dakota 57368


At the meeting of our mission board on October 3, the matters concerning the mission work in Baldwin, Michigan, about which you have been informed in previous issues, were given much consideration.

In reply to our call for a married couple who would be willing to serve in that type of mission work, Mr. and Mrs. Warmenhoven of Sunnyside, Washington, presented themselves to us at that meeting. After a thorough discussion of the things involved, it was decided by the board to provisionally accept the offer of Mr. and Mrs. Warmenhoven until the next scheduled Synod of our churches in June 1974, D.V., at which time more definite arrangements could be made. It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Warmenhoven to begin their work at Baldwin as soon as possible so that they will be situated before the winter sets in.

May the blessing of the Lord rest upon the decisions made to the benefit of never-dying souls at Baldwin. Your financial offers and your prayers are much coveted also for this mission work.

Rev. A. Elshout, clerk

Mission Fund of the

Netherlands Reformed American Churches


The Banner of Truth Tract Committee hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for gifts received for the publication and free distribution from the denominational publication, “The Banner of Truth”, as authorized by Classis East and Mid-West at its last meeting. Personal gifts are encouraged for the furtherance of this endeavor and will be gratefully received. Gifts may be mailed to The Banner of Truth Tract Committee, 540 Crescent St. N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49503. Gifts received during the month of October are as follows:

Chilliwack Congregation $ 100.00


Of Rev. J. Fraanje

Using The Catechism Book



Rev. A. Hellenbroek

Actual Sin AndThe Punishment Of Sin Lesson 15 Part3

Can anyone give an example from God’s Word that proves that the sin against the Holy Ghost is unforgivable?

Can anyone relate just one instance?

When you come home this evening, read Acts 5.

You will read there that Peter said to Ananias, “Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost. Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? Thou hast not lied unto men but unto God.”

It is obvious in this case that they held back the money not alone because of stinginess, but, with premeditated design to test whether it was really true that the Spirit would know this. They doubted the deity of the Holy Ghost. This is evident in the words of Peter spoken to Sapphira, “How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?”

This was an intentional tempting of God on the part of Ananias and Sapphira to determine whether the Holy Ghost was truly the All-knowing God.

The answer that was given by the wife reveals clearly that they had not the least sorrow or remorse about their sin.

When Peter questioned her she said, without emotion, “Yea, for so much.”

The sin against the Holy Ghost takes place with an intentional design without ever having remorse for it.

It should be understood that this sin can only be committed by reprobates. By the grace of God, the elect are preserved from this sin, even though they may live terrible lives committing all other kind of sins.

You need not infer from this that all reprobates commit the unpardonable sin. Absolutely not. There are thousands of people who, though they have never committed the sin against the Holy Spirit, die unconverted, and are lost.

Hellenbroek asks in the 15th question, “Is the Covenant of Works abolished by sin?”

Answer: Yes, respecting its power to justify.

What does he mean by this statement?

As long as man remained bound to the Covenant of Works, that is, remained obedient, this covenant possessed the power to justify him. He would receive eternal life upon doing all its requirements.

Now that man has broken this, however, he will never obtain eternal life by his own keeping of the Covenant of Works. In respect to its ability to save or justify someone, it is powerless.

But in what way was it notabolished?

In the claim that it has upon man. The Lord can righteously require perfect obedience of us which we ourselves had covenanted to give Him in the Covenant of Works. Sin did not cancel this claim upon us.

I shall endeavor to make this understood by means of an example. There is a rich man who asks a poor man whether he would like to work in his garden and whether he had the ability to do it. “Yes,” answered the poor man, “I am healthy and have strong arms, but I have not any tools.”

“That matters not,” said the rich man, “I have all the tools you will need.”

He gave the tools to him and instructed him what to do. The poor man accepted all the conditions set forth by the rich man and went to work.

The rich man could reasonably require that the work be done well. The poor man had the strength and tools and was delighted in the agreement they had made. It went quite well for a few days, but it happened that the worker became intoxicated. Because of that condition, he was unable to do his work.

Does the rich man, because of this drunkenness, have any right to demand that his garden be worked on? This is the purpose, you will remember, for which he had employed this man, and to which the worker had consented. I think he has this right. The worker made himself unfit to carry out his gardening obligations by his sinful behavior. It would be only right if he would not be paid, but, does his obligation to his employer cease? Absolutely not!

In this way, too, the Covenant of Works is annulled as to its ability to justify anyone, but is not done away with in holding us responsible for its requirements.

The inference reached at the end of this lesson is: Outside of Satan, there is not a more tragic creature than natural man.

Boys and girls, if God would arrest you and you then became aware of the sins within your heart, you would have to agree with this answer wholeheartedly.

O, then you would not be able to go through this life as easy and careless as you do now.

Consider for a moment the blessings you still have. God gives you, from moment to moment, physical well-being, food, shelter and all the necessities of life.

Do you have any right to these things? No, and yet God does not cease in His benefits towards you. What has been your response to Him regarding this matter?

Imagine for a moment a certain gentleman lives in this village who has many laborers. Everyday he sends directives to have all sorts of good things brought to the families of these men and does good deeds for them all the time. For this he receives, as thanks, nothing but mockery, scorn and contempt. Wouldn’t the benefits of this man soon stop? I think he would, within a very short time, cease from his well doing, discharge them from their employment and say, “Those ungrateful creatures! I have done only good to them and they do nothing but evil in return.”

But what is the situation between God and man?

There is no example to describe that!

Sin has earned a three-fold death. If you would try to find an example of this exactly as it is, you would exclaim, “O, sin, sin, sin; sin is so abominable!”

May the Lord cause you to sense what damage and shame it has caused.

Generally, we fear to do great sins, only because shame will be brought upon us. But God’s people experience that sin, when committed, brings the greatest shame upon God and for that reason, a shame upon men for committing them. Solomon says, “Sin is a reproach to any people” Proverbs 14:34. We say in addition; Sin is a murderer of God. Maybe you would ask, “Can God be murdered?”

No, but the first sin was an attack upon God. Man wanted to be as God, so it amounts to this: I want God dethroned and myself raised upon it; not that it is possible, but it is what we would like.

That is why it has been said that sin is “God destroying.” Since sin is disgraceful to God and hurtful to ourselves, I do hope you will hate sin in even the slightest thoughts.

Then the truth of the catechism lesson, “There is not a more tragic creature than natural man, Satan excepted” will be more than a memorization experience and you will be able to say it from the bottom of your heart.

May God bless this truth through the application of the Holy Spirit for Jesus’ sake.

So be it.



With only a confession we remain what we are, and drift away from each other, but with the true practice of godliness we will bow unconditionally before God, and also before each other. Then that comes automatically. Then man falls away. And when we fall away, then God receives the honor, there Christ is exalted, and there profession becomes practice. And that practice will not completely go away again, but the faithful may become few in the land. See the complaint of the church in Micah 7, “The good man is perished out of the earth.” There will always be people of God left, but they may be esteemed as the earthen pitchers. When it is in practice then there lies a glow upon that life. Then the language of the soul that has been humbled by God, will be: “Lord, Thou hast commanded us to keep Thy precepts diligently. Oh, that my ways were directed to keep Thy statutes,” Ps. 119:4,5. Something must be known and practiced of such a life shall it be well on our journey to eternity. We cannot, and may not set bounds nor limit the Lord. We have to do with a sovereign God, not only regarding the granting of grace, but also regarding the measure of grace. The one receives more than the other, but the main thing is, that we receive something, that bears the impression of the work of God. If we never receive any desire for that, then with all our religion and profession we are still strangers of the true work of God. Friends, consider it seriously. God attends more to what is in the heart, than to what we speak with our mouth. The mouth can say so much, but it depends on what is in the heart. God desires truth in the inward parts, and that concerns us all. Therefore it is an earnest examination between God and our soul. Therefore this prayer is necessary for you and for me: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps. 139:23, 24. With such company we will not be deceived. They are the true Sons of Levi, “Who said unto his father and to his mother: I have not seen him; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew he his own children: For they have observed Thy word, and kept Thy covenant.” Deut. 33:9. What does that mean? That especially for those who serve in God’s church, the honor of God shall and must stand above all. But that also concerns all those, who belong to the spiritual priesthood.i Something of this will be found in all those who are comprehended in, Christ: “The zeal of Thy house has eaten me up.” God’s honor becomes their salvation.

May God make us faithful, and cause us to be faithful in the face of His Divine Majesty, so that His honor may be the greatest purpose of our life, in life and in death, for time and eternity both. I better not expand it any farther. I sincerely hope, that the readers shall have understood what object I had in view in writing these lines.

Everything is not gone yet, there will be a few names left even as in Sardis which have not defiled their garments: God will never wholly depart from His church and His people with His Spirit. For Christ speaks in Matt. 28:20, “I am with you always even unto the end of the world, Amen.” And that shall be true and sure. God Himself shall establish His church. The number is not yet full, there are still some lying under the seal of God’s eternal electing love, who must also be added to them. God shall continue to remember His covenant to all eternity, and the good pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in the hands of Christ. No matter how hell shall rage and the anti-christ shall rave, God fulfills His counsel and not one hoof shall be left behind. O people of God, I may also cry to you what the prophet Jeremiah had to cry out to the people of God: “Let Jerusalem come into your mind.” Jer. 51:50. The door is not yet barred. God still stands and waits to be gracious. Christ is still going through our streets by the ministration of His word and sacraments. We are drawing near the end, but the end is not yet.

Oh, that there would be many among Jews and Gentiles who would learn to bow the knee to God and make supplication to their Judge. That God would remember our families, and His church in these troublous times. It can seem so hopeless for us, but God changes not and His promises made to Christ and in Him to His church, shall never fail. God sustains His people, but as one of our beloved deceased ministers often said: A sustained life, is not yet a life of communion. Not by all; O no, but by many, this is missing; and that is also one of the reasons that there is so little unity among God’s people. In general there is such a small income, therefore there is also so little to share. There is so little discovering, and that is why the revelations are lacking, so little growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; 2 Peter 3:18, and so little growing up as calves of the stall Malachi 4:2, because the light and the warmth of the Sun of righteousness is lacking so much.

Besides this, the places of God’s people, who are taken away from the evil to come, are seldom filled anymore. The one congregation may be privileged above the other in that respect, but what I am writing, is the way it is in general. And then, we read of the chief men of David: They were captains, but they did not attain to the first three. I hope that this is plain enough (I need not explain it more). And by moments this want is being felt, especially by the older ones, who know of that former life and who have personally experienced it. Were those ministers, friends, and acquaintances then perfect? Didn’t they have any shortcomings? I will not enlarge upon that, Petrus Datheen sang in Ps. 90:9

Strengthen us for noble duty
That our work be not in vain.

God’s work remains the same, but so little of it is seen, and so little strength proceeds from it, and it makes so little impression, because in general God’s church is no longer as a salting salt, nor an enlightening light anymore. The Lord is not at fault: to us is confusion of face. It is the desire of my heart, and I hope of yours too, to conclude with Ps. 126:3.

O Lord refresh us by Thy grace,
Revive and quicken all our pow’rs,
As failing streams are made to flow,
Replenished by abundant show’ers.


In the churchpapers and via the pulpit we are reminded of the coming winter season.

The young people are urged to visit the society meetings. All this is good and necessary. Neither the world or her servants are sitting idle. There also all kinds of activities are announced. Who will remain standing amidst the stream of temptations? Therefore it is good to erect a bulwark; moreover our confession requires not to stand by in idleness.

This was pointed out clearly by Eliphaz, one of Job’s friends. He states: “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace; thereby good shall come unto thee.” He points to the knowledge of God and through it the true communion with God. When it is mentioned about “getting acquainted”: it points toward a going together or getting to know someone better. The opposite means more and more alienation. In going together with someone we get to know his good and evil side. Through that we either are united more firmly or become more alienated.

Now the words of Eliphaz are not concerned with a union between people, but about the relationship to the Lord.

Together we are banned from the communion with God, not the least bit has remained. The fruits of our life prove that in our lives. Our heart does not go out to the things of eternity, but our heart goes after the temporal things.

How terrible is the state of man. The most important fulfillment of life he does not seek after anymore, he is as the prodigal son before his conversion! (He wanted to fill himself with the food of pigs). The calling of Eliphaz is not obscure. We must again have communion with the Lord. When we have illicit communion with the world and sin, then that reveals itself through the fruits. When we have communion with the Lord it cannot remain hidden. Communion with the Lord gives “peace”. Communion with the world and sin “war”. How terrible is it to remain at war with the Lord. Be assured that this struggle will end in eternal defeat. Blessed if in our life we may declare war on the world and sin; when the peace of God is more valuable to us than thousands of worlds. Then we begin to understand that the children of God rather live at war with the entire world, for the peace with God, than to live in peace with the world and to be at war with God. How many of our boys and girls live in friendship and peace with the world and what it offers? The Lord may let us feel His holy wrath about this. If we feel at home where the Lord is not feared and served, that is proof that we miss the communion with the Lord. Many things assail young hearts, we live in a time of many temptations. May the Lord acquire the highest and foremost place in our heart.

That will be blessed, that is to say, The Lord will give us a portion in this life sufficient to preclude temporal need. Then we receive so much, that we have enough in the Lord. But above all it concerns that eternal portion. That is that final portion, which awaits God’s children. That is that portion that never fails. Therefore … and read it well … “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace.” To learn that, the Lord gave us His word and His decrees.

He still lets us live, in contradistinction with many young ones, under the pure doctrine of righteousness and grace. Many are taught a false doctrine. The devil already started with this in paradise. The new society year has started again. The Lord grant a desire to be busy in the things of the Lord.

May it be for many of us a year of peace with God.

Translated from the “Saambinder” official

churchpaper of the Netherlands Reformed

Congregations in Holland (by Rev. P. Blok)


May this also apply to our congregations in the United States and Canada.

Our need here is as great or greater than in the Netherlands. It is my wish and prayer that consistories with cooperation of the congregations labor mightily to instruct our youth in the doctrine of the church, church history (including the mission field) and also deal with the temporal problems.

The problems that beset our youth are legion. The devil is as a roaring lion but also as a wolf in sheep’s clothes, busy twenty-four hours a day trying to tempt us and draw us farther and farther away from the Lord. For the devil this is an easy task, since in paradise we already have fallen away willfully from the Lord. The more reason for us to fight harder, but always realizing that we cannot do this in our own power. It behooves us to be busy in the things of the Lord, however hard it is, since by nature we are enemies of the Lord. Nonetheless the Lord requires this from us in His word. May His word be our guide and not as it sometimes is, a tradition started by someone in years past.

Remember, the need is great, the time is short. Much valuable time has gone by, let us hope and pray that it is not too late. That we may build to the honor and glory of the Lord. Not by power, not by might, but by the spirit of, the Lord.


Dear friends,

Thanks again for your orders, prayers, and donations. The Lord willing, Bible Truth Books will soon have been in existence for one year. In that time, we may humbly confess, the Lord has done abundantly above what we could ask or think. Approximately 5,000 books have been sold and 25,000 tracts distributed. We hope and pray that it has pleased the Lord to use the reading of these books and tracts to the eternal welfare of one or more, but also to the instruction and comfort of His people. We need the Holy Spirit to apply the truths that we read to our hearts, otherwise we are nothing but dry bones reading dry words.

If you have not received our fourth book list, please request to be put on our mailing list. Currently, we have 75 titles available. (Canadians: please feel free to pay in either U.S. or Canadian currency.) We pay the postage. Please address all correspondence to:


P.O. Box 2373

Kalamazoo, Mich. 49003


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From “Christ Crucified: or, The Marrow of the Gospel,” by James Durham(1622–1658)

Take with this sin, acknowledge it and seek pardon for it. It were a good token of some tenderness, to be mourning for enmity against Christ, and for undervaluing Him, as well as for drunkenness, fornication, theft, or any other gross sin. And where that gracious and right mourning, that is spoken of (Zech. xii. 10) comes, it will be in special for this sin of undervaluing of Christ to the height of piercing Him. We would ask any of you that think ye repent, if this sin of slighting Him have pierced you, as it did these (Acts ii). It may be, some think themselves so cleanly and perfect that ye have not many sins to mourn for. O dreadful mistake! but though ye had no more is not this enough that ever there should have been enmity in your bosom at Christ? And should not this prick you at the very heart, that ever ye should so undervalue Him? But readily they that see fewest sins in themselves, will see and take with least of this sin.

It serves to be a warning to all men in nature to consider what their condition is. Do ye that have this enmity, and are undervaluers of Christ, know what is in your hearts? And do ye consider what posture ye shall be found in, if grace make not a change, in the day of Christ? Ye will be found among these despisers and haters of Christ, that would not have Him to reign over them. How will ye dare to appear, or in what posture will ye appear before Him, when He whom ye despised, shall come in the glory of His Father with all the holy angels with Him, and shall sit upon the throne of His glory? And yet appear ye must. How will the conscience then gnaw, and the heart be affrighted?… And if ye would consider what will be their posture that mocked and buffeted Him, and plucked off the hair, that nodded with the head, and cried, Aha, and bade Him come down from the cross, that did scourge Him, and hang Him upon the cross between two thieves: such a posture will all of you be in, who have despised and disesteemed Him. Ye will meet with that same sad sentence, “Bring out these My enemies, that would not that I should reign over them, and slay them before Me.” O what a strange punishment suppose ye will that be, when the Saviour of sinners shall stand by and look on, till He see vengeance execute on sinners that despised Him! Think on it, for there is such a day coming, when ye will all appear before Him, and when your reckonings will be cast up. Suffer not yourselves to be cheated into an opinion, it will be accounted a little sin to be found under this guilt of despising Christ; and let not one of you put it off himself and over upon another. They will be found despisers of Him, that would never let it light; nay, even many that have preached Him, and that would have been angry at profanity in others, as may be gathered from Matthew vii. 22…

See here the great necessity and conveniency of studying the disestimation of Christ that is in us, as well as of studying the worth that is in Him, and what He hath in love suffered for us. These two are put together it being needful for us to be as well acquainted with the one as with the other. We shall give you this use in two short doctrines:

l.That it is necessary for the hearers of the gospel to study thoroughly, and to be convinced of, and clear in, their disestimation of Christ, as well as of His worth and excellency, because it waketh up repentance and makefh it flow, and thoroughly humbleth the sinner, when he findeth this desperate wickedness and perverseness to be in himself, and maketh him kindly to loathe and abhor himself; and unless this desperate wickedness be seen and felt, that great and bitter mourning spoken of (Zech. xii. 10), will never flow forth.

2. That where folk have any just estimation of Christ and His worth, and are sensible of the sin of unbelief, there will also be some sense of the sin of undervaluing Him; and the more sense they have of the evil of unbelief, they will be the more sensible of their undervaluing of Him, and will with the prophet cry out, “He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.” And from both these ye may see the necessity of studying to find out this corruption; the search and discovery whereof will insight you in the evil and perverseness of your nature, and so deeply humble you, and also serve highly to commend Christ and His grace to you; and without the discovery of this corruption, it is impossible to be humble thoroughly, or to have right thoughts of Christ and His grace.

This may be added: that the more there be that despise Christ, and the greater difficulty there be in believing on Him, the more reason have they to be thankful that He graciously works any suitable estimation of Himself in them, and brings them to believe on Him. These who have gotten any glimpse of His glory, which hath lifted Him high in their estimation to the drawing forth of their faith and love after Him, would praise Him for it. It’s He, and only He, that opened your eyes to see Him, and gave you that estimation of Him, and circumcised your hearts to love Him. Let Him have all the praise and glory of it. This is the word of God, and Himself bless it to you through Jesus Christ.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1973

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1973

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's