Calls Extended:
To Rev. W. C. Lamain of Grand Rapids, Michigan, by the Corsica, South Dakota, Congregation.
To Rev. J. Van Haaren, of Amersfoort, the Netherlands, by the Clifton, New Jersey, Congregation.
To Rev. J. Van Haaren, of Amersfoort, the Netherlands, by the Kalamazoo, Michigan, Congregation.
To Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands, by the Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, Congregation
Call Declined:
To the Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, Congregation, by Rev. H. Rijksen, of Zoetermeer, the Netherlands.
To the Corsica, South Dakota, Congregation, by Rev. W. C. Lamain, of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
As most of our readers know, the Curatorium of our churches, meeting on June 19, 1974 following the Synod, admitted Mr. Joel Beeke as a student for the ministry. At the Synod the training of a student was discussed and the Synod elected me as instructor for this purpose. When asked, I accepted this task with the help of the Lord.
The Curatorium thought it best that student Beeke live in St. Catharines, and therefore in the first part of September he and his wife moved here from Kalamazoo. In this way he is able to follow regular weekly lessons, which we began at that time. I try to instruct him in a similar way to that which is followed in Rotterdam. We have started with the study of Bible History, something of archaeology, and dogmatics. For the beginning in dogmatics we are using “A Treatise of the Compendium”, by Rev. G. H. Kersten, as a guideline. I have been told that this was also done in Rotterdam during the instruction and leadership of Rev. G. H. Kersten, and I also studied this when I was instructed by Rev. L. Rijksen, who passed away in 1969. At the present Rev. de Gier and Rev. Vergunst also use this book in the first period of instruction. It would be my desire that this book be in the hands of every one of us in order to gain an insight in the doctrine of our churches. Later we hope to see what we can use of the Reformed dogmatics of the English writers. In studying church history we will deal with the principal and foremost periods and persons. These will be our main topics for study during the first year. As soon as time permits the subjects of church order, canons, sects and religious tendencies, liturgy, etc., will be studied.
May these labors be blessed by the Lord so that it is in His favor, to the honor of His Name, to the edification of our congregations, and to the extension of His kingdom.
We were pleased to hear about the collections for this training, as was requested by the Synod. Lessons are being given in the study of our new parsonage in St. Catharines, which I requested in name of the Curatorium, and for which our consistory gave permission. I hope you will remember us in your prayers, and also with your help and support.
We are trying to get a collection of books and materials for use in this instruction. If there are those who wish to donate useful books (both English and Dutch) to help us, we will be happy and grateful to receive them.
Rev. J.C. Weststrate
The Rehoboth Reformed School Society of Norwich, Ontario, wishes to express their hearty thanks and appreciation to the Congregation of Kalamazoo for the collection held on behalf of our school, amounting to $752.85 (Canadian Currency). That prayer may be found in all our congregations for the Lord’s blessing and guidance and that the school may be used as a means in His Hands to the extension of His Kingdom and the welfare of our children.
Classis West of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations convened in Corsica, South Dakota on October 2, 1974.
The preceeding evening a prayer service was held in the church at 8:00 a.m. Rev. J. Van Zweden conducted this service and his text for the occasion was Math. 22:42a, “What think ye of Christ?”
Rev. L. Kieboom, moderator of the calling church called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. He requested the assembly to sing Psalter 349, stanzas 3:4. He then read a chapter from the Word of God, namely the 16th of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, and asked the guidance of the Lord in prayer.
In his opening remarks he noted how precious and instructive the word of God is, especially for the true children of God. He dwelt upon the last part of the 16th verse, “The churches of God salute you”.
He gave the definition of a true church of Christ gathered by the Lord. They were redeemed by Christ, chosen and blessed. Their unity and oneness was manifest to the world.
In welcoming the delegates from far and near the minister expressed his desire that we might experience something of that unity and oneness in our gathering this day. He also spoke of the passing of Deacon Henry Zomer of Corsica, who died of injuries received in an accident shortly after our last Classis meeting.
The credentials of the delegates were read, examined and approved. They were: Rev. J. Van Zweden and Rev. L. Kieboom. The Elders: E. Koedam, W. Van Voorst, R. Schelling, J. Spaans, C. Blom, P. De Graff and L. Kaat. Elder H.Derksen from Waupun was unable to attend and Elder E. Koedam attended as an alternate for Elder A. Bakker.
The officers appointed to preside were; Rev. Van Zweden, president; Rev. Kieboom, vice president; Elder L. Kaat, clerk; Elder R. Schelling, treasurer.
The minutes of the previous Classis meeting, October 3, 1973, were read and after a clarification of an Article, approved and signed.
A discussion was held relative to marriage ceremonies solemnized in our churches. Rev. Kieboom with some of the consistories have made recommendations for this purpose. These will be studied carefully and out of them an official form will be drawn up for use in the churches. This must be approved by the Classis and will be published in our church periodical.
The consistory of Sheboygan requests Classis to publish a new and improved, “Doctrinal Standards of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations”, Classis will bring this to Synod for its approval.
A report was given on church visitation in the congregations of Corsica, Rock Valley and Waupun. Instructions were given these consistories. The congregations of Sioux Center and Sheboygan will be visited as soon as possible.
The committee of the Sioux Falls, S.D. branch church gave their report. The condition there is favorable and the attendance encouraging. Classis authorizes committee to seek leaders among the people in attendance. Should the committee succeed, approval to lead the services must be given by the three consistories meeting jointly.
Moderatorship of the various congregations will remain as they are at present.
The customary questioning of the consistories according to Art. 41 D.C.O. was held. Instructions were given where requested.
The expenses of Classis were $160.00, divided proportionately.
Sheboygan will be the calling church for the next meeting, to convene in Sheboygan the first Wednesday in October, 1975 D.V.
The president Rev. Van Zweden spoke a few words in conclusion. He wished Gods blessing upon our gathering and that He would grant us the true spirit of grace and supplication. He wished all a safe journey homeward, requested the assembly to sing Psalter 351, 1:2, and brought the needs of the churches before the Lord in prayer.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 december 1974
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 december 1974
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's