O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust. II Timothy 6:20
That Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God.
The Confession uses one article to defend the divinity of God the Son and another to defend the divinity of God the Holy Ghost. The article which we are considering this month regarding God the Son begins with this statement: “We believe that Jesus Christ, according to His divine nature, is the only begotten Son of God, begotten from eternity, not made nor created (for then He should be a creature), but co-essential and co-eternal with the Father, the express image of His person, and the brightness of His glory, equal unto Him in all things.” This is a confession that Christ is eternal God, and not, as Arius taught, that He is created.
Christ did not become the Son of God by creation, but by generation. It was not a human act, but a divine act, whereby the Father from eternity to eternity communicates the divine essence to the Son. Since Jesus is the foundation of the church, the confession of His divinity from eternity is of the greatest importance. It can therefore be expected that Satan has tried and is yet trying to undermine this foundation. It was because of this confession that the Lord Jesus was sentenced to death; the Jews called Him a blasphemer because He made Himself the Son of God.
There is a long list of people, sects and schools of thought who do not believe that the Lord Jesus is very God. We will try to mention a few of the more important ones, both in past history of the church and also today.
(1) The Ebionites: They existed already in the days of the apostle John, and taught that the Lord Jesus was real man, and that because of His moral perfection, He was declared to be righteous. According to them, salvation is merited by the works of the law, and not by faith in Christ. Their name is derived from the Hebrew word for poor or needy, and they were given this name because they had so little knowledge of the truth.
(2) Gnostics: This word is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning knowledge, and was the name given by the church in the first two centuries to a group who heretically taught that Jesus was the natural son of Joseph and Mary, but that He excelled the people in righteousness and wisdom. When He was baptized, Christ was then said to have descended in the form of a dove upon Jesus, and He then began to preach the unknown God. They claimed that later Christ flew away again, and Jesus was crucified. What a strange and unbelievable doctrine .
(3) Arians: This name was given to followers of Arius, who lived in the years 256 to 356 and was a presbyter of the church of Alexandria. He developed views of Christ as subordinate to God, saying that only the Father is truly God, and that Jesus Christ is merely the first of the created beings. Arius taught that Christ lived before the creation of the heaven and the earth and had been active in creation, but nevertheless that He had a beginning; that He is the perfect image of the Father, but is not of the same essence. Thus He is called “God”, but only in a secondary sense.
The opponent of Arius was his bishop Alexander, to whom he refused to listen. He had many followers and a split in the church was developing. The emperor Constantine intervened and called a council of the entire church together. At the Council of Nicea in the year 325 Alexander’s condemnation of the Arian doctrine was upheld. But Arianism was not dead and the influence of it was evident. Alexander died, and another bishop took his place, namely, the well-known Athanasius, who defended the truth with all his strength. Five times he was banished from his church in Alexandria, and often during his life time the truth seemed to be lost. At times the Arians seemed to dominate completely, so that Athanasius found himself alone and the whole Christian world against him, just like Eijah on Mount Carmel. However, eight years after his death, the Lord brought about a change in Emperor Theodosius, who removed the Arians from their positions of authority in the church and held a council at Constantinople, at which the Nicene Creed was reaffirmed. From that time on Arianism disappeared as an organized force within the church.
(4) Socinians: The founder of this group was Faustus Socinus (1539–1604), an Italian Catholic, who led a religious movement which interpreted Christianity along rationalistic lines. The doctrines about the Trinity, the Scriptures, and the sacraments were so altered that the group was later persecuted as heretical. Socinus denied Christ’s existence from eternity, teaching that before He was conceived in the virgin Mary, Christ existed only in the thoughts of the Father, and that He was exalted to be the Son of God as a wage for His suffering, obedience and death. They appeal to Luke 1:35 where the angel said to Mary, “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
(5) Modernists: There are those in our days who speak of the Son of God, but not in the true sense of the word. They say Christ was the Son of God by adoption, not by generation. The Jewish Sanhedrin had a different opinion; they understood very well that Jesus made Himself as God (equal with God) and therefore they sought to kill Him. If the Lord Jesus was a child of God as the modernists of our day believe, then the suffering, condemnation and death of Christ was a great mistake and could have been avoided by the Lord Jesus Himself admitting this to the Jews. Also, if Christ were only a man, a real righteous man, it would have been impossible to be the Mediator, as He could never have borne the wrath of God and never could have said, It is finished. The Lord Jesus is not the eternal Son of God by adoption, but by generation.
What a comfort when we may believe that which is written of this in God’s Word, but it is a greater blessing when we may learn this by the administration of the Holy Spirit: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Next time, the Lord willing, we hope to say something about the false doctrine of the Jehovah Witnesses regarding the Godhead of Christ.
Norwich, Ontario
Dear Boys and Girls,
This month Audrey and Mary Kievit have helped me out with a Bible quiz. They have chosen five words in Psalm 68 which will be spelled out by the first letters of the answers. These words speak of the Lord Jesus after He arose from the dead. All the questions are about those years while He was on the earth. As we study the Bible, we may see how that the Lord Jesus and His great work of salvation for sinners is taught throughout the entire Bible. While doing the Bible quizzes, we try to learn to know our Bibles, but may the Holy Spirit graciously give us that knowledge of which the Old and New Testaments constantly speak, “Christ Jesus and Him crucified”.
Here are the questions -
When seeing the Lord Jesus after He arose from the grave, who was it that exclaimed, “My Lord and my God”?
In Luke 11, when speaking to the Pharisees, the Lord Jesus said, “Ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of______.”
He said to them, “These______ ye to have done and not to leave the others undone.”
He also said to the Pharisees, “Ye love the______seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.”
In the sermon on the mount the Lord Jesus said, “When thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee as the______do.”
In the same sermon He also said, “______, and it shall be given you.”
When replying to the devil’s temptation, the Lord Jesus said, “Get thee hence,_____”
Before ascending into heaven, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “Go ye therefore and ________all nations.”
From what city was Joseph, who asked Pilate for the body of Jesus?
When Jesus had spoken to his disciples on the mount, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their______
In the book of the prophet Zechariah we read of thirty pieces of silver which the prophet was to ______unto the potter.
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus tells us of the rich man that “in hell he lifted up his______”.
Who said, “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
In Psalm 69 we read, “They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to______”
The Lord Jesus also said to His disciples, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the______ of the world.”
In John 8 He said, “If a man keep My sayings, he shall never see______.”
From what mount did the Lord Jesus ascend into heaven?
As the Lord Jesus prayed in the garden, He said, “______ not my will, but Thine, be done.”
When He appeared to the disciples and asked for meat, they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an_____
Which of the prophets foretold that He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death?
As the disciples stood looking toward heaven, two men in white apparel stood by them and asked, “Why stand ye______ up into heaven?”
When Pilate heard that Jesus belonged unto______’s jurisdiction, he sent Him to him.
(Your answers should be sent to Garret J. Moerdyk, 5211 Woodmont Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.)
The answers to the quiz of last mont are -
“Art Thou The King Of The Jews?” John 18:33
Answerest - John 18:22
Release -John 18:39
Truth -John 18:38
Themselves - Mark 16:3
Have -John 21:1–5
Ointment - John 12:3–5
Us - Matthew 27:4
Thou - Matthew 26:49–50
Hour - Mark 26:40
Eloi, Eloi -Mark 15:34
Knowest - John 19:10
I -Matthew 26:22
Nothing - Matthew 26:62
Garden - John 18:26
Opened - Luke 24:32
Fear - Luke 23:40
Thief -Luke 22:52
Him -Matthew 26:14–15
East - Matthew 2:1
Jonas -John 21:15–17
Evil -Luke 23:22
Weepest - John 20:11–13
Seek - Luke 24:5
Answers have again been received from the following boys and girls -
Mary VanTilburg
Leah VanTilburg
Tim VanTilburg
Tunis Sweetman, Jr.
Daniel J. Sweetman
Jenny Sweetman
Janet Sweetman
Glenn VanWingerden
Paul VanWingerden
Angela Schipper (2)
Mariene Grisnich
Cheryl Grisnich
Richard Grisnich
John denHollander
Nellie Slingerland
Joanne Slingerland
Neil Slingerland (2)
Jannie Slingerland
Ken Van Wingerden
Bill Van Wingerden
Steven Bleeker
Mary DeBat
Mary Polderman
Paula Timmer
Liz VanGiessen
Michelle Timmer
Richard DeBat
Laurie Bleeker
Andrew Kieboom
Nellie VanBrugge
Helen VanBrugge
May VanBrugge
Margot Mast
Anita VanMourik
Joanne VanMourik
Tammy Koedam
Todd Koedam
Ellen Vroegindewey
Kathy Vroegindewey
Gail Vroegindewey
Joy Vroegindewey
Helen Hubers
Marcia Hubers
Harriet Hubers
Howard E. Hubers
Duane Hubers
Gary John Sommer
Ingrid Sommer
Eric Sommer
Janet Sommer
Irene Sommer
Nora VanDenTop
Norman VanRavenswaay
Esther VanRavenswaay
Nancy Hoogmoed
Joanne Hoogmoed
Brenda Zomer
Kevin Zomer
Vonda Zomer
Adrianna Kievit
Mary L. Kievit
Lynn Kamp
Elaine Frens
Leonard Frens
Sharon Frens
Mary Frens
Leah Talbot
Linda Talbot
Laura Talbot
Paul VanGrouw
Steven VanOostenbrugge
Karl VanOostenbrugge
Steve Boluyt
Kristi Boluyt
Alma VanBeek
Anden VanBeek
Joann VanBeek
Terry VanBeek
Judy denHoed
Gail denHoed
Tim Nieuwenhuis
Julie DeBruine
Randy DeBruine
Mike VanBemden
Kathy VanBemden
Rick Rosendall
John Rosendall
Kristi Jane Rosendall
Jeff Rosendall
Maria Boonzaayer
Elise Polderman
Carrie Blok
Suzanne Kersbergen
Edward Laman
Paul Laman
Joel VanRavenswaay (2)
Minda VanRavenswaay
Peter Bazen
Daniel Bazen
Steve Bazen
Dick Spaans (2)
Rebecca Spaans (2)
Jim Kraayeveld
Martha DeVries
Joan Lugthart
Margaret DenBoer
John denDekker
Anneke denDekker
Henry denDekker
Sue VanEss
Rick VanEss
Elizabeth Sisco (2)
Kathy VanGrouw
Helen Hendricks
Mary Hendricks
Bill Kamp
Debbie Kamp
Marilyn Kamp
Nicholas Bush
Adrian Bush
Arlen James Klarenbeek
Darwyn Gene Klarenbeek
David A. Klarenbeek
Trudy Vlietstra
Martin Vlietstra
Peter Vlietstra
Jimmy Vlietstra
Jacqueline denDekker
Johnny Jonkman
Willie Jonkman
Jim Jonkman
Patricia Hoogmoed
Walter Hoogmoed
Pamela Hoogmoed
Lori Rus
Tim Kaat
Amy Kaat
Jo-Anne Van Vugt
Arie VanVugt
John VanVugt
John Stapel
Melanie VanBrugge
Virginia VanderWaal
Stan VanderWaal
Dave Greendyk
Alida Greendyk (2)
Paul Greendyk
David Neels
Jim Neels
David Kaat
Joyce VanderMeulen
Sidney VanderMeulen
Harmen VanderMeulen
Marian VanHoepen (2)
Robert Southway
Angela Cornelia Stam
Robert Kamp
Rich Kamp
Jonathon Kamp
Jay VanVoorst
Rhonda VanVoorst
Judy VanVoorst
Debra Witvoet
Connie Blom
Marion Blom
Leroy Blom
Irene vanHeek
Ronnie vanHeek
Yvonne vanHeek
Joel A. VanderKooi
Ray VanderKooi
Sonja Boonzaayer
Steve Boonzaayer
John Boonzaayer
Donna Kuiper
Steven Kuiper
Linda Schelling
Brenda Schelling
Kent Schelling
Beth Schelling
Kathy Lynn Schelling
Elizabeth Koppert
Robbie Koppert
Marcia Spaans
Ken Spaans
Mary Lou Rosendall
Jim Rosendall
Laura Rosendall
Linda Bazen
Jim Bazen
John Timmer
Edward Vandenberg
Cindy Hoogendoorn (2)
Gene Hoogendoorn
Perry Hoogendoorn
Barbara Southway
Robert Southway
Loretta Faye Olivier
Henry Kamp
John Heystek
Mark Heystek
Rhonda Koedam
Ronald Bertram
Martin Schouten
Anita Schouten
Gladys VanBochove
Rhonda VanBochove
Wendy Veldjesgraaf
Richard Procee (2)
David Procee (2)
Don VanderBoon
John VanderBoon
Bill Greendyk
Alan Greendyk
Ellen Kros
Kristine Rieder (2)
Harold Rus (2)
Howard Rus (2)
Edwin Rus (2)
Virgil Rus (2)
Lane Groen
John Groen
Maynard DeGraaf
Mariene VanVeldhuizen
Audrey VanVeldhuizen
Patricia Joyce Koppelaar
Walter Koppelaar
Nicholas Koppelaar
Annette Koppelaar
Ken VanderHave
Todd VanderHave
John Bosch
Hendrika Kroesbergen
Bill Kroesbergen
Robert Herfst
Yvonne Herfst
Mariene Herfst
Allan Baum, Jr.
Rita Neels
Lisa Neels
Jeffrey VanWyk
Leslie VanWyk
Edward VanWyk
David Kwekel
Dan Kwekel
Tom Kwekel
Mark Meeuwse
Amy Mieras
Wayne VandeWaerdt
Linda VandeWaerdt
Kevin Verbeke
Stanley Bylsma
Christine Bylsma
Matthew Schelling
Tammy VanBeek
Lisa Markus
Cindy Markus
Rebecca Markus
Carolin Oudshoorn
Henry Oudshoorn
John Kroesbergen
Jane Kroesbergen
Ken Kroesbergen
Cathy Kroesbergen
Neal Boerkoel
Ruth Boerkoel
Bob Boerkoel
John Boerkoel
Jane Mast
Joy Mast
Gerrit Bezooyen
John Bezooyen
Lysbeth Kroesbergen
Doky Nwangele
Richard Grisnich
Mariene Grisnich
Cheryl Grisnich
Jenny Overeem
Joanne Overeem
Corrie Overeem
Jane Korevaar (2)
Herman VanderMeulen
Karl VanderMeulen
Ann-Marlen VanderMeulen
Jonathan Engelsma
Marty Vlietstra
David Vliestra
Janice Vlietstra
Jon Vlietstra
Bill Kroesbergen
Hendrika Kroesbergen
Margaret denBoer
Ruth Bouma
Al Bouma
Vicki VanBeek
John Verhey
Jeanette VandenBerg
David Vandenberg (2)
John Vandenberg
Henry Vandenberg (2)
Paul Vandenberg (2)
Thomas Berkenbush
Todd VandeStouwe
Cheryl VandeStouwe
Janet Remus
John Spaans
Angela Stam
Arlene Remus (2)
And now to answer the letters which we have again received -
RONALD BERTRAM - It was real nice to hear from you in far off New Zealand, Ronald. Do you live near any of the others who answer the Bible quiz? We can walk to church from where we live, but if you have so far to go it just isn’t possible. Write again, won’t you?
NELLIE SLINGERLAND - I do know some Dutch, Nellie. I can read it, but I don’t do very well in speaking it. Emmanuel is found spelled with an “E” in the book of Matthew, but in Isaiah with an “I”. Yes, David was guided and protected by the Lord during his entire lifetime.
MAY VAN BRUGGE - Yes, I know your grandmother, May. That will be quite nice if you can come to Kalamazoo with her. Do you like to travel? Even in Bible times there were people travelling from place to place. Can you name some of them?
JOHN DEN HOLLANDER - We are having summer weather rather early this year in Kalamazoo, John, but it can soon change again. Do you like the winter weather? Did you think the questions were somewhat easier this month? We don’t want them to be too difficult.
LISA NEELS - Yes, we are all quite well, Lisa, for which we should be very thankful. Especially when we visit a hospital, we can see what a great blessing it is to be healthy. We now have a grandson, so you can see that we are getting older.
CAROLIN OUDSHOORN - It was nice to hear from you, Carolin. I have a picture of your family when you were three years old, so that is quite a while ago. You were not living on the farm then. Say Hello to your parents and the rest of the family for us.
ANGELA SCHIPPER - You have given me some good ideas for a Bible quiz, Angela. I will see if I can work something out like that. Which of your subjects do you like best in school? Or do you like them all about the same? We certainly would like to visit your school sometime.
VIRGINIA VANDER WAAL - I am always glad to see that boys and girls are alert and catch my mistakes, Virginia. It was Paul who was in Athens and not Peter. We don’t make mistakes on purpose, but they just seem to creep in. How many more days of school before it is again vacation time?
DEBRA WITVOET - The answers should be in the mail by the fifteenth of the following month, Debra. But even if they are late, your name will be in the next month’s issue. Those that live far away don’t always have time to get them in by that date.
TIM KAAT - We were glad to hear from you, Tim. What did you write about in your report on Holland? I would guess that you would tell about dikes and windmills and wooden shoes. Or am I wrong? Holland is an important country, since so many of our parents and grandparents lived there at one time.
JOHN STAPEL - There is so much to learn from every book of the Bible, John, although some are easier to read than others. We must ask the Lord to give us light upon His Word, for otherwise we do not understand the real meaning of it.
JO-ANNE VAN VUGT - We are always glad to have new ones join in answering the Bible quizzes, Jo-Anne, so you certainly are welcome. How sad it would be if no boys and girls answered the quiz. Did you find them quite easy to do? We hope to hear from you again next month.
JOYCE KOPPELAAR-We are glad that you liked the book we sent, Joyce. Do you read your Bible too? In the Bible there is a story told of a man who was reading in the Old Testament, but could not understand what he was reading. But the Lord sent one to teach him. Do you know where that story is found?
NELLIE VAN BRUGGE - This year, the Lord willing, the Youth Day will be in Canada again, Nellie, as you have probably noticed in the announcements. Then it won’t be so far for you to go. I guess it is a little far to ride your bike, though.
ANGELA STAM - Congratulations with the new baby brother, Angela. Do you know how many different Joels there are in the Bible? We all should know of the prophet Joel, but there are quite a few more. I don’t suppose you mind working hard to help take care of your little brother.
MARTIN SCHOUTEN-Do you like your woodworking class, Martin? Would you like to be a carpenter? We know that Joseph was a carpenter, but do you know where else in the Bible that we read about them? How important for all of us that we be “wise builders”.
NICHOLAS KOPPELAAR-How glad we were to hear that your mother was feeling some what better, Nicholas. We hope the Lord will further strengthen her. And even though you have some sisters, I am sure there are many things you can do to help her.
HELEN VAN BRUGGE - Were the questions easier this time, Helen? I am sure that there is some difference each time. Even though the calendar says it is spring, the weather isn’t always so springish. The last days it has been almost like summer here.
AUDREY KIEVIT - We want to thank you and your sister for the Bible quiz, Audrey. As you probably noticed, I changed a few questions which I thought might not be too clear. When are you planning to move, or have you already made the move?
ANN-MARLENE VANDER MEULEN - Do you have fish in your ponds, Ann-Marlene? I suppose you can enjoy them in the summer, too, or aren’t they suitable for swimming? At least the ice season has passed by again. Is your school also about finished for the year?
IRENE SOMMER - Did you receive your book, Irene? If not, you will have to give me your choice once more. It is rather difficult to keep them all straight, so it could have been overlooked. Are you keeping quite busy at school?
JANET REMUS - The mail does cause some delays in receiving the answers on time, Janet, but if they arrive late, we pick them up the next month. You will notice a number 2 behind some names, which means that we have their answers for two months. So it happens more often.
GAIL DEN HOED-We have also had some nice rainy days, Gail, so that everything is growing well. It must be a wonder that the Lord yet provides some rainy days and some sunny days so that crops will grow, especially when we consider that we do not deserve this.
DOKY NWANGELE - It was a real surprise to receive an answer from Nigeria, Doky. Are you having your rainy season now? We hope and pray that the Lord will also make your crops to grow in Nigeria, but that He may also bless your Bible study.
Again we have come to the end of our letters. We hope to hear from all of you again next month, D.V. May the Lord remember us together.
With love,
Your friend,
“Uncle Garret”
An English farmer was one day at work in his fields when he saw a party of hunters riding towards his farm. He had one field that he was especially anxious they should not ride over, as the crop would be badly injured by the trample of horses. Immediately he sent one of his boys to this field, telling him to shut the gate and then keep watch over it, and on no account to permit it to be opened.
The boy did as he was told, but was scarcely at the gate before a hunter came up and ordered him to open it. This the boy refused to do, stating the orders he had received and his determination not to disobey. Threats and bribes were offered, but all in vain. One after another of the hunters came forward as spokesman, but all with the same result, for the boy remained immoveable in his determination not to open the gate.
After some time one came forward, who said, “My boy, you do not know me! I am the Duke of Wellington - one not accustomed to be disobeyed; and I command you to open the gate so that I and my friends may pass through.” The boy lifted his cap, and stood uncovered before the man whom all England delighted to honor, but answered firmly, “I am sure the Duke of Wellington would not wish me to disobey orders. I must keep the gate shut, nor suffer any to pass through but with my master’s express permission.”
Greatly pleased, the sturdy old warrior lifted his own hat and said, “I honor the man or boy who can neither be bribed nor frightened into doing wrong. With an army of such soldiers I could conquer not only the French, but the world.” Handing the boy a glittering coin, the old Duke put spurs to his horse, and galloped away, while the boy ran back to his work, shouting at the top of his voice, “I’ve done what Napoleon could not do - I’ve kept out the Duke of Wellington.”
Every boy and girl should be a gatekeeper, and the Master’s command to all His faithful servants is “Watch”. Are you tempted to sin? Watch, asking God’s help. Keep the gate of your mouth closed, and allow no evil to enter in or go out. When evil companions would counsel you to break the Sabbath, to he, to deal falsely, to disobey parents, keep the gate of your ears shut against such enticements. When the bold blasphemer would instill doubts of the great truths of revelation, then keep the door of your heart locked and barred against these suggestions.
Poor Esau repented too late,
That once he his birthright despised,
And sold for a morsel of meat,
What could not too highly be prized.
How great was his anguish when told,
The blessing he sought to obtain,
Was gone with the birthright he sold,
And none could recall it again!
He stands as a warning to all,
Wherever the gospel shall come;
O hasten and yield to the call,
While yet for repentance there’s room!
Your season will quickly be past;
Then hear and obey it today,
Lest, when you seek mercy at last,
The Saviour should frown you away.
What is it the world can propose?
A morsel of meat at the best!
For this are you willing to lose
A share in the joys of the blessed?
Its pleasures will speedily end,
Its favor and praise are but breath;
And what can its profits befriend
Your soul in the moments of death?
If Jesus, for these, you despise,
And sin to the Saviour prefer;
In vain your entreaties and cries,
When summoned to stand at His bar;
How will you His presence abide?
What anguish will torture your heart?
The saints all enthroned by His side,
And you be compelled to depart.
‘Tis a point I long to know,
Oft it causes anxious thought;
Do I love the Lord or no?
Am I His, or am I not?
If I love, why am I thus?
Why this dull and lifeless frame?
Hardly, sure, can they be worse,
Who have never heard His Name.
Could my heart so hard remain,
Prayer a task and burden prove,
Every trifle give me pain,
If I knew a Saviour’s love?
When I turn my eyes within,
All is dark, and vain, and wild,
Filled with unbelief and sin,
Can I deem myself a child?
If I pray, or hear, or read,
Sin is mixed with all I do;
You that love the Lord indeed,
Tell me, is it thus with you?
Yet I mourn my stubborn will,
Find my sin a grief and thrall;
Should I grieve for what I feel,
If I did not love at all?
Could I joy His saints to meet,
Choose the ways I once abhorred,
Find, at times, the promise sweet,
If I did not love the Lord?
Lord, decide the doubtful case!
Thou, Who art the people’s sun;
Shine upon Thy work of grace,
If it be indeed begun.
Let me love Thee more and more,
If I love at all, I pray;
If I have not loved before,
Help me to begin today.
A little boy was asked, “How many Gods are there?” He quickly replied, “One.”
“How do you know that?” “Because,” said he, “there is only room for one, for He fills the heaven and earth.”
A gentleman, visiting a school, asked a pupil the question, “What is eternity?” The answer given was - “It is the life-time of the Almighty!”
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