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Of Man’s Latter End Lesson 39 Part II

We shall go a bit further.

We said earlier that all men are subject to a threefold death brought about by the sin in Paradise. They received this in consequence.

But do all people undergo death in the threefold way? No. All undergo spiritual death. Except for the Lord Jesus all people are born Spiritually dead. And almost everyone, elect as well as reprobate, must die the physical death, experiencing the separation of soul and body.

Who are the only ones, as far as we know, who, having received extraordinary grace, are exceptions to this rule? (Enoch and Elijah). God took their soul and body simultaneously into heaven.

It is without saying, that, all the elect are delivered from eternal death. That death no longer has dominion over them.

We would explain it this way then; Spiritual death reigns over all unconverted persons as long as they live. It reigns over the elect till the time they are converted.

Physical death reigns over converted and unconverted alike (except for those mentioned above).

Finally eternal death shall have dominion only over unbelievers, because they shall enter into eternal pain; but the righteous into eternal life.

If physical death has its effect upon all people without exception, would there not be some difference, though, between dying and dying? I would think so! The instruction in God’s Word and the catechism states plainly that death for God’s people is none other than a departure from this life and a passage to eternal life. When God’s people are in the proper spirit, they live as strangers here on earth and sin is a burden to them. When death comes it releases them from this burden and in heaven they will never be able to sin again.

But what about the unconverted?

They find pleasure in sin, vanities and all sorts of worldly amusements. When such a person dies, death disposses him of everything in which he had delight and so, deprives him of his greatest pleasure.

Do you see what a great difference there is between dying and dying? There is not, necessarily, a difference in the death of the body, there being very little difference sometimes. Some unconverted people die sound of mind, calm and without fear. And there are cases where God’s Children die with great bodily pain and sometimes bereft of sound minds.

But it is the manner in which they die that makes the difference.

Now I shall ask you something. Pay attention: we were all in accord that an unconverted person by nature finds delight in sin and when death comes he is deprived of that delight. Does this mean there will be sin in hell?

Answer: Yes.

Well, now, if sin is his delight, can he not sin just as much in hell as he did here?

Answer: There is no delight for it then, O, that is the main point. Death does not release him from sin; no, only from the delight of it. Sin will follow eternally.

There will be eternal sinning in hell but never again with delight, always with remorse. Only God’s people are released from sin, and, in heaven it is impossible to sin anymore. By grace the desire to sin is taken away from them here in this life.

It is simply one way or the other; death releasing us from sin, or death removing delight in sin, but, in a remorseful abhorrence, sin accompanying us eternally.

It states in the aforementioned text, that the gate is wide and the way broad that leads to destruction and that there are many that go in that way; but contrariwise, few go in at the strait gate. You would think, if that broad way leads to destruction, why do many continue to walk that way? How did they get on that way? Who knows the answer?

Answer: They were born on it.

That is the way it is. The Lord did not create us on a way of destruction, but because of our fall we are all born on that way and we must be placed on the narrow way. It does not say either that a person places himself on that narrow way, but it emphatically states, “Few there be that find it.” Would the few who sought it find it by themselves? No, not by themselves. It is recorded in both the Old and New Testaments, “None seek after God;” Psalm 14, and Romans 3, “No, not one.” How, then, could those few have found that gate?

The Lord says, “I draw you with cords of love” and, “I lead you in a way you have not known.” In that connection, Myseras says, “The soul that seeks God is found of Him.”

It is easily understood how they come to that narrow way.

Now, one more thing. It says, “Few”. This is consistent with all of God’s Word, because it also explains that Christ’s Church is a small flock.

But how are we to understand then, what John says, “A great multitude, which no man could number?” Something here appears to be contradictory. It reminds me of a preacher who went on a trip. While he was in a certain place he became involved in a conversation with a man who had approached him even though they were strangers. Toward the end the man asked “You are not a member of the Great Church are you?” “Yes, I am” said the preacher. “I do belong to the Great Church.” “Oh”, responded the man, “I thought you were a member of the Small Church.”

“I belong to that one too,” said the preacher.

“But dominie, that can not be” replied the perplexed man, “You can only be a member of one church.”

“That is certainly true, I do belong to but one church,” continued the preacher.

This was completely beyond him; perhaps thinking that the preacher was irrational.

But he would explain it to him.

The preacher said, “Listen, my friend. The lord has but one church but it is located in two places. The largest portion of it is already in heaven. This is the church Triumphant. This is according to Scripture, because John saw a great multitude which no man could number. But the smallest part is still upon the earth. That is also Scriptural because it tells us That Christ’s Church is a small flock.

Now, by grace, I am a member of that one Church, but momentarily I am in the small part, while at this same time, belonging to the greater part where I hope one time to arrive.”

You can be sure, it was then the man knew that the preacher was in Ins right mind.

Now, “many” is also used concerning those who are lost. Not only, “many are called but few chosen,” but, also, “many will seek to enter in and shall not be able.” Who are intended here? Does it mean the heathens who do not know the Lord?

Or, those who live in gross wickedness?

No, because they do not “seek” to enter in. They are not concerned about God nor Heaven.

No, “many” means religious people who fully intend to enter in with a false foundation. But, because they have never truely become acquainted with the Mediator they shall not be able, and are deceiving themselves about their eternal state.

Over against the many who will be lost, (being on the broad way that leadeth to destruction), are the few who shall be safely led throuth the narrow gate.

Well, here we are; we have been able to look into that.

(to be continued)

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 1978

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 1978

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's