O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust. II Timothy 6:20
Of The Recovery of Fallen Man
Thus we have seen that there are two covenants - the covenant of works before the fall and the covenant of grace after the fall. The covenant of grace was made between God the Father and God the Son, Who represented the elect. This took place in the Counsel of Peace, and was necessary, for otherwise none could be saved.
Since we left the Lord, we are by nature in a state of death. Our article speaks of this: “We believe that our most gracious God, in His admirable wisdom and goodness, seeing that man had thus thrown himself into temporal and eternal death, and made himself wholly miserable, was pleased to seek and comfort him, when he trembling fled from His presence.” After he left the Lord, man wandered over the earth. He was as it were pursued by the wrath of the righteous Judge, was a prey of all kinds of misery and pain, had been driven out of Paradise, and was an object of death. The greatest misery was a separation from God for ever. Sin had done its work and the creation was under the curse of God.
How terrible is the situation into which man came after we began to war against God. Now peace on earth is no more possible - war between nations, divisions in families between parents and children and among brothers and sisters, schism in churches. The whole human race gathers the bitter fruit of sin. If war were only on the outside and there were peace within, then it would be bearable, but there is also unrest within the conscience. It is not only a struggle for life, but a greater struggle between flesh and spirit. Sin brings separations and struggles, it blinds our minds, depraves our morals, and causes us to misuse our strength for unrighteousness. It is clear that we are in a state of death, and we cannot deny it.
What a wonder that the Lord is the first to deliver and save His elect, whom He has chosen from eternity. They are bought by the mediatorial works of Christ, and the Lord will also seek them in time, no matter how miserable and sinful they are. Adam did not seek the Lord, for he fled trembling from the presence of the Lord, but the Lord sought him. God begins the good work. Who of God’s children can say that they sought the salvation of their souls? Not one can say this, but the Lord begins and He will finish this work.
The salvation of mankind is a deed of His seeking love, a revelation of His hidden pleasure and eternal intention. He Who loved His children from eternity and elected them to salvation will also gather them in time. God was pleased to seek and comfort him (Adam) when he trembling fled from His presence, promising him that He would give His Son, Who would be made of woman, to bruise the head of the serpent, and would make him happy. This covenant of grace was made from eternity, but was not revealed before the fall as there was no place for grace in Paradise.
After the fall the covenant of grace was revealed, immediately after the covenant of works was broken. Then God came to man, as it is written in Genesis 3:15, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” Although He was hurt by the disobedience of Adam, the Father here speaks. He explained the covenant to man, according to II Corinthians 5:19, “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconcilation.”
In John 10:28, the Son explained Himself as Mediator, “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” The Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of Christ, applies these merits, (I Corinthians 12:3) “Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed; and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.” Thus the Lord has revealed Himself as a merciful and gracious God, but also as perfectly holy and righteous. Where man fled from the Lord, expecting a threefold death, the Lord came to comfort man with the promise of Christ, Who would destroy the head and works of Satan. This was the first revelation of the covenant of grace, to the glory of God and the salvation of mankind.
The question now arises, with whom is the covenant made? As was said before, if we speak of three covenants, we can come to the error that all baptized children are in the covenant of grace, giving evidence of this in their life. This means that each child of believing parents is in the covenant and has the right to receive the benefits of the covenant. It is only necessary to accept it, and then you are a partaker of it. This is a doctrine which is against God’s Word. By nature we are children of wrath, and only by regeneration do we come in the covenant.
This covenant is established with the elect; (Ezekiel 16:6) “And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee, Live.” This covenant of grace is the way by which God through Christ becomes the property of the sinner, and by which he in turn becomes the property of God. And then the wonder, that the Lord Who requires faith and conversion also works this in the heart of the elect by Word and Spirit. As the Lord came to Adam to seek and comfort him, so that Lord also works throughout all ages by His servants the prophets, the apostles, and evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, according to II Corinthians 5:20, “We preach you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.”
Many refuse to listen to the message which they receive, but this is not the fault of the Word or of the servants, but the hardening of their hearts. Still the Lord is calling, “As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” From our side there is no hope, but the Lord calls out of free grace from death to life, just as Lazarus was called out of the sepulchre. The Lord draws them with cords of a man and with bands of love. The internally-called sinner may accept the Lord as his God, and surrenders himself to God.
This is, in a few words, what happens when a sinner is incorporated in the covenant of grace. He has no knowledge of all these things, because he becomes a poor sinner, but in the exercise of faith he is taught this. It is often a question for God’s children whether they are in the covenant or not. These covenant people are not rich, but are poor in themselves, as Peter says, “Be ye clothed with humility.” They esteem others better than themselves. David cried out, “I am a worm and no man.” Though a saint, though a king, yet a worm. When Moses’ face shone, he covered it with a veil; when God’s people shine most, they cover themselves with a veil of humility. Thus they remain poor and miserable sinners in themselves, but they are rich in the Lord, for they are on His account.
I hope that all the readers may become jealous of this work of God.
Norwich, Ontario
Dear Boys and Girls,
As we begin another year, we are reminded about other beginnings -- those mentioned in the Bible, but also those which have taken place for us in the past. If a list were made, it would be quite lengthy. Think only of the beginning of our life, of our school days, of each school year, of new friendships and acquaintances, etc. Just the new beginnings in 1977 would be quite a few if we stop and think about them. But beginnings also remind us of endings, for each of the things mentioned will also end, often sooner than we might expect. As we then begin this year, how necessary that we pray with the psalmist, “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” and in another place, “Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.”
We hope for all of you many blessings in the New Year, many lessons learned well, but above all that the Lord may teach us those necessary things for the welfare of our souls.
The first letters of our answers will spell out the first five words of the Bible.
God created man in His own _____, … male and female created He them.
The angel of the Lord told Manoah’s wife, “The child shall be a _____ unto God from the womb.”
The psalmist said in Psalm 119, “Thy word is_____from the beginning.” (140–176)
After the flood Noah began to be an_____, and he planted a vineyard.
The man born blind said, “A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine_____.”
The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month shall be unto you the_____ of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.”
Luke wrote, “They delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were _____ and ministers of the word.”
John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was_____.”
At Babel the Lord said, “This they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have _____to do.”
To whom did Elisha send a messenger, saying, “Go and wash in Jordan seven times”?
On the first day of creation God called the light Day, and the darkness He called_____.
Naboth said to King Ahab, “The Lord forbid it me, that I should give the_____of my fathers unto thee.”
Before departing from them, the Lord Jesus told His disciples that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all______, beginning at Jerusalem.
Ahijah said of Jeroboam’s son, “He only of Jeroboam shall come to the_____, because in him there is found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel.”
To whom did Elisha say, “Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and olive-yards, and vineyards?”
In Revelations we read, “I am Alpha and_____, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.”
In the first epistle of John he tells us, “The_____sinneth from the beginning.”
Solomon said, “Remember now thy_____in the days of thy youth.”
Naomi and _____ came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.
When _____ the son of Seth was born, we read, “Then began men to call upon the Name of the Lord.”
When Peter and John went up together unto the temple, a certain man lame from his mother’s womb asked _____.
Peter said to him, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I_____.”
He_____ with them into the temple, walking and leaping, and praising God.
It was in the first month, the first day of the month, that the waters were_____up from off the earth, and Noah removed the covering of the ark.
(As always, your answers should be sent to Garret J. Moerdyk, 5211 Woodmont Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.)
Answers to the quiz of last month are as follows:
“Where Is He That Is Born?”
Matthew 2:2
Worship - Matthew 2:8
Hear - Mark 9:2–7
Elias - Matthew 16:14
Rabbi - John 3:1–2
Eyes - Luke 2:28–30
Inn - Luke 2:7
Son - Mark 1:9–11
Hence - Luke 4:9
Enter - John 10:9
Tidings - Luke 2:10
Highest - Luke 2:13–14
Authority - Matthew 21:23
Touch - Mark 5:25–28
Israel - John 1:49
Sin - John 1:29
Bethlehem - Luke 2:15 Offended - Matthew 13:53–57
Redemption - Luke 2:38 Nazareth - Luke 18:35–37
Answers to the quiz have been received from the following -
Gary John Sommer
Ingrid Sommer
Irene Sommer
Janet Sommer
Eric Sommer
Carolyn Sommer
Steve VanOostenbrugge
Karl VanOostenbrugge
Rita Leusink
Jacqueline Leusink
Mary VanGiessen
Randy VanGiessen
John Spaans
Julie DeBruine
Randy DeBruine
Leah Talbot
Laura Talbot
Linda Talbot
Sharon Talbot
Jim Bazen
Karen Bazen
Linda Bazen
Norman VanRavenswaay
Lyle VanRavenswaay
Kathy Schelling
Linda Schelling
Brenda Schelling
Beth Schelling
Kent Schelling
James Schelling
Sue Schelling
Tami Koedam
Todd Koedam
Douglas John Mol
Carl Mast
Joylynn Mast
Jane Mast
Rick Rosendall
Jeff Rosendall
John Rosendall
Kristi Rosendall
Rachel Rosendall
Larry Slotsema
Richard Gordon Carlson
Randy Carlson
Michelle Timmer
Jim Kraayeveld
Joyce Koppelaar
Walter Koppelaar
Nicholas Koppelaar
Ray VanderKooi
Joel VanderKooi
Glen VanderKooi
Margot Mast
Janet Groen
Cheryl Groen
John VanVugt
Jo-Anne VanVugt
Peter Bazen
Sharon Lynn Bazen
Steve Bazen
Dan Bazen
Mariene Grisnich (2)
Richard Grisnich (2)
Tammy L. VandenToorn
Carol Boluyt
Kristi Boluyt
Steve Boluyt
David Vlietstra (2)
Janice Vlietstra (2)
Jon Vlietstra (2)
Roger Vlietstra )2)
Sandy Southway
Ann Mariene VanderMeulen
Karl VanderMeulen
Benjamin VanderMeulen
Herman VanderMeulen
Leonard DenBoer (2)
Andy DenBoer (2)
Michele Seabert
Leonard Frens
Jonathon Kamp
Robert Kamp
Pamela Hoogmoed
Danny Parmeter
Mariene Otten
Edward Vandenberg
Arlen J. Klarenbeek
Darwyn Klarenbeek
David Klarenbeek
LeAnn Klarenbeek
Jane Kroesbergen
John Kroesbergen
Ken Kroesbergen
Cathy Kroesbergen
Elizabeth VanderMeulen (2)
Harman VanderMeulen (2)
Sidney VanderMeulen )2)
Joyce VanderMeulen (2)
John Heystek
Adrian Bush
Nicholas Bush
Stan VanderWaal (2)
Virginia VanderWaal (2)
Tonia VanderWaal (2)
Angela Stam
Alisa Stam
Willy Neels
Lisa Peters
John Groen
Karen Kersbergen (3)
Suzanne Kersbergen
Corry VanBrugge
Helen VanBrugge
May VanBurgge
Nellie VanBrugge
Lynn Vroegindewey (2)
Matthew Schelling
Jeff Boot
Jeremy Boot
Gail denHoed
Judy denHoed
Artis denHoed
Laura VanGinkel
Karen Jean VanGinkel
Jelaine VanGinkel
Tim Nieuwenhuis
Robert Nieuwenhuis
Allan Post
Debbie VanBemden
Sally VandBemden
Mike VanBemden
Kathy VanBemden
Ed Hamier
Ken Hamier (2)
Jeff Hamier
Edward Laman (2)
Paul Laman
Bob Huisjen
Sharon Frens
Elaine Frens
Daniel Kamp
Particia Hoogmoed
Walter Hoogmoed
Henry Otten
Diane Otten
Lisa Kay Markus
Cindy Markus
Becky Markus
Annette Meeuwse (2)
Judy VanVoorst
Jay VanVoorst
Ellen Baum
John Bosch
Tim Westrate
Henderika Kroesbergen (4)
Bill Kroesbergen (4)
Helen Hubers
Marcia Hubers
Howard Hubers
Harriet Hubers
Duane Hubers
Mary Hubers
Tim Kaat
Amy Kaat
Dave Kwekel
Tom Kwekel
Dan Kwekel
Andrew Kieboom (2)
Nancy Hoogmoed
Joanne Hoogmoed
Judy Fluit
Sherry Fluit
Shirley Fluit
Daniel J. Sweetman
Jenny Sweetman
Debra Witvoet
Carrie Witvoet
Martin Schouten
Anita Schouten
Rita Leusink
Jacqueline Leusink
Christine Bylsma
Stanley Bylsma
Lysbeth Kroesbergen
Mary Blom
Connie Blom
Kathleen denHoed
Joleen denHoed
Peter Vlietstra
Trudy Vlietstra
Jimmy Vlietstra
Helen Vanderwal (3)
Peter Vanderwal (2)
Maria Stoutjesdyk
Carol VanKlei
Art VanKlei
Jackie VanKlei
Minda VanRavenswaay
Susan VanRavenswaay
Joel VanRavenswaay
Allan J. Baum, Jr.
Carrie Jane Blok
Joyce vandenBrink
John Jonkman
Willie Jonkman
Franklin VanHoepen
Jackie VanHoepen
Richard denHertog
Sue VanEss
Rick VanEss
Tim VanStelle
Andy VanStelle
John Stapel
David Hoogendoorn
Ken Spaans
Leslie VanWyk
Jeffrey VanWyk
Martin VanWyk
Edward VanWyk
Marilyn Kamp
Debbie Kamp
Bill Kamp
Anthony VandenHoek
David Brink
John Brink
Karen Vlietstra
Shelley Hoogendoorn
Lisa Hoogendoorn
Neal Boerkoel
Ruth Boerkoel
Bob Boerkoel
John Boerkoel
Joanne Boerkoel
Tim Lagemaat
Nita Lagemaat
Leslie Lagemaat
Steven Kuiper
Chris Kuiper
Donna Kuiper
Cheryl VandeStouwe
Myra VandeStouwe
Glenda Slingerland
Darryl Slingerland
Audrey VanVeldhuizen
Mariene VanVeldhuizen
Paul Greendyk
Alan Greendyk
Doug Maljaars
Judy Maljaars
Nancy DeJong
Bert DeJong
Jackie DeJong
Rick VanManen
Mary VanManen
Bill VanManen
Tim VanRee
Bob VanRee
Sandy Southway
Robert Southway
Wayne VandeWaerdt
Michelle Teunissen
Brenda Teuinessen
And now to answer the letters which we have again received -
KATHLEEN DEN HOED - It is difficult to realize how much change there is in two years, Kathleen. We live in a changing world. But we also know of that which does not change. The Lord Himself does not change, as we can read in His Word. Can you name any other things?
CARRIE WITVOET - Thank you for your decorated letter, Carrie. We have just a little snow left, but the roads are now quite clear. That, too, can change rather quickly. Do you like lots of snow? I hope you are taking good care of your little sister.
ANDREW KIEBOOM - We also thought the slides which Mr. and Mrs. Louwerse showed were very nice, Andrew. If we lived there, we would probably miss many of the things which we now have. Since the missionaries have come there, they do not have to miss the teachings from the Word of God.
MARTIN SCHOUTEN - Did you find a job during the summer holidays, Martin? Sometimes that is quite difficult to do, as many others are also looking for jobs at that time. There are always lots of things to do which you do not get paid for, but which can be of great help to others.
LEONARD DEN BOER - Did you find the problem with your quiz answers, Leonard? The names of the wives of Esau made that quiz particularly difficult. Many of the boys and girls had some trouble with it. Do you have lots of animals in the barn?
HELEN VAN BRUGGE - We hope that you feel better again, Helen. Did you get caught up with the School work that you missed? We mentioned in one of the other letters how things change, but your little brother changes real fast in those first years.
JOHN GROEN - Are you moving closer to the school, John? We have also read about your school in the Saambinder. How many boys and girls attend the school now? As you look back in the year 1978, you can see the many changes that have taken place in your congregation.
ELISABETH VERBEEK - It would not be very easy to use oil lamps all the time, would it, Elisabeth? Did you get a good report card? It usually takes lots of hard work to get good report cards. But we also need the Lord’s blessing upon all that we do.
ELIZABETH VANDER-MEULEN - We were glad to hear from you, Elizabeth. We have learned to know many boys and girls through the Bible quiz, and are always glad to see new ones added. Be sure to say Hello to your parents for us.
KATHY SCHELLING - I don’t grade the papers, Kathy, because I don’t send out report cards. But I do look them over to see how the boys and girls are doing. Since there is quite a difference in ages of those who answer, I realize it is not as easy for some as it is for others.
DEBRA WITVOET - Are Tiny’s pups out from under the barn, Debra? How many were there? I don’t suppose you ride your horse as much during the winter. We saw your grandparents the other day at a wedding. Give our greetings to your parents.
And our letters are again finished for this time. Even in writing letters there is a beginning and an ending. We hope we may be spared to hear from all of you regularly in 1979, and that the Lord will bless the Bible lessons we learn from month to month. Again, our very best wishes to all of you.
With love,
Your friend,
“Uncle Garret”
This question should be asked of those who desire to make public confession. There are those who continually postpone the making of confession, and their reasons are of various sorts.
The one says, “I do not yet know with whom I shall marry some day.” In this way many have, through marriage, forsaken the truth. They abandon the truth of take a wait-and-see attitude towards it. These are the doubters, who do not view the truth so strictly. Let’s point out to them that, with the forsaking of the truth, they draw off from the truth the entire generation that shall come after them. What a responsibility! Willingly and knowingly turning from the purity of God’s testimony shall also testify eternally against us.
Our young people should earnestly consider this. We must appear before God with our generation. We must give account to God for our actions. Suppose then that we had drawn our generation from God’s Word or placed them under a false doctrine.
Perhaps the question is asked, “Where is then the pure doctrine?” The answer I would give would be contained in Article 29 of our Confession of Faith. Our confession speaks of three marks, namely, the pure preaching of the gospel, the pure administration of the sacraments, and Christian discipline according to the institution of Christ. Our confession tells us that the true and the false church are easily known and distinguished from each other.
The desire for new things and taking it easier with religious convictions are indeed serious manifestations in these days. Doesn’t the conscience of those who thus forsake the truth ever speak? It certainly does. Every person has a consience. For man before the fall it was a holy certainty to do and will only that which God willed. Through the fall man lost all this. But even yet the Lord gives to each person a conscience, which lets its voice be heard internally in man to turn him away from sinful paths. The conscience itself is now no longer perfect, as there is nothing perfect left in man, but nevertheless the Lord yet often uses it to warn when we wish to do things not pleasing unto Him. Only if the Lord grants true saving faith will the conscience be cleansed by Divine grace.
However, if we are unconverted, our conscience can yet speak. Do not consider it a small thing if we yet have a speaking conscience, for it can be a means to restrain from many sins. If we nevertheless try to silence our conscience by proposing all kinds of excuses and devices, yes, sometimes revealing great enmity against the doctrine in which we were brought up, our consciences will continually speak less. This can also take place if we attempt to quiet our conscience by an indifferent attitude. This continues until such a person is given over by God unto the hardness of his heart.
A speaking conscience is yet a privilege, as then the Lord has not given us over unto ourselves, but still concerns Himself with us. But if we live on unconcerned, and in indifference attempt to silence it, then our conscience is seared and we are given over to hardness. The Lord shall not always strive with man. May this admonishment be for us an earnest warning. He that, being often admonished, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed.
There are other reasons why men postpone confession. One of these is membership in unpermitted organizations (or unpermitted world conformity). We could well call it a slavery and attachment to the spirit of the times. The night rest is offered up and God’s day is profaned. Can that be compatible with making a profession of faith?
By making a profession, man chooses for God and promises to forsake the world. Although it is true that the Lord internally renews the heart and this renewing is necessary, yet in the keeping of His commandments the Lord gives a great reward. Desiring to be busy with all kinds of unpermitted things keeps some from making confession. Of these things they are not willing to let loose, so that they act against the ordinances of God.
Some, although they are few, refrain from it because they are unconverted. Because of inner convictions they cannot answer to the questions asked, and thus come into difficulties. If it truly comes from an inward conviction of the heart, it shall also give an internal unrest and internal prayer. That it then might also come to an internal defeat before God - thus not alone a conviction, but a bowing of the heart, loving God more than himself - and then to cry out with Esther, “And if I perish, I perish.”
(to be continued)
Had some solemn feeling when upon my knees last night I heard the clock strike twelve. I could not go in spirit with many that hold Watch Night services. Private communion between God and my own soul is more profitable. In the early morning, when upon my knees, these words gave me some hope and feeling --
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
With blessings on your head.
The clouds that hang over our family and Church are more dense than ever. I trust we may yet discover that the bow of divine favour is spanned across them.
We must learn to say “No”. We must dare, if need be, to be singular. Like the young Joseph, when you are tempted astray by seducing voices, let your answer be, “How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Like the young Daniel when forbidden pleasures and questionable delights are urged upon your appetites, be purposed in your heart that you “will not defile” yourself with them, and choose pulse and water with the relish of a good conscience rather than such dainties. Like Daniel’s friends, when the crowds are flocking at the sound of the sack-but and psaltery to worship some golden image, keep your knees unbent amidst the madness, learn to stand erect though you alone are upright in the midst of a grovelling multitude, and protest, “We will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Like Nehemiah, dare to lose money rather than adopt sources of profit which others may use without a thought, but which your conscience shrinks from; and to all the various enticements of pleasure, and gain, and ease, and popular loose principles of conduct, oppose a higher law and a mightier motive -- “So did not I, because of the fear of God.”
Young People’s Magazine
Swift as the winged arrow flies,
My time is hast’ning on;
Quick as the lightning from the skies,
My wasting moments run.
My follies past, O God, forgive;
My ev’ry sin subdue;
And teach me henceforth how to live
With glory in my view.
‘Twere better I had not been born
Than live without thy fear;
For they are wretched and forlorn
Who have their portion here.
O be a nobler portion mine;
Lord may I bow before thy throne,
Earth’s fleeting treasures there resign,
And fix my hope on thee alone.
Gadsby’s Selection
An eminent lawyer, who had not read the Bible, and was doubtful about its being God’s word, asked a Christian friend to tell him what books he should read to satisfy his mind. His friend said, “Read the Bible itself.” The inquirer thought his question had been misunderstood. He wanted some books that would say something about the Bible. But his friend said, “No; I will not send you to other books. Read the Bible for yourself.” The lawyer obtained a Bible. “Where shall I begin?” said he. “Oh, begin at the beginning, and read it through.” The Christian called upon him now and then, and was delighted to find that he continued to read. One day the friend found the doubter walking up and down his room full of thought. He inquired what subject occupied his mind so completely. “I have been reading,” said he, “the moral law in the Book of Exodus.” “Well, what do you think of it?” “Why, I have been trying whether I can add anything to it, but I can’t; and I have considered whether there is anything that can be taken from it, so as to make it better, and I cannot. It is perfect.“
Within this awful volume lies
The mystery of mysteries;
Happiest they of human race
To whom their God has given grace
To read, to fear, to hope, to pray,
To lift the latch, to force the way;
And better had they ne’er been born,
Than read to doubt, or read to scorn.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1979
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1979
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's