O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust. II Timothy 6:20
Of The Union and Distinction of The Two Natures in The Person of Christ
The content of this article is the wonderful unity of the Divine and human natures in the Person of the Mediator. The article is divided into three parts: (1) the confession of the unity of the two natures of Christ; (2) an explanation of the difference, to the extent that God's Word gives light over this mystery; whereas two natures differing from each other are united in one Person; and (3) the conclusion that Christ is very God and real man in one Person.
We have seen the last time that there are not two Persons forming the Mediator, but two natures are united in Christ as one Person. Remember what Paul wrote in I Timothy 3:16, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." The Father sent His beloved Son on earth and prepared Him a body. His honorary title is 'Immanuel, God with us'. Of Him it is written, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
He was and remained God when He assumed our human nature, but He became that which He was not before, namely, man. We must give honor to our confession that it doesn't try to explain this mystery in a philosophical way, but stays simple and humble. It says, "We believe that by His conception, the Person of the Son is inseparably united and connected with the human nature; so that there are not two Sons of God, nor two persons, but two natures united in one single Person: yet, that each nature retains its own distinct properties." This confession is according to the old truth which has been defended against many errors in the past, where some have mixed the two natures and others have separated them.
These two natures are united in strict unity of one Person, but in such a manner that each nature retains its distinct properties. We know that this is not an easy subject to comprehend, but it is not always necessary that we understand. Some things are hidden for us, and we must believe them. What a blessing when we may believe them, for then we will also receive the comfort of it. Is it not a miracle which is here spoken of?
This subject has given much trouble, as is revealed in the history of the church. In the year 451 the Council of Chalcedon met and affirmed the belief of the church respecting the Person of Christ. It declared Him "to be acknowledged in two natures, in-confusedly, unchangeably, in-divisibly, inseparably; the distinction of natures being in no wise taken away by the union, but rather the property of each nature being preserved, and concurring in one Person and in one Subsistence, not parted or divided into two Persons."
This formulation is mainly negative, and simply seeks to guard the truth against various heretical views. It clearly states the faith of the New Testimental Church respecting the Person of Christ, but does not try to explain the mystery: God and man in one Person. Here is simply told what Jesus is, without any attempt to show how He became so. The eternal Son of God assumed our human nature. It is not true, as Brunner said, that the man Jesus acquired divinity.
More than fifteen centuries have passed by since the Council of Chalcedon, and the church has never really gone beyond this formula. We know that this church meeting was necessary, as Eutyches had taught that the two natures of Christ were intermixed. Nestorius did just the opposite and separated them completely. This synod spoke against both by stating that the two natures of Christ were in strict unity of One Person.
The nineteenth article of our confession begins by stating that the second Person in the Triune Being has assumed our human nature. It was not the Father nor the Holy Ghost Who became man, but Christ. It was by the second Person that the Father created, and He was also elected by the Father to be the Re-creator of the elect, who had come under the curse of the law by the fall and sin. And therefore He should become man. When Christ assumed our human nature, He then had two natures, as He retained His Divine nature. The Divine nature remained the same. The church confesses that this union is without mixture or fusion, that is, the two natures in Christ are not merged, blended or fused into one nature. Christ did not become a God-man, but God and man. Closely connected with the preceding is the immutability of natures. Neither the Divine nature in Christ, not the human nature, was (essentially) changed through the incarnation. The Son of God did not leave heaven to become man, but was (and is) according to His Divine nature still in heaven and also on earth, thus omnipresent.
In His human nature He was laid in the manger and was bound to one place. He grew up in Nazareth, walking among men. At the same time His Divine nature was immutable, nor did the Son of God put aside His Divine attributes. The Infinite did not change into finite, but assumed the finite. The human nature of Christ was finite, temporal, limited in power, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, was dependent and changeable. In His human nature He lived our life and assumed our weak nature. It was not Adam's nature from Paradise; it was the weak nature which we have. But there was one great difference - He was without sin.
Christ, although without sin, came into this sinful world to save sinners. The Son of Man came to seek and so save that which was lost. Oh, what a miracle that He was willing to come and to subject Himself to such a way of humiliation and death in order that He could make satisfaction for the sin of His people, which could not be missed.
Such a Mediator we need, but we need Him only when we have seen how sinful that we are. May the Lord instruct us in these things so that we really become what we are - sinners. Such lost sinners can be saved by the Mediator, Who is very God and very man in one Person.
Dear Boys and Girls;
The parable of the sower is well known to all of us, I am sure. It is often shown to us in a picture of a man casting seed upon the ground, just as they did it many years ago. And since the Lord Jesus told His disciples the meaning of this parable, we do not have to decide what is meant by it.
The seed, which is the Word of God, fell in four different places, each one a picture of a hearer of the Word. Since we also hear the Word from week to week, what kind of hearer are we? How much we should ask the Lord to give us ears to hear and hearts to understand the Word, and that it might bring forth fruit to His honor. We can read how Lydia was granted such a blessing when the apostle Paul came into Macedonia. But there are also examples in God's Word of the other kinds of hearers, as we will notice in answering the quiz this month.
The first letters of the answers will spell out six words taken from the parable, as told by Matthew. To whom did Elijah say, "I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the Lord"?
To whom did Samuel say, "Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee from being king"?
The prophet Gad said to David after he numbered the people, "Thus saith the Lord, I _____ thee three things."
Jeremiah said, "O earth, earth, earth, hear the _____ of the Lord."
Which prophet was brought in a vision to a valley full of dry bones and commanded to prophesy upon them?
The Lord told Noah, "While the _____, seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
Daniel said to King Belshazzar, "Then was the part of the hand sent from Him; and this writing was _____.''
Who sent word to the king of Israel, saying, "Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel"?
To what city was Jonah sent to preach unto it the word of the Lord?
In another parable the question is asked, "Didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence hath it _____?"
Some of the seed sown by the sower fell into good ground, and brought forth _____ .
The prophet Isaiah exclaimed, "Who hath believed _____ report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?"
Jahaziel said to the people and to King Jehoshaphat, "Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by _____ of this great multitude.
The prophet Zechariah was instructed to say to the people, "Thus saith the Lord of hosts: _____ ye unto Me."
To whom did Isaiah go and say, "Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live"?
Paul dwelt at Rome in his own hired house, preaching the kingdom of God, and _____ those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pharaoh's reply to Moses and Aaron was, "Who is the Lord that I should _____ His voice to let Israel go?"
When King Josiah sent some to enquire of the Lord for him, they went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of _____
The prophet Agabus took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, saying, "Thus saith the Holy Ghost, so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that _____ this girdle."
The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, "Arise, and go toward the south unto the _____ that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza." (Answers should be sent to Garret J. Moerdyk, 5211 Woodmont Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.)
The answers to the quiz of last month are as follows:
"Have Sought Thee Sorrowing" Luke 2:48
Healed - Mark 5:22-23
Able - Luke 13:24
Verily -Mark 8:12
Expedient - John 16:7
Search - Matthew 2:7-8
Officers - John 18:3-4
Uncovered -Mark 2:1-4
Ground - John 18:6
His - Matthew 6:33
Tell -John 20:15
These - John 18:8
Herod - Luke 23:8
Elias - Matthew 27:48-49
East -Matthew 2:1-2
Sycomore - Luke 19:2-4 Orion - Amos 5:8
Rabbi -John 1:38
Risen - Luke 24:5
Opportunity - Luke 22:3-6
Whole - Mark 5:25-28
Innocent - Matthew 27:24 Nicodemus - J ohn 3:1-2
Greatly - Matthew 27:54
Answers have again been received from the following boys and girls:
Ken Meeuwsen
Jim Koedam
Sam Koedam
Dwight Koedam
Billy Dendekker (2)
Joel VanRavenswaay
Minda VanRavenswaay (2)
Susan VanRavenswaay (2)
Rick Rosendall
John Rosendall
Kristi Rosendall
Jeff Rosendall
Rachel Rosendall
Maaike VanBrugge
Helen Ann VanBrugge
Denise Koedam (2)
Karen Bazen
Jim Bazen
Linda Bazen
Mike VanBemden
Debbie VanBemden
Kathy VanBemden
Sally VanBemden
Debbie Kamp
Marilyn Kamp
Bill Kamp
Ross Derksen
John Lee Fluit
Anneke DenDekker
John denDekker
Chris Kuiper
Donna Kuiper
Steven Kuiper
Leah Talbot
Linda Talbot
Steven VanOostenbrugge
Karl VanOostenbrugge
Karen VandenBeukel
Tammy Lynn VanderToorn
Mariene Otten
Diane Otten
William Otten
Fred Otten
John Spaans
Timothy VanDyke
Daniel VanDyke
David VanDyke
John VanDyke
Cheryl Groen
Janet groen
Ronald Bertram (2)
Annette Meeuwse (2)
Becky Markus
Karen Ymker
Karol Spaans
Karen Spaans
Carla Spaans
Elizabeth Sisco
Ken DenDekker
Jackie denDekker
Laura Talbot
Robert Southway
Sandra Southway
Steven Bazen
Peter Bazen
Dan Bazen
Edward Bazen
Sharon Bazen
Melanie VanBrugge (2)
Ruth Bouma
Margo Mast
Yvonne Kegel
Brian Kegel
Judy VanVoorst
Rachel VanVoorst
Jay VanVoorst
Richard Carlson
Randy Carlson
Lisa Markus
Cindy Markus
Carrie J. Blok
Randy DeBruine
Julie DeBruine
Mariene Grisnich
Richard Grisnich
Scott Van't Zelfde
Dean Kaat (2)
Ingrid Kaat (2)
Bob Huisjen
James Kraayeveld
Douglas John Mol
Amy Teunissen
Scott Teunissen
Larry Slotsema
Norman VanRavenswaay
Lyle VanRavenswaay
Kristi Boluyt
Steve Boluyt
Tim Nieuwenhuis
Jonathon Kamp
Daniel Dirk Kamp
Robert Kamp
Alan Greendyk
Paul Greendyk
Helen Vanderwal
Peter Vanderwal
Danny Parmeter
Darryl Slingerland
Glenda Slingerland
Annette Bleyenberg
Gary Bleyenberg
Brent Bleyenberg
Steven Johnson
Dwaine Johnson
Adrian Bush
Nicholas Bush
Artis denHoed
Gail denHoed
Judy denHoed
Dave Engelsma
Martin VanWyk
Leslie VanWyk
Jeffrey VanWyk
Edward VanWyk
Tammy Koedam
Todd Koedam
Marie Remus
Arlene Remus
Dave Kwekel
Tom Kwekel
Dan Kwekel
Jo-Anne Herfst (2)
Yvonne Herfst (2)
Eva Herfst (2)
Helen Hubers
Marcia Hubers
Harriet Hubers
Howard E. Hubers
Duane Hubers
Mary Hubers
Matthew Jon Schelling
Hendrika DeVos
Teresa DeVos
Jenny Lee Sweetman
John Brink
David Brink
Annette Brink
Leonard Frens
Elaine Frens
Sandy Southway
Bobby Southway
John Heystek
Larry VanMiddendorp
Laurie VanEss
Sue VanEss
Rick VanEss
Michele Seabert
Steve Bleeker
Laurie Bleeker
Lois Heerschap
Joanne Heerschap
Beverly Heerschap
Allan Jay Baum, Jr.
Ellen Marie Baum
Paula Timmer
Billy Densel
Gerrit Rozeboom
Dale Rozeboom
Delores Rozenboom
Sherry Fluit
Shirley Fluit
Judy Fluit
Karen Ann Kievit
Linda Jean Kievit
Janet Lee Kievit
Doreen VandenBerg
Mariene Vandenberg
Edward Vandenberg
John Stapel
Wayne VandeWaerdt
Tim VanStelle
Andy VanStelle
John VanVugt
Jo-Anne VanVugt
Glenn VanWinderden
Elwyn Hoogendoorn
Teresa DenDekker
Elizabeth DenDekker
May DenDekker
Jimmy Vlietstra
James VandenBrink
Joyce VanderMeulen
Elizabeth VanderMeulen
Harmen VanderMeulen
Sidney VanderMeulen
Walter Koppelaar
Joyce Koppelaar
Tom Berkenbush
Margaret Maassen
Curtis Maasen
Ruth Bouma
Sheryl denHoed
Sharon denHoed
Willie Jonkman
Willy Jonkman
Robert Herfst (2)
David Klarenbeek
Arlen Klarenbeek
Darwyn Klarenbeek
LeAnn Klarenbeek
Karl VanderMeulen
Herman VanderMeulen
Benjamin VanderMeulen
Ann Mariene VanderMeulen
Marjane VanHierden
Mary Blom
Connie Blom
Anne Jansen
Henry Jansen
Nancy Hoogmoed
Joanne Hoogmoed
Doug Post
Henderika Kroesbergen (2)
Bill Kroesbergen (2)
Christine Bylsma
Stan Bylsam
Edward VanWyk
Jeffrey VanWyk
Leslie VanWyk
Helen VanBrugge
May VanBrugge
Nellie VanBrugge (2)
Corrie VanBrugge (2)
Maria Stoutjesdyk
Pam Veltman
Debra Witvoet
Ray VanderKooi
Joel VanderKooi
Glen VanderKooi
Julie VanGermert
John VanGemert (2)
Steve VanGemert (2)
Vicki VanGemert (2)
Elizabeth Verbeek
John Boerkoel
Ruth Boerkoel
Bob Boerkoel
Joanne Boerkoel
Anette VandenBrink
David Brink
John Brink
Virginia VanderWaal
Stan VanderWaal
Tonia VanderWaal
Allan Post (2)
John vanHeek
Ronnie vanHeek
Yvonne vanHeek
Angela Stam
Martin Schouten
Anita Schouten
Edward Dekker
Caryn Dekker (2)
Lysbeth Kroesbergen (2)
Anthony VandenHoek (2)
Rick VanManen
Mary VanManen
Bill VanManen
Lena Neels
Willy Neels
Bernice Bouman
Fred Neels
Cathy Neels
Patricia Vandenberg (2)
Peter Vanderwal
Helen Vanderwal
Lisa Ann Hoogendoorn
Shelley Marie Hoogendoorn
And now we will answer the letters which we have received - EVA HERFST - We are happy to have you join in answering the Bible quiz, Eva. You wrote a very nice letter. You mentioned that sometimes you make mistakes in knitting. Older people also do that, not only in knitting, but in everything we do.
ELIZABETH VERBEEK - Is everyone feeling better again at your house, Elisabeth? I can imagine that you are looking forward to your trip to Holland this summer, if you are living and well. Our plans can be changed so quickly. You will have to write us all about it.
MAY DEN DEKKER - The weather here is quite nice the last few days, May. We hope you are having nicer weather also. If we considered more that the Lord sends the rain and the snow, we wouldn't complain so much about the weather. Are you going to do better on your next tests in school?
HELEN ANN VAN BRUGGE - We are all growing older just as fast as your little brother, Helen, even though we don't think about it. We ususally see other people growing older, but not ourselves. Does he like to be outdoors when the weather is nice? HENDRIKA DE VOS - When do you hope to move into your new home, Hendrika? Is it a bigger house than you have now? If you had an A-plus on a book report, it couldn't have been improved upon. It sounds as if you enjoy giving book reports. Did you get a good mark on the one about Floods?
PAM VELTMAN - How do you like living in Norwich, Pam? You really moved quite a long distance. Do you live in town, or do you live on a farm? I am sure you had to make new friends again. We hope to hear more about it in your next letter.
BILLY DENDEKKER - Is your garden planted already, Billy? The weeds which you don't plant have probably started to grow. In the Bible weeds are called by another name. Do you know what it is? Sometimes we may even question which ones are the weeds.
MARIE REMUS - The apostle Paul must also have known something about grafting, as we find it wrote about in his letter to the Romans, Marie. Can you find where he wrote about it? He used it as an example for the instruction of those people, but also for us.
RONALD BERTRAM - It was nice that Rev. Van Haaren was able to come from the Netherlands to visit your congregation, Ronald. That is a long trip to make. Are all of your services in the English language, or do you still have some in the Holland language? Thank you for sending the greetings from Rev. Van Haaren and his wife to us and our readers.
SCOTT VAN'T ZELFDE - It was nice to have you join with us, Scott, and we hope you will be able to do the quize each month. We cannot expect to do them so easily and quickly the first time, but each month it should be easier.
MARTIN SCHOUTEN - It is good that we may be busy, Martin, and even better if we consider the wisdom of the Creator in the wonders of creation. But best of all would be if we might learn to seek those things above, as we read of in Colossians 3. We all need that very much.
ANTHONY VANDEN HOEK - We would be glad to have you stop in if you come to Michigan, Anthony. As you can realize, there are a good many miles of travelling between us. Do you like to travel? It is possible that there won't be as much travelling this summer because of gasoline prices and shortages.
BEVERLY HEERSCHAP - Did you manage to memorize the 11th chapter of Hebrews, Beverly? That is a real accomplishment, and we hope something you won't forget so soon. It is surprising how much we can remember, and there is nothing better to put in our memory than the Word of God.
DEBRA WITVOET - The horses probably get more exercise at this time of the year, Debra, if you are riding them more often now. I would imagine that lack of exercise is just as bad for them as it is for people. Or do you exercise them in the winter?
YVONNE HERFST - It was nice to hear from you again, Yvonne. You can see how newspapers and the printing of them has changed throughout all those years if you have one of 1846. Printing has been put to good use, as for example, in giving us our Bibles, but it has also been badly misused.
HELEN VAN BRUGGE - What are you studying about in school at the moment, Helen? Since the school year will soon be over, you are probably getting ready for some exams to see how much you remember of what you have learned. We hope you do well.
TERESA DEN DEKKER - I have two grandchildren, Teresa, so I guess that shows how old I am getting to be. You did real well on your report card and are to be congratulated. We have then another reason to acknowledge the Lord if we may learn well and do well in school. TERESA DE VOS - I have never been in Sunnyside, Teresa, but perhaps some day, D.V., will be able to make a trip there. I suppose Sunnyside means that you live on the sunny side of the mountains. Or does it have a different meaning? Thank you for the long letter.
RUTH BOUMA - I suppose we do miss a name occasionally, Ruth, even though we do try to be accurate. Are you looking forward to the summer vacation? At first it seems to be so far off, but is soon arrives and is over before you realize it.
MAAIKE VAN BRUGGE - I see you wrote your name as Maaike instead of May this time. Do you like that better? We see your grandparents in Kalamazoo now and then, so you might be able to ride with them again sometime, D.V. Be sure to give them our greetings.
KAREN YMKER - If we might only learn something each time we do a Bible quiz, each time we read an article in the Banner of Truth, each time we attend catechism class, etc. But the greatest thing would be if we might be taught by the Lord as He teaches His people.
LENA NEELS - How nice to hear that 15 persons made public confessions in your church on Easter morning, Lena. If you have been reading the articles about making confession, then you will know that it is a very serious and important step.
CORRIE VAN BRUGGE - Your letter is the last one this time, Corrie. We had quite a number this month again. Do you get one more report card before summer vacation? We go to school to learn, but the marks do show us how we are doing.
Many thanks, boys and girls, for your answers again. May we continue to learn more and more about God's Word, and may He give us the instructions we so need. Hoping to hear from all of you again next month.
With Love,
Your friend,
Uncle Garret
What agreement hath Christ with Belial? Whosoever will be a friend of the world shall be called an enemy of God. How necessary it is to impress our children the regard for the truth, for God's day, for the office bearers and for God's institutions.
It is tragic for our young people as they grow up if the parents are seldom home on Saturday evening, and are visiting friends until late in the night. What do our children do then? They become averse to home life, and roam about, coming into wrong places. Finally many are drawn from the truth through wrong friends, and are also staying away from home until late in the night.
A constant criticism of and disrespectful remarks about the office-bearers make for wrong attitudes. Officebearers are also persons with faults, and these faults we do not wish to approve of. But it is certain in earlier times there was more respect for the officebearers, and they then also had faults. The Lord has given officebearers to watch over our souls. Do not reject their admonitions.
The example of parents is a great importance. Be an example in doctrine, in life, in word, and in walk. If the parents attend worship services only once each Sunday, and spend the remaining time in bed, in idleness, or in all other kinds of diversions, the children will usually follow them. It is then certainly applicable — you yourself did not desire to enter in, and have hindered others.
Doesn't the conscience, the lieutenant of God, ever speak? When the Word is preached, and you are reading a novel, what does your heart say? First it knocks loudly, afterward faintly, and finally not at all. It concerns you and your children and the solemn oath made before God at baptism.
There is yet another danger that I would point out, and that is the parents attending various churches. Experience in the ministerial service has taught that the families burst as soap bubbles. Boaz said to Ruth, "Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens." (Ruth 2:8)
If the doctrine of free grace is preached remain in that field. Many seek for new things, for another way to God. Many have enough with the bark of the tree, and say, "We don't understand it." That is biblical, for Paul says, "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him." The quickening Spirit is necessary in opening our eyes for our perdition, but also for the salvation which is in Christ.
Do you think that our forefathers merely invented something? Haven't they always defended and promoted the doctrine of free grace? In years past the Lord has also built our congregations under the most humble ministers and other officebearers. We heard the experiences of God's children.
And now? The decay is so great, the ignorance is alarming, the distinguishing knowledge decreased. There is a lukewarm, weak Christendom which is seeking something new.
Form religion without heart. Hellenbroek says, "Many desire Jesus for heaven, but not for the earth."
Parents are obliged to urge their children to make confession, but also to urge them to a holy conduct. Parents, do we bring this before God on our knees? Do we think about our generations that follow us? God keeps His church standing, but it is dark on all sides. He works through means. "Pray and work" is also applicable in this. May the Lord bring it to our serious consideration.
From all that dwell
below the skies
Let the creation's praise arise:
Let the Redeemer's name be sung
Through every land
by every tongue.
Eternal are Thy mercies Lord
Eternal truth attends Thy Word
Thy praise shall sound
from shore to shore
Till sun shall rise
and set no more.
-Isaac Watts
I hope everyone will agree that family-church-school must learn, by the grace of God, to work together for the well-being of our children. We have good reason for training a child and instructing a child with regard to the way he should walk. For children are an heritage of the Lord; they are gifts entrusted unto parents to be dealt with according to the Word and will of Him who gave them to us.
Modern psychologists hold that the child is naturally good and that, if we only give him the opportunity to do what he pleases, everything is well. We know better. We know that the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and except a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven. And so we see that children need training, Christian training.
We hope the Lord will give prayers in our hearts for our children, that we will bring them faithfully in church and catechism class, send them to our Christian schools with the desire that the Lord will bless the labors and will bring in their hearts the need of conversion. "Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." They must be told about their sins, their evil, wicked heart, their transgressions of the Law of God, and that the wages of sin is death. But God's Word wants us to teach more than this: we are to tell the little ones of the grace of God. They must know that there is a Redeemer and that He can work soul saving faith in their heart. Such training must begin in the home and must continue in church and school. See our dear Heidelberg catechism Lord's Day 38, question and answer 103. We know children must receive instruction in secular branches. The mind is then trained but not the heart. Education that omits the true religion is very poor training. O may the Lord give us a praying heart and a charitable heart for our offspring. Believe me, if we open our purse with love for the education of our children, it is a very good investment.
Don't forget, if the Lord gives a forfeited blessing, then He can make it also in the life of our children: "When he is old, he will not depart from it".
Chilliwack Church Bulletin
How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower.
How skillfully she builds
her cell!
How neat she spreads the wax!
And labours hard to store it well
With the sweet food she makes.
In works of labour, or of skill,
I would be busy too;
For Satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do.
In books, or work,
or healthful play,
Let my first years be passed,
That I may give for every day
Some good account at last.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 mei 1979
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 mei 1979
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's