Excerpt from the newly published volume, Jehovah Shepherding His Sheep by Rev. Beeke. Discount price for churches and/or individuals is $7.50 per volume. Quantity orders should be placed with Netherlands Reformed Book & Publishing Committee, 1020 N. Main, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250; individual orders should be sent to Bible Truth Books, P.O. Box 2373, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49003.
Calls Extended:
To Rev. J. Van Haaren, of Amersfoort, the Netherlands, by the Clifton, New Jersey, Congregation.
To Rev. J.J. Van Eckeveld, of Zeist, the Netherlands, by the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Congregation.
To Rev. A.W. Verhoef, of Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, by the Unionville, Ontario, Canada, Congregation.
To Rev. J.C. Weststrate of s’Gravenpolder, the Netherlands, by the St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, Congregation.
Calls Declined:
To the Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada, Congregation, by Rev. D. Hakkenberg, of Lisse, the Netherlands.
At the recently held Synod the delegates were informed of some considerations which were being given for a college of our denomination. Permission was granted to further investigate this possibility, and to report at the next Synod in 1984, D.V.
There are many questions which are at present unanswered in regard to this, but there is no question that, if it is possible, it would be a most desirable addition to our educational system. Our young people attending college could then be instructed more thoroughly in the fundamental doctrines of God’s Word as contained in our three forms of unity, and would then be better able to teach Bible and associated subjects in our schools. Many of our teachers will agree that they are not fully prepared for the Bible instruction which they are called upon to give in the classroom. In addition, proper Biblical instruction is very much lacking in the schooling of all those who seek to attain their degrees in higher education.
Since there will be further announcements made as the committee delves into the possibility and complexities of such a major venture, it was felt that our members should be informed of these considerations by giving notice of it in our church publication. Some will perhaps ask, “Where would such a college be located? Where would instructors be found? How would this be possible financially?” It would, of course, be located as centrally as possible for all concerned, and would hopefully be commenced in cooperation with a presently established college. But these and other questions are all matters of consideration for the committee to research thoroughly in preparing their report.
The Lord, Who has enabled our congregations to develop the educational system we now have, can also supply in these needs. It is in Him that our help and hope lies for the prospering of all our endeavors. Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
The Lord willing, the committee hopes to contact the consistories of the churches in order to develop their plans on the basis of the requirements within the congregations. It is important that, if such a program were feasible, it be to the benefit of as many of our young people as possible.
May the Lord give prayer in our midst so that the rising generations may not be allured into the mainstream of modern thought, but by God’s grace may remain with the teachings of God’s Word as maintained by our forefathers.
Synodical Education Committee
The Denominational Appointees to the U.S.A. Government wish to alert our Banner of Truth readers to the bills pending in our government which would change national election days from Tuesday to Sunday. Please write your Senators, Representatives, and the President of your objection to this sin. Though it is more effective to write your own letter, feel free to order copies of the following petition letter from:
Richard Kaat
1734 Woodside Lane
Sheboygan, Wisc. 53081
May the Lord bless these simple means towards the rejection of this godless proposal.
(Denominational Appointees)
Dear Government Official,
I am writing to you to express my grave concern over the possibility of national elections being held on Sundays instead of Tuesdays in the future. I have been informed that there is legislation in the Congress dealing with this issue, H.R. 84, which is presently being considered by the House Committee on House Administration, as well as a similar Senate bill, S. 57, pending the consideration of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee.
I desire to register my opposition against these bills for the following reasons:
1) Voting on Sunday would be serious Sabbath desecration in the eyes of God, Who has given us the Christian Sabbath as His gracious gift to be utilized exclusively in the service and worship of His holy Name. I believe Sunday-voting would incur the wrath of God upon us as a nation, as well as promote additional spiritual decay.
2) Such a proposal would be contrary to the Christian principles upon which this country was founded, and violate moral, American tradition.
3) As I may not go against the Biblical dictates of my conscience, I would be forced to abstain from voting in all future national elections as a citizen of U.S.A.; consequently, my constitutional right of religious freedom and my citizenship right to vote would both be violated simultaneously.
Please consider these points seriously and prayerfully, and inform me of your personal stand on this ungodly idea. May God give you grace to remain dedicated to upholding the principles of His Word, always walking under the impression of what is recorded in Isaiah 8:20, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
Sincerely, Concerned Constituent
(Netherlands Reformed Congregations of North America)
June 15–17, 1982
Part I
Approximately 60 office-bearers and 20 male members were present for the first synodical officebearer conference held in our Netherlands Reformed denomination on June 15, 1982 at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Rev. W.C. Lamain opened by requesting Psalter 325:1 to be sung, reading Ephesians 3, and leading in prayer. He spoke on, The Most Important Thing in Office-bearing: The Love of Christ (cf. Eph. 3:19), stressing its fourfold aspect: (1) its unchange-ableness from all eternity to the glorification of God’s attributes and the eternal salvation of the Church; (2) its realization in the fulness of time from Christ’s humble birth to His painful death; (3) its application in His exaltation at the right hand of the Father; and (4) its culmination in Christ’s coming on the clouds to gather His Church unto Himself eternally.
The second address, Do We Need Church Order?, was given by Rev. A.M. DenBoer. His topic also followed a fourfold division, viz.: (1) the history of church order (emphasis was laid upon Dutch development), (2) the character of church order, (3) the purpose of church order, and (4) the division of church order. Following a coffee break, Rev. Lamain and Rev. DenBoer answered questions received on their respective topics.
The last topic considered, Personal Obstacles in Office-bearing and their Solutions, Part V: More Spiritual Pride than Godly Humility, was spoken by Rev. J.R. Beeke. After stressing the extensive sin and damage pride reaps in office-bearing, the following points were enlarged upon as representing God’s gracious means towards solution: (1) Seek grace to realize that one of God’s greatest purposes in all His personal, spiritual, and office-bearing dealings with us is to prevent and cure the pride of our hearts. (2) Seek grace to be thoroughly persuaded that pride lies deeply rooted within us to our great shame, guilt and danger. (3) Seek grace to imitate the great examples of godly humility that Scripture and history record. (4) Seek grace to storm the throne of grace for the conquest of pride at the hands of the exalted Christ who delights to dispense true humility. (5) Seek grace to obtain a fuller knowledge of God, His attributes, and His glory, if desirous to break the back of sinful pride. (6) Seek grace to meditate much on the solemnity of death, the certainty of the judgment day, and the vastness of eternity to mortify pride.
Rev. Beeke requested Rev. A.W. Verhoef to close our conference with singing and prayer at 5:00 p.m. (Subsequently, in synodical session unanimous approval was given for the continuation of such conferences, D.V., in conjunction with synodical and classical gatherings.) May the Lord command and add His blessing.
At 7:45 p.m. synodical delegates, office-bearers, and the Grand Rapids congregation gathered to hear a prayer service based on Acts 20:28, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.” Rev. J.R. Beeke spoke on THE CHURCH’S THREEFOLD CALL TO CRUCIFIXION: 1) Personally called to exercise crucifying examination. 2) Ecclesiastically called to administer crucifying government. 3) Divinely called to proclaim a crucifying message.
(Note: The three conference addresses are available in a set of two cassettes for $3.00 and the synodical sermon on one cassette for $1.50 for those who were not able to attend. Order from: Richard Westrate, 540 Crescent St., N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49503.)
As minister of the calling church of Lethbridge, Rev. M. Heerschap opened the 1982 synodical session, June 16, at 9:00 a.m. with the singing of Psalter 415:1-2, the reading of Psalm 25, and prayer. A hearty welcome was extended to the delegates of Synod, attending friends, and Rev. J.C. Weststrate as Holland’s advisory representative. The wish was expressed that the Lord might grant us harmonious meetings in His favor and stamped with His blessing. May the Lord’s longsuffering goodness, which has been great over us thus far, continue to provide for our future needs.
Events which have taken place during the past two years were recalled as follows:
1. The loss of Rev. A. Vergunst for the churches and students, who died on November 21, 1981; the death of Rev. C. Hegeman, who served the congregations of North America for many years; the passing away of Elders Vroegindewey of Clifton and Ouwerkerk of Lethbridge, who served in church offices 30 and 26 years respectively, as well as Deacon Den Engelsman of Chilliwack who served for more than 17 years. May the Lord remember the mourning families left behind, and grant us grace to realize that all of our names are on His list. We need grace to live and grace to die.
2. Two ministers have accepted calls to new congregations: Rev. A.M. DenBoer to Sioux Center, Iowa and Rev. J.R. Beeke to Franklin Lakes, N.J. May the Lord add His blessing.
3. Several anniversaries are to be remembered: Rev. DenBoer has been in the ministry for 12½ years; Rev. and Mrs. Lamain may experience their 50th wedding anniversary; Elder Derksen has received the privilege to serve the congregation of Waupun for 40 years, Elders VanVoorst (Sioux Center) and Bisschop (Chilliwack) have served for 30 years. May the Lord add still more years, despite the brevity of life.
4. Student John Spaans was accepted by the Curatorium for ministerial training in June of 1980, and has received permission to speak an edifying word in the congregations. Student John DenHoed was accepted for ministerial training in June, 1981. May the Lord remember both of them in His mercy, and grant them to become a great blessing in the churches.
5. Two churches have enlarged their seating capacities: Chilliwack by 140 seats and Lethbridge by 300 seats. May the Lord also grant inward enlargement.
6. Sioux Falls has been organized as a congregation; one elder and two deacons have been installed by Rev. DenBoer. May the Lord make all things well.
7. Corsica built and began their own Christian School and Franklin Lakes has broken ground for their own building. May the Lord remember the growing school movement, grant converted and able teachers, and command His blessing.
Rev. Heerschap spoke a few words relative to Psalm 25:4–5. David could not do without the Lord. All his confidence was in God, and he was not put to shame, notwithstanding all the tribulations he had to endure. Tribulations are needed, not to rest in themselves, but in Christ. In Christ Jesus the Church of God possesses everything needed for time and eternity. In Him, she is more than conqueror; indeed, tribulation is God’s tool to take away reliance upon self-strength and drive the weary and heavy-laden to the only Name given among men under heaven, whereby we must be saved. Oh, may it then become our prayer also, “Lord, lead me in Thy truth and salvation for all is outside of me.” Moreover, David could add, “all the day.” He needed God daily and continually. May this need also be felt among us when in synodical session. May we be given grace to discuss the matters at hand to the glorification of God and the welfare of the church. May the Lord also remember the chairman of this gathering, and accompany all that we decided with the favor of His Spirit.
With these words, 1982 Synod was declared open by Rev. Heerschap.
The credentials were examined, revealing the following brothers delegated to Synod:
1. Classis Far West: Rev. M. Heerschap, Rev. A.W. Verhoef, Elders J.P. DeBruin, G. Feyter, and R. Wierks.
2. Classis West: Rev. A.M. DenBoer, Rev. L. Kieboom, Elders L. Stapel, J. VanGinkel, and Wm. VanVoorst.
3. Classis East/Midwest: Rev. J.R. Beeke, Rev. W.C. Lamain, Elders L. Baum, J. Beeke, J. Byl, J. DeBruine, A. Fintelman, G. Moerdyk, L. Nieuwen-huizen, N. VanderHave. (Elder C. VanLeeuwen, as first alternate, filled the vacancy left by J. Beeke who was recovering from heart surgery.)
All the delegates were present for all sessions of Synod.
Ballot election of officers resulted as follows: Rev. A.M. DenBoer, president; Rev. A.W. Verhoef, vice-president; Rev. J.R. Beeke, first clerk; Elder N. VanderHave, second clerk; Elder G. Moerdyk, treasurer (appointed).
The officers took their respective places after which the chairman, Rev. DenBoer, gratefully acknowledged the delegates for their trust on behalf of the moderamen. He confessed that we are not able to do this work of ourselves, but hoped that the Lord would supply us with His grace, grant brotherly union as the early church experienced in Jerusalem, and lead us to seek His glory and the welfare of the church. He stressed the need to work rapidly due to the extensive agenda.
The chairman welcomed Rev. J.C. Weststrate as representative from our Holland churches, encouraged him to contribute his advice throughout our agenda, and gave him the opportunity to convey his greetings and message from our sister denomination.
Rev. Weststrate told the delegates he was glad to be in our midst again, and, though there are minor differences in the congregations on both sides of the ocean, the foundational message of salvation is still preached by grace — that message which cuts all away from man and looks to the chief Office-bearer, Jesus Christ, whose ways are in the sea and whose footsteps are not known. He expressed the wish that the delegates may receive grace to follow Him in church, family, and personal life. May we be given to use our talents and gifts to His honor, always remembering that the Lord alone can add a Divine blessing. May the God of grace be with you personally and in our meetings, strengthen ties of brotherly love, and go with us into the unknown future despite the multiplying of discord that is becoming increasingly evident in many congregations.
The chairman thanked Rev. Weststrate for his words and wishes.
The minutes of the 1980 synodical gathering were approved without correction.
A letter was received from Australia concerning the possibility of baptizing a child whose parents regularly read and listen to sermons of our ministers. The clerk was instructed to forward this request to the Dutch Mission Board.
A. Report of Synodical Deputies of Articles 48–49 (Classis East-Midwest)
No report was forthcoming as no matters have arisen in which the advice of the deputies was requested. Rev. J.R. Beeke was appointed to fill the vacancy of Rev. A. DenBoer. Dr. G. Deur was appointed alternate.
B. Report of Synodical Deputies of Articles 48–49 (Classis West)
No report was necessary as the advice of the deputies was not requested. Rev. A.M. DenBoer was appointed to fill the vacancy of Rev. J. Beeke. Elder L. Stapel was appointed alternate.
C. Report of Synodical Deputies of Articles 48–49 (Classis Far West)
Elder W. VandenBroek was appointed alternate.
D. Report of Correspondence with the Foreign Churches
1. After some discussion, Synod accepted the proposal of the Foreign Deputies that vacant churches be advised to contact their moderators before setting duos of ministers and/or candidates from Holland, providing that ministers vigilantly avoid basing their advice on personal preferences.
2. Proposal two of the Foreign Deputies was unanimously accepted, viz., emeritus pastors and/or widows of deceased ministers, who have served in both Holland and North America, should have emeriti salaries prorated according to the number of years served on each side of the ocean.
3. It was agreed to make every attempt possible to send an agenda of future synods at the earliest possible date to the deputies of foreign churches in Holland in order to assist them in deciding how many representatives to send.
4. No additional action was taken at the present time relative to finding good storage for church records. The Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee hopes to gradually gather significant historical data in our denomination, of which all consistories have been informed, so as to facilitate the publication of an authorized denominational history. Any relevant material may be forwarded to its president or clerk.
5. Concerning assisting the New Zealand church (see point 5 of appendix 2 and addition to appendix 2), Synod decided to send one minister every three years for some weeks to preach the Word and administer sacraments, commencing in 1984 or 1985. (The first of our ministers to serve New Zealand, D.V., will be appointed by the 1984 Synod, and his consistory should be advised to grant some additional free Sundays for that particular year in order that the vacant congregations will not suffer from this decision.)
6. Rev. Lamain was appointed to be our representative (Rev. DenBoer: alternate) to the September, 1983 Dutch Synod.
7. The chairman informed Synod that the Deputies of Special Needs in Holland were sending our Christian Schools approximately 100,000 guilders at the present time, with the assurance that more will be sent in the future, D.V.
8. Clarence Bleeker was appointed as administrator of De Saambinder for the North American churches in the place of ailing Rochus Schelling. (His address is: C. Bleeker, 1233 Leffingwell, N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49505.)
9. Rev. M. Heerschap was appointed alternate for the Foreign Churches deputies.
E. Report of the Curatorium
From a duo set by the Curatorium, Rev. A.M. DenBoer was elected assistant instructor for the present students, who will travel frequently to Michigan to continue to receive practical teachings from Rev. W.C. Lamain. The vice-president of Synod, Rev. Verhoef, spoke his best wishes to Rev. DenBoer, requested his acceptance of this weighty task, and called upon Synod to sing Psalter 428:5, to Rev. DenBoer and Rev. Lamain, with the hope and prayer that the Lord may fulfill its contents through His teaching grace. May the Lord remember both teachers and students, and supply them His Spirit and grace for time and eternity.
Students John Spaans and John DenHoed were permitted to enter their third and second years respectively. With sorrow the Curatorium announced that it had no freedom to accept those who had received attests from their consistories with respect to the work of the ministry. No new Curatorium appointments were made at this time.
F. Financial Report of Student Support Fund of Netherlands Reformed Theological Seminary
No further comments were expressed. Deacon G. VanGiessen was appointed as alternate for the treasurer, John Beeke.
G. Emeritus Fund Report
Synod recommended the Kalamazoo committee to consider a substantial increase in funds disbursed to our ministerial widows. Synod also requests the committee to report back in 1984 concerning the advisability of equalizing the payment of all ministerial widows and establishing a set rate for dependents in conjunction with the financial assistance given to Emeritus Fund recipients in the Netherlands.
H. Report of the American General Mission Fund
Synod went through the mission report written by Rev. A. Verhoef on a section by section basis. The following items were commented on and/or decided:
1. Student Spaans also added to Rev. Verhoef’s report concerning the present work being done in Baldwin. In addition to teaching and opening a small store of available necessities each Saturday, a group of Grand Rapids members also take turns speaking in Baldwin every second Friday, which draws from 20 to 50 in attendance. May the Lord add more spiritual fruit to this work.
2. Providing the committee does not begin on too large of a scale, Synod unitedly renews its 1980 mandate to pursue the commencement of our own mission field. Presently, the committee is still examining the possibility of Haiti as well as South America.
3. All churches were advised once more to be sure to send collected monies for the mission to the American Board, which, in turn, supplies annual gifts to the Dutch Mission Board.
4. Elder A. Fintelman was appointed alternate to the Mission Board.
I. Report of the National-International Disaster Fund
Synod advised this committee to continue with its same policy of donating strictly to reputable organizations (not to individuals), and then only in disasters of national and/or international magnitude. (Individuals who request help should be directed to organizations within their own countries, which in turn, may appeal for assistance to this denominational committee.)
J. Report of the Synodical Translation Committee
No synodical instructions were given. Gary den Hollander was added as committee member.
K. Report of the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee (General Fund)
The committee’s chairman gave a report of present activity and stressed appreciation for the church’s support in the past years, enabling book sales to rise from approximately 3000 to 10000 per year. A book list requested will be forthcoming in the near future. Delegates were encouraged to send volumes suitable for print to the committee, particularly those written for very young children. Ministers were invited and encouraged to write if and when time can be found. The promotion of our books at suitable occasions (e.g. congregational meetings) was encouraged.
L. Report of the Banner of Truth Publication Committee
1. The Committee will form a list of topics for possible articles and send a copy to our ministers.
2. The Committee will continue to try to find ways to facilitate efficient mailing services to the Canadian churches.
M. Report of the Banner of Truth Tract Mission Fund
No synodical instructions were given.
N. Report of the Denominational Yearbook Committee
The chairman of Synod stressed the sad statistic contained in this report, viz.: the growth rate of less than 1% in our denomination for the past twenty years. Luther has stated, “Give me the youth, and I will have the future,” and therefore it certainly behooves us to mourn over how many of the rising generation forsake the truth when arriving to years of adulthood. May the Lord grant us the prayer of Isaiah, “Oh that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, that Thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at Thy presence” (64:1)!
Elder G. Moerdyk was added to the committee as alternate.
O. Report of Psalter Review Committee
Several translated Psalters from the Dutch Psalms were presented by the Psalter Review Committee through the concerns and work of Steven J. Stoutjesdyk, who secured publication rights from the Christian Reformed Church. Synod gave temporary approval to add this selection to our Psalter (increasing the number of Psalters to 450) after an opportunity was given to the delegates to briefly examine them. If confirmed by the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee, they will soon be included in the small Psalter presently sent in for reprinting, and hopefully added to the large Psalter when a new printing will be called for.
P. Report of The Inheritance Publishers
No synodical instructions were given.
Q. Report of Denominational Church Bureau Committee
Synod decided to relieve this committee of its mandate, believing that the possible functions of such a bureau are not of sufficient breadth in our small denomination to merit the establishment of a Church Bureau. The committee is to be acknowledged for the labors spent upon investigation of its feasability.
R. Report of Office-bearer Conference Committee
A 1984 synodical office-bearer conference was agreed upon. Rev. A. Verhoef will address the gathering as one speaker, D.V. Other speakers will be located by the committee.
S. Report of Synodical Education Committee
1. The booklet presented for synodical approval, What is a Netherlands Reformed Christian School?, was turned over for review and publication by the Synod to the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee.
2. Rev. A.M. DenBoer was added to the committee.
3. The committee proposed gathering information for the possibility of establishing a Christian college organized by our denomination. Synod accepted this proposal, and mandated the committee to report back to Synod 1984, D.V.
4. Due to financial restrictions, Elder G. Moerdyk reported that there would be no organized principal-teacher conference this year.
T. Report of the Deputies for Correspondence with Government of Canada
The chairman of Synod expressed concern over a bill proposed in Ontario which is geared to severely curtail ecclesiastical freedom. The deputies will look further into this matter.
U. Report of the Deputies for Correspondence with the U.S.A. Government
The clerk stressed the need for deputies to be contacted in order to investigate the legitimacy of various concerns and petitions presented to some of our congregations (e.g. the proposed film on the life of Jesus which several churches petitioned against was entirely based on rumor). Upon investigation, the committee will take immediate action on any genuine issue worthy of governmental correspondence, so as: (1) to include our entire denomination in the petitioning process; and (2) to weed out the possibility of faulty or misinformed petitioning.
V. Report of the Savings Fund of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Canada
Synod advised the U.S.A. and Canadian committees to try to bring their respective interest rates down to an equal level.
W.C. Droogers was appointed as alternate.
W. Report of the Savings Fund of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in U.S.A.
Synod gave its approval to this committee to have its auditing done in the east, due to distance restrictions.
The chairman concluded this article by thanking all the synodical deputies and committees for their respective labors, and hoped that the Lord might bless all the work accomplished for the welfare of His church.
All changes made in synodical appointments have been designated under Article VII — Reports, which will be incorporated in the 1983 Denominational Yearbook, D.V.
(to be continued)
Reproductions of tapes and/or printed materials from the East/Midwest Youth Day Conference are being considered for distribution.
Further information and prices will be available in the next Banner issue.
September 1, 1957 – September 1, 1982
On September 1, 1982 the Unionville, Ontario, Canada, Congregation will observe the 25th anniversary of the organization of their church, the Lord willing.
Rev W.C. Lamain hopes to conduct a commemorative service of this event on the evening of August 31,1982 in the Unionville church.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 augustus 1982
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 augustus 1982
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's