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7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Calls Declined:

To the St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, Congregation, by Rev. J.C. Weststrate, of s’Gravenpolder, the Netherlands.

To the Norwich, Ontario, Canada, Congregation by Rev. J.C. Weststrate, of s’Gravenpolder, the Netherlands.

To the Clifton, New Jersey, Congregation, by Rev. J. VandHaaren, of Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

To the Kalamazoo, Michigan, Congregation, by Rev. L. Blok, of Nunspect, the Netherlands.

Calls Extended:

To Rev. W.C. Lamain, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, by the Norwich, Ontario, Canada, Congregation.


On September 1, 1982, Unionville observed the 25th anniversary of their institution as an independent congregation by the late Rev. G. Zwerus, at that time pastor of Norwich. His text was I Chron. 29:5, “And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?” In the same service the consistory was installed: as elder: Peter Van Bruggen; as deacons: W.T.L. Noorduin and Riek Van Vliet. During these 25 years the congregation was served by Rev. C. Hegeman (1966–1970) and Rev. W. Suyker (1972–1975). On Aug. 31, 1982 the congregation came together. The service was attended by delegates from Bradford, Ancaster, and Norwich. St. Catharines could not be present because of a consistory meeting, but sent their best wishes. The service was also attended by the widow of the late Rev. C. Hageman with two of her children.

Since the moderator, Rev. J.R. Beeke, could not be present, the Rev. W.C. Lamain, at the request of the consistory, consented to conduct the service, especially since he was in Ontario that week to serve the congregations with Word and sacraments, and performing other labors as Moderator. The service was opened by singing Ps. No. 133. Hebrews 8 was read. After that the needs and wants were laid before the Lord, beseeching Him that this meeting might be in His favor, to His honor, and to the humbling of our hearts.

The text was Hebrews 8:1,2. The minister spoke about summarizing what had already been explained: the excellency of Christ as the High Priest in His place, and in His ministry. After a brief explanation, a few appropriate words were spoken to the consistory, to the congregation, and also to the rising generation about the necessity to know Christ in His offices, especially as the High Priest of our profession, as a fruit of divine revelation. This was applied to everyone personally, and urged upon everyone very earnestly.

The first service was conducted by Rev. C. Hegeman in 1952, and later in that same year Rev. W.C. Lamain also conducted a service there. In 1955 a sermon was read on Sunday for the first time. Eighteen persons attended. On April 25, 1957 the Classis gave permission to organize an independent church in Toronto. These matters were related by Elder A. Fintelman after the sermon. He then requested the congregation to sing Ps. No. 348, the last stanza. Rev. Lamain then closed with thanksgiving, and laid the high-priestly blessing upon the people.

After the service a meeting was held in a building next to the church, where there was an opportunity for meeting and greeting one another, and speaking about the ways of the Lord.


The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. Proverbs 4:19


Dear Banner readers,

Finally we are able to provide you with a complete list of available titles published by our denomination through The Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee (formerly, The General Fund). Items marked with an asterisk have either been published this year for the first time, or else been newly reprinted in 1982. Orders in bulk or from churches should be placed with Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee, c/o Bert Harskamp, clerk, 1020 N. Main, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250. Smaller, or individual orders, should be placed with Bible Truth Books, P.O. Box 2373, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003. In both cases, remittance should accompany orders. May the Lord be pleased to command and add His blessing upon the reading of sound, orthodox books. (Note: Orders on Vol. 2 of Kersten’s Dogmatics and Vol. 4 of Religious Stories may be delayed some weeks, depending on the printer. As soon as they are made available, backorders will be filled.)

Retail Discount Price

* Beeke, J.R., Backsliding $ 1.75 $ l.00p

Beeke, J.R., Is Television Really So Bad? .25 .15p

* Beeke, J.R., Jehovah Shepherding His Sheep (Sermons on Psalm 23) 13.50 7.50

* Beeke, J.R., What is the Netherlands Reformed Church? .25 .15p

* Beeke, J.R., & J.W. Beeke, Bible Doctrine Student Workbook 6.00 3.50

Beeke, J.R., & J.W. Beeke, Is Abortion Really So Bad? .25 .15p

Compendium, The .90 .60p

* DeGier, K., Explanation of the Church Order of Dordt 5.00 3.25p

Doctrinal Standards of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations 3.25 1.75p

Fama, J., Life and Labors of Rev. M. Heikoop 7.50 4.50

Kersten, G.H., The Heidelberg Catechism (2 - volume set of sermons) $16.00 9.00

Separate volumes 8.00 4.50

* Kersten, G.H., Reformed Dogmatics (2 - volume set) 26.00 15.00

Separate volumes 13.00 7.50

Kersten, G.H., Treatise of the Compendium 3.50 2.25

Life of Christina VandenBrink 1.40 1.00p

Life of Rev. C. VanDam (A Comforting Knowledge) 5.50 3.50p

Mission on Irian Jaya 6.00 2.00

* Psalter, The (small size) 7.00 3.75

* VanReenen, G., The Heidelberg Catechism 9.00 5.00

Children's Books

* Beeke, J.R., ed., Religious Stories for Young and Old (Vol. 3) 3.50 2.00p

* Beeke, J.R., ed., Religious Stories for Young and Old (Vol. 4) 4.00 2.50p

* Religious Stories for Young and Old (Vol. 1) 3.50 2.00p

Religious Stories for Young and Old (Vol. 2) 3.50 2.00p

Schenk, M., The Hand of the Lord 1.40 l.OOp

The Short Life of Bernie VanAsperen 1.40 l.OOp

VanZweden, J., ed., The Wonderful Providence of Almighty God Seen in the Lives of Young and Old 3.50 2.25p

Vreugdenhil, J., The Bible History Told to Our Children (3 - volume set) 21.00 12.50

Separate volumes 7.00 4.25

Question Books for Childr en

Borstius, J., Short Questions for Little Children .70 .35p

Donner, J.H., Simple Instructions in Bible Truths for Catechising .70 .35p

Dyksterhuis, P., Bible History for Beginners .80 .40p

Hellenbroek, A., Abridged Instruction Book .80 .40p

Hellenbroek, A., A Specimen of Divine Truths 1.60 .80p

Ledeboer, L.G.C., Simple Catechism Questions for Children .70 .35p

p = paperback (Payment in U.S. Funds please. If Canadian funds are used, add 20% to order.)




Cash in Checking Account $ 563.46

U.S. Treasury Obligations 346,123.60

Loans Receivable from Churches and schools 128,548.60

TOTAL ASSETS 475,235.66


Due Depositors 458,963.68

Fund Balance 16,271.98



Income: Interest Earned 44,997.74

Expenses: Interest Paid 31,845.06

Expenses: Stationery & Accounting 404.00

NET INCOME 12,748.68

Fund Balance 6/30/81 3,523.30

Fund Balance 6/30/82 $ 16,271.98

Peter Southway,



On the evening of September the fourteenth, a prayer service was held in Sheboygan at which time Rev. A. DenBoer preached about Jeremiah 31:3.

All deputies were present, also two deputies according to Art. 49; Rev. W.C. Lamain and Rev. A.W. Verhoef.

On September the fifteenth, the Classis convened to consider, among other things, the request from Rev. L. Kieboom and the Sheboygan consistory. Rev. Kieboom, as well as the consistory of Sheboygan, were given the opportunity to explain their petition. After a decision was reached, it was decided by unanimous vote to grant Rev. Kieboom’s request to honorably become an Emeritus Minister.

The chairman of the Classis asked Rev. Lamain, the eldest minister, to communicate the decision to the minister concerned and also to the deputies as well as to the members of the congregation who were present at the meeting.

The overall conclusion was that the care for the congregation had become too heavy because of physical weakness. However, the Classis did express the wish that Rev. Kieboom would still be able to do some church work in the future.

Rev. Kieboom was thanked for all the labors which he had performed in the congregation and in the Classis since August 1971. Rev. Lamain wished Rev. Kieboom and his family God’s blessing. Also that the Lord would remember the Sheboygan congregation since it has now become a flock without a shepherd.

Rev. A. DenBoer will become moderator of the Sheboygan and Waupan congregations. Rev. Lamain was asked to become moderator of the Sioux Center congregation.

The meeting was closed and Psalter 290, stanzas 4 and 5, were sung to Rev. Kieboom.

The Editor

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 oktober 1982

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 oktober 1982

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's