Call extended …
To Rev. den Boer of Souix Center, Iowa by the Lynden, Washington congregation.
Reverend John Spaans
47 Main Street East
Norwich, Ontario,
Canada, N0J 1PO
Gifts received for the Banner of Truth Tract Mission during the months of July, August, and September, 1984:
American General Mission 1,880.00
Friend in Grand Rapids 25.00
Misc. Gifts 154.00
Netherlands Ref. Cong. 111.75
Artesia, CA
This Tract Mission is maintained by voluntary contributions.
The Banner of Truth Tract Mission hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for all the gifts received.
The installation of Rev. C. Vogelaar as minister of the St. Catharines Ontario, congregation took place in the evening of August 16. It was a very special occasion for the congregation there, but also for the congregations of Ontario, which have been without a minister of their own for several years. Also present were Rev. Vogelaar’ s parents, Rev. & Mrs. L. Vogelaar of the Netherlands.
Rev. W.C. Lamain, who installed him, spoke on the words found in Ephesians 4:11 & 12, “And He gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
The text, in summary, speaks about “the continual care of the exalted King, Christ Jesus, for the calling and applying of ministers till the end of the world.” The minister recalled some of the events of prior years, and expressed the hope that it all be in the favor of the Lord, also the coming of Rev. Vogelaar. Noticing especially the first three words of the text, “And He gave,” he spoke of Him Who has given Himself as we find in Galatians 1:4 & 5, Who has given the Holy Spirit, to teach men his ignorance and the way of salvation, but also Who has given and continues to give His servants and officebearers to proclaim that way, and to speak of Him Who is that way. He urged the congregation to come faithfully to hear the word — also boys and girls. The care of the exalted King for His church is evident also in St. Catharines, since if it were to be cared for by man’ s efforts, it would have ceased to exist long ago.
In the second place Rev. Lamain pointed out the purpose of the Lord’ s ministration in His church, namely — for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. There shall never be a people perfect in themselves, but they shall be perfect in the Lord Jesus Christ, not a possessing people, but a missing people, needing everything of Him. The Gospel is and remains a message for lost and undone sinners. All that is of man must fall away. If the Lord gives His Spirit in the midst of our congregations, then the church shall be edified. Christ in all His beauty, in all His preciousness, in all His glory, will have the highest place.
After reading the form for installation, the questions were asked Rev. Vogelaar, who replied, “Yes, truly, with all my heart.” A few words were then spoken by Rev. Lamain to this new minister and to the consistory and congregation, and afterwards Rev. L. Vogelaar spoke to his son in the Holland language. He said, “May the Lord remember you personally and in your office, and provide for all your needs. The Lord has said, “And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” The Lord be mindful of you and give you what is necessary for service in the congregation. I was once unable to believe, based on Isaiah 59:21, that the Lord would also make use of my son in His church.
It was painful for us that you had to depart (from the Netherlands), but may the Lord give grace to follow, whether in honor or dishonor. Beloved brothers of the congregation, we hope that you may assist him. If you pray him full, he will preach you full. The Lord shall provide for His church. May the Lord undergird you with everlasting arms and bless your ministration. We hope that the Lord may yet have to do with us. May the Lord remember my wife and your wife and family, and may He give that which we cannot be without.”
Rev. Vogelaar also spoke a few words to his old friend and brother Rev. Lamain. A special evening had come to an end.
Rev. Vogelaar preached his inaugural sermon the evening of August 17. We have condensed it somewhat:
Beloved congregation,
Last night was a special hour for you and me, and tonight we are called to commemorate another special moment when we may join ourselves to you in the labor of the ministry. We have in this no other desire than to proclaim the only Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. We hope to preach death in Adam and life in Christ, and salvation in the way of sovereign grace only. We must say that our coming to you was through a way of impossibility for us. And although it is a way of impossibility, we also know it is His way and His command.
This evening we will speak about the words of Peter in Luke 5:5b, “Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net.” It is a word of command by the Master to His disciples:
1. it is a word of command, but with a promise;
2. that word is obeyed in spite of human impossibility;
3. that word is crowned with God’ s blessing. Briefly we notice a large crowd of people gathered near the lake of Galilee, but it will turn out that many of them only followed Him for bread. His disciples are all ears, because they know, “Thou hast the words of eternal life.” But then we read, “Now when He had left speaking…. “
There comes a time when the Lord Jesus has finished speaking, a time that He is silent, a time that His sweet and alluring preaching is finished. This may also happen in the administration of the Great Teacher in the personal life of a sinner. He continues His instruction, that is true, but now in another way. It consists in leaving off speaking and in giving a command. He says to Simon, “Launch out into the deep.” It was no unfamiliar thing in the lives of those who have begun to love His words through grace, to a people who may feast on His words. But do you know what the Lord is going to do? He is going to prepare His disciples, not only for what will happen presently when they themselves will go out to preach the word, but also for that which will go before this.
It is a wonderful command which the Lord gives to future fishers of men. In Matthew 4:19 we read, “And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They will become fishers of men by following Him. There is power in His words; He speaks with authority. They will also become fishers of men because He will make them so. He will teach them, will prepare His servants and equip them. In this way Moses and Paul were prepared. How necessary that personal instructions be given in order to be made fishers of men. How essential the guidance of the Spirit!
The work of a fisher has many hardships and many disappointments. It is a work in which they will experience their dependency, a work which requires zeal, wisdom, perseverance and courage. They have become fishers of men at His word through divine calling and ordination. Paul could testify that he was called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. These fisherman are to catch fish, namely, sinners who have their element in sin, who by nature live for themselves, and who do not want to be caught in the gospel net.
The Lord commands, “Launch out into the deep and let down your net for a draught.” A wonderful command, but with a promise. Of themselves there is no expectation that in those deep waters one single fish will come into the net. But the Lord asks, “for a draught.” “Master”, said Simon. This word bespeaks love. He means to say, “Thou art my Lord and Ruler.” Through grace Peter has learned to bow before his Master. He will send him and the other disciples as His servants to labor in His vineyard. Even today He is the Master Who calls and sends His servants. He wins them over and makes them willing to go to that part of His vineyard where He wants them to be.
Peter must confess, “and have taken nothing.” Through discovering grace God’ s people also learn to confess that they will never in all eternity be able to bear any fruit. “Without Me ye can do nothing.” They toiled all the night and had taken nothing. How Peter had to learn this, also in that way wherein he had spoiled everything by his denial. To learn this and to see this more and more is also particularly necessary for God’ s servants, for fishers of men. Only as unprofitable fishermen, who have been declared unfit, will they be useful.
“Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net,” Peter quickly answers. It is as if Peter says, “How it must go I do not know, but Thy word is enough for me. Thy word is a faithful word and worthy of all acceptation.” This word speaks of guilt and perdition. It is a gospel not after men, and enmity reveals itself against it. It did in those days, but it still does now. But it is the gospel, glad tidings for poor and needy, for altogether helpless ones who cannot pay sin’ s debt, while God’ s justice demands satisfaction. That word is the seed of regeneration, but is also a discovering, instructing and comforting word for Zion upon the way it must go. Through the preaching of the Word many enemies will bow before God. By that Word and the Holy Spirit they will be reproved of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. In this way room will be made for a complete Savior; Christ will be glorified.
And when they had let down the net? The Lord promises that He will make His word efficacious and that He will ride prosperously because of the truth. They believe and obey, and they have not been put to shame with their childlike faith. For when they had done this, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net broke. How great this must have been for the fishermen who had been so disappointed the night before. “This thing is of the Lord Almighty.” This the Great Teacher teaches His people in their personal lives. Toiled all the night and taken nothing; but when He opens His treasures and hands out gifts, He teaches them that He has wonderful, inconceivable riches. This is also learned by God’ s servants. How useless all then-labors may seem, how small their strength, how weak their faith, how often it is “We have taken nothing,” but through God’ s conquering grace it shall be accomplished. “At Thy word I shall let down the net.”
Their labor shall not be in vain in the Lord, but the Master will do with His Word as it pleases Him. He will see to it that there will one day be a great multitude of all nations and kindred and people, and that the church which He bought so dearly will be brought in and saved. Because of the abundant catch, some ropes broke and the net was torn, so that only with the help of their fellow fishermen can this haul be drawn into the ships. Those ships began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees. It was a sign of grace. How can one know if something has come from the Lord? Here is a touchstone. Even if but one fish were caught, the fruit of it is, “Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” The fruit is humiliation and adoration. Peter has seen whose arm has brought salvation, and he fell down at Jesus’ feet.
But, congregation, have we been caught in the net yet and drawn with those bands of love? Have your hearts been conquered by the power of His Word? Do not harden your hearts, but yield yourselves to the Lord. Go to church often where the Word is preached and pray if the Lord will make you also a willing people in the day of His power. With this hope and longing we have come to your congregation. God looks after His work. With us it is continuously, “and have taken nothing.” But His work will show through its fruits, namely, adoration, humiliation and marvelling. God grant that this may be seen among us — sinners caught in the net, God’ s people humbled, and the Name of the Lord glorified.
Rev. Beeke spoke a few words on behalf of Classis East and Elder Nieuwenhuizen on behalf of the consistory and congregation, closing this memorable event. May the Lord add His blessing.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1984
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1984
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's