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A Voice For Young People Today

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A Voice For Young People Today

5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The Lord Jesus once spoke to the people saying, “Can ye not discern the signs of the times?” You say, that is an age old question. True, but a question which must become more and more obvious in our day.

To discern the signs of the times was a necessary work for the Jewish people, and is a necessary work for you. The Lord has not only given us His Word, but also speaks in different ways. He also speaks through the signs of the times. Did He not speak to a proud and sinful generation before the flood? Did He not speak to the Jewish people before their land and temple were destroyed? Also in this day He speaks by the signs of the times. Through them He points to the end of time when Christ will again come to judge the living and the dead.

Do we see the signs or is our heart so completely filled with the world and its concerns that our eyes are closed for them? One of the first signs of the times is the hardening of the heart. This is the greatest judgment upon mankind. This is the greatest judgment in the life of young people. This was a sign of the times before the flood. For 120 years the Lord sent a message which spoke of judgments and mercies. But the message made no impression.

In general, can we say that it is different today? The Lord still comes and speaks to us of the one thing needful in our life. But, sadly, we must say that so seldom it makes an impression.

Must we not say the days of Noah are being repeated? The Lord is perfectly just if he leaves us to hardness of heart. We read in John 12:40, “He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts, that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart.” God is righteous and sovereign, and can let the sinner harden himself to the end of his life. On the other hand, what a great mercy it is when the Lord stops a sinner from hardening his heart and grants him, by His Spirit, a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Then with David he may say, “I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly, I go mourning all the day.”

One of the first signs of the times is the hardening of the heart.

How often the Lord warns against the hardening of the heart! “Harden not your heart” (Psalm 95:8). How inclined we are, however, to reject and despise the warnings and admonitions from Cod! Young friends, how deeply we fell when we left God in Paradise!

When does one harden himself against God, His Word, yes, against His own welfare and salvation?

1. When by his actions he casts away, despises, and abhors the message about the necessity of his conversion.

2. When he rejects all warnings and admonitions which come directly or indirectly from heaven to him.

3. When he chooses not to listen to the voice of his conscience. The Word of God speaks about the conscience being seared with a hot iron. Does your conscience still speak to you? More than that, is

it a voice to which you pay close attention?

4. When they disregard all discipline and the rod of correction which the Lord may bring upon them in sickness and affliction. At such a time, many vow to repent and serve Him, but when affliction is past, they harden their heart.

5. When you seek for and are found at places of worldly amusement — places which are condemned by the Word of God, and are warned against at home and in church.

6. When you break your promise and leave the truth as you have known it, and go your own way, turning your back upon all the instruction of home and church. How many of our young people go astray on this point! Is it not a sign of the dark and spiritless days in which we live, when you can leave so easily that which has been a part of your life? When you can set all aside and go the ways of the world or the way of a superficial religion?

7. When you have no regard for God’s people and the servants He still sends to labor among you. This is what Israel did with the prophets in olden days.

8. When you forget the goodness and mercies the Lord bestowed upon you, and do not love, honor, and glorify your Creator.

Young friends, may I ask you, must we not say of many that you are hardening your heart? Must we not say that here is one of the signs that Christ spoke of when He said, “Can you not discern the signs of the times?” Is it not true that many walk in their own ways—ways which have no other end than eternal destruction?

That it may be your prayer, “Lord, open my heart, that there may be an impression of what I need, that there may be a bowing before and a seeking of that which I cannot miss any longer.” It is still the acceptable time. We may still be in the day of grace. That is the time when we may faithfully warn you, saying, “Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptations in the wilderness” (Psalm 95:8).

May the Almighty God show mercy unto us. May He fill us with His blessed Spirit and soul-melting grace and love, so that sinners may come to repentance and that His name may receive all the honor.

Rev. J. Den Hoed is pastor of the Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Rock Valley, Iowa.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 maart 1986

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

A Voice For Young People Today

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 maart 1986

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's