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English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (4)

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English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (4)

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Vander Stelt, John C. Philosophy and Scripture: A Study in Old Princeton and Westminster Theology. Marlton, N.J.: Mack Pub. Co., 1978. Chapters 5-6 deal with old Princeton and chapter 7 with Westminster as represented by Machen and Van Til. Despite some unduly harsh polemic against Van Til, Vander Stelt’s dissertation offers occasional keen insights which are well documented; superior bibliography attached.

†Vander Volk, Justin. “A Re-examination of Calvin’s Doctrine of Scripture.” Ph. D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1951.

*Vanhoozer, Kevin. “The Special Status of the Bible in Recent Theology: A Critical Comparison and Analysis of James Barr, David Kelsey, and Brevard Childs.” M. Div. thesis, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1982.

Read Part One for basic summary of the “received view” of Scripture. The “postcritical views” of Barr, Kelsey, and Childs are fleshed out skilfully.

Van Til, Cornelius. The Protestant Doctrine of Scripture. Volume I in Defense of Biblical Christianity. Den Dulk Christian Foundation, 1967.

In addition to summing the basic Reformed doctrine, Van Til interfaces with the views of Calvin, Warfield, Bavinck, Clark, Beegle, Hackett, Ramm, Neoorthodoxy, Aquinas and Roman Catholicism.

‘Wallace, Ronald S. Calvin’s Doctrine of the Word and Sacrament. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1953; reprint ed., Tyler, TX: Geneva Divinity School Press, 1982.

Cf. chapters 1-10, particularly for Calvin’s understanding of revelation.

*Walvoord, John F., ed. Inspiration and Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1957.

Essays of varying quality by members of the Evangelical Theological Society. Kantzer draws from his dissertation in an essay on Calvin’s view of Scripture.

*Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, edited by Samuel G. Craig. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1970.

Contains the bulk of articles — many of which have never been surpassed exegetically or theologically —in Revelation and Inspiration (New York: Oxford, 1927), as well as an introduction by Cornelius Van Til (pp. 3-68). Essential reading for understanding the “old Princeton” position.

*Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. The Westminster Assembly and Its Works. Reprint ed., Cherry Hill, NJ: Mack, 1972.

Chapters 3-4 plumb the Westminster doctrine of Scripture and inspiration (pp. 155-336).

*Wenham, John W. Christ and the Bible. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973.

Highly readable work that interacts perceptively with recent biblical scholarship.

“Wood, A. Skevington. Captive to the Word. Martin Luther: Doctor of Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1969.

In-depth treatment of Luther’s view of Scripture which is relatively successful in allowing Luther to speak for himself.

*Woodbridge, John D. Biblical Authority: A Critique of the Rogers/McKim Proposal. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982.

Effectively exposes the sloppy scholarship of Rogers/McKim with scholarly integrity, and positively addresses the historical scene with contrary conclusions.

*Young, Edward J. Thy Word is Truth. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1957.

Informative, readable material by Westminster’s former, renowned OT professor of theology. Chapters 5-6 address the inerrancy question; chapter 7, individual problem texts; chapters 9-10, “modern views” of Scripture. Excellent and edifying for the average layman.

*Youngblood, Ronald, ed. Evangelicals and Inerrancy. New York: Thomas Nelson, 1984.

Selections from the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society from 1954-79: Nicole, Stonehouse, Lindsell, Montgomery, Preus, Ceisler, Poythress, et al. Excellent bibliography on inspiration and inerrancy attached.




“Alexander, Archibald. “Review of Theopnusty, by S.R.L. Gaussen.” Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review 17 (1845):409-28.

Balmer, Randall H. “The Princetonians, Scripture, and Recent Scholarship.” Journal of Presbyterian History 60 (1982):267-70.

*Battles, Ford Lewis. “God was Accommodating Himself to Human Capacity.” Interpretation 31 (19771:19-38.

Chapman, Sidney. “Bahnsen on Inspiration.” Evangelical Quarterly 47 (1975):162-67.

Christie, Alexander. “The Doctrine of Holy Scripture in Calvin and Brunner.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 52 (1940-41):19-32,116-27, 325-51.

*Clark, Gordon H. “Beegle on the Bible: A Review Article.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 20 (1977):265-86.

Cook, W. Robert. “Biblical Inerrancy and Intellectual Honesty.” Bibliotheca Sacra 125 (1968): 157-75.

Dean, Eric Thomas. “Relation between Scripture and Tradition: Theoretical Statements by Calvin and Barth.” Encounter 23 (19621:277-91.

Edwards, Charles Eugene. “Calvin on Inerrant Inspiration: Excerpts from Authorities.” Bibliotheca Sacra 88 (19811:465-75.

Fouke, Dan. “B.B. Warfield vs C.A. Briggs: The 19th Century Debate Over Inerrancy.” Canadian Journal of Religious Studies 10 (Fall 19821:15-33.

France, R.T. “Evangelical Disagreements About the Bible.” Churchman 96 (19821:226-40.

France, R.T. “Inerrancy and New Testament Exegesis.” Themelios 1/1 (Autumn 19751:12-18.

*Geisler, Norman L. “The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate.” Bibliotheca Sacra 137 (1980): 327-39.

Gerrish, B.A. “Biblical Authority and the Continental Reformation.” Scottish Journal of Theology 10(19571:337-60.

“Gerstner, John H. “Church Historian Warns: Presbyterians Are Demoting the Bible.” Christianity Today 10 (December 3,19651:11-14.

‘Godfrey, W. Robert. “An Errant Guide.” (Review of Rogers/McKim.) Christianity Today 25 (May 8, 19811:59-61, 68.

*Hodge, Charles. “Review of The Inspiration of Holy Scripture by William Lee.” The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review 29 (1857): 660-98.

House, H. Wayne. “Biblical Inspiration in 2 Timothy 3:16.” Bibliotheca Sacra 137 (19801:54-63.

“Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe. “The Inspiration of Scripture in the English Reformers Illuminated by John Calvin.” Westminster Theological Journal. 23 (19611:129-50.

Kaiser, Walter C, Jr. “A Neglected Text in Bibliology Discussions: I Corinthians 2:6-16.” West-minster Theological Journal 43 (19811:301-19.

“Kantzer, Kenneth. “Evangelicals and the Innerrancy Question: The Current Debate.” Christianity Today 22 (April 21,19781:16-21.

“Lindsell, Harold. “Biblical Infallibility from the Hermeneutical and Cultural Perspectives.” Bibliotheca Sacra 133 (19761:312-18.

“Lindsell, Harold. “Biblical Infallibility: The Reformation and Beyond.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 19 (19761:25-37.

tMcKim, Donald. “Archibald Alexander and the Doctrine of Scripture.” Journal of Presbyterian History 54 (19761:355-75.

†McKim, Donald. “John Owen’s Doctrine of Scripture in Historical Prospective.” Evangelical Quarterly (19731:197-207.

tMcNeill, John T. “The Significance of the Word of God for Calvin.” Church History 28 (1959): 131-46.

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*Recommended † Not Recommended

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 maart 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (4)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 maart 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's