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English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (5)

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English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (5)

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*Morris, Leon. "Biblical Authority and the Concept of Inerrancy." Churchman 31 (1967):22-38.

*Muller, Richard A. "ChristThe Revelation or the Revealer? Brunner and Reformed Orthodoxy on the Doctrine of the Word of Cod." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 26 (1983): 307-19.

*Nicole, Roger, "Induction and Deduction with Reference to Inspiration." In Soli Deo Gloria: Essays in Reformed Theology, edited by R.C. Sproul, pp. 95-102. Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976.

*Noll, Mark A. "The Word of Cod and the Bible: A View from the Reformation." Christian Scholar's Review 8 (1978):25-31.

Ogden, Schubert M. "The Authority of Scripture for Theology." Interpretation 30 (1976):242-61.

Oliver, Harold H. "The Impact of Nineteenth Century Philosophy on Biblical Authority." Perspectives in Religious Studies 1 (1974):29-42.

†Orr, James. "Calvin's Attitude Toward and Exegesis of the Scriptures." In Calvin Memorial Addresses, pp. 89-105. Richmond: Presbyterian Committee of Publications, 1909.

*Packer, James I. "Calvin: A Servant of the Word." In Able Ministers of the New Testament, pp. 36-55. Puritan and Reformed Studies Conference, no 15 [1964]. London, 1965.

*Packer, James I. "Hermeneutics and Biblical Authority." Themelios 1 (1975): 3-12.

*Parratt, J.K. "The Witness of the Holy Spirit: Calvin, the Puritans and St. Paul." Evangelical Quarterly 41 (1969):161-68.

*Parsons, Mike. "Warfield and Scripture." Churchman 91 (1977):198-220.

†Polman, A.D.R. "Calvin on the Inspiration of Scripture." In John Calvin: Contemporary Prophet, edited by J. Hoogstra, pp. 97-112. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1959.

*Preus, Robert. "Notes on the Innerancy of Scripture." Concordia Theological Monthly 38 (1967): 363-75.

Price, Robert M. "Inerrant the Wind: The Troubled House of North American Evangelicals." Evangelical Quarterly 55 (1983):129-44.

†Prust, Richard C. "Was Calvin a Biblical Literalist?" Scottish Journal of Theology 20 (1967): 312-28.

*Reid, W. Stanford. "A Review Article: Scripture in the Westminster Confession." International Reformed Bulletin 11 (1968):60-68.

Ridderbos, Herman N. "An Attempt at the Theological Definition of Inerrancy, Infallibility, and Authority." International Reformed Bulletin

11 (1968):27-41.

Runia, Klass. "The Authority of Scripture." Calvin Theological Journal 4 (1969):165-94.

*Ryrie, Charles C. "Some Important Aspects of Biblical Inerrancy." Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (1979): 16-24.

Sundberg, Albert. "Bible Canon and the Christian Doctrine of Inspiration." Interpretation 29 (1975):352-79.

Turner, David L. "Evangelicals, Redaction Criticism, and the Current Innerancy Crisis." Grace Theological Journal 4 (1983):263-88.

*Recommended †Not Recommended

This concludes the bibliography of English works on the doctrine of Scripture. May God graciously grant us to remain fervent adherents of the full inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture's sixty-six books—from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. May we always seek to maintain the historic orthodox position of Scripture's organic inspiration in a verbal-plenary manner.

Above all, may we learn to know the Bible, love the Bible, and live the Bible as the personally applied library of the inspiring Spirit of God.

By the Word of God the blessed Spirit of God both breeds and feeds grace within His elect. God's people are born by "the Word of truth" (James 1:18), and grow by "the sincere milk of the Word (1 Peter 2:2).

The divine Librarian also uses the sixty-six sacred books of Scripture as a touchstone by which His students may examine themselves. He causes Scripture to be their mirror to dress by (James 1), their rule to walk and work by (Gal. 6:16), their water to wash with (Psalm 119:9), their fire to warm them (Luke 24), their food to nourish them (Job 23:12), their sword to fight with (Eph. 6), their counsellor to resolve their doubts and fears (Psalm 119:24), and their heritage to enrich them (Psalm 23:4).

The Holy Spirit teaches them to love the library of God. When faith is in exercise, God's elect pupils may say by moments with Jeremiah, 'Thy words were found and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart" (Jer. 15:16), or with David, "How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103).

As long as sweet faith is in exercise, grace allows them to bind the Word of God upon their hearts and tie it about their necks so that Proverbs 6:22 becomes their experience, "When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou steepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee." Then God's people may live in, upon, and out of the Word of God.

When God's Word is applied by the Holy Ghost — read or preached—the children of God experience golden moments, regardless or whether it serves to admonition and chastisement, or to comfort and instruction. At such times they are driven from their knees to the Word of God and from the Word of God to their knees. At such times they are taught the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering and the most profitable of dying.

Do you, by grace, know, love, and live Holy Scripture?

May we learn to know the Bible, love the Bible, and live the Bible as the personally applied library of the inspiring Spirit of God.

Questions on religious books may be addressed to:

21l5 Romence St.N.E.,

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 april 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

English Works on the Doctrine of Scripture (5)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 april 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's