Rev. J. Den Hoed of Rock Valley, lowa, to the Hamilton, Ontario and Kalamazoo, Michigan congregations.
Extended and Declined
By Rev. J. Spaans of Norwich, Ontario, to the Covell Ave., Grand Rapids, Michigan congregation.
At the evening service of July 3, the Lord willing, Rev. H. Hofman hopes to preach a farewell message to the Kalamazoo, Michigan congregation.
On July 13, he hopes to be installed in the NRC Sioux Center, lowa congregation by the moderator, Rev. J. Den Hoed. The following evening, July 14, Rev. Hofman will preach his inaugural sermon.
May the Lord bless the pastor, his family, and new flock, grant His favor upon the sacred ministry, and sustain the saddened flock with His Word.
The prayer service for Classis East was conducted by Rev. H. Hofman in the St. Catharines church on April 12, 1988 and his text for the occasion was Jeremiah 6:16. The theme for the sermon was “God’s travel advice for the future.” The minister’s three points were as follows:
1. The way specified.
2. The course recommended.
3. The promise given.
Artidel — OPENING
On Wednesday morning the Classis convened at 9 A.M. On behalf of the calling church of Kalamazoo, Rev. Hofman opened our gathering with the singing of Psalter 415, stanzas 1 and 2, the reading of Psalm 25 and in prayer bringing our needs unto the throne of grace.
Rev. Hofman spoke to us briefly on some of the verses recorded in Psalm 25. The delegates and friends were welcomed with the Word of God as written in the Psalm which was read. The attention of those present was drawn to this Psalm of prayer, guidance and pardon. The necessity of the psalmist was stressed as he prays to God to show him the way and to guide him, waiting upon Him all the day. The eyes of the Psalmist were upon the Lord, which is necessary for all office-bearers. The Psalmist also prays for pardon. Rev. Hofman stressed the need for pardon every day. He mentioned that our only hope and possibility with all our needs is that, with the Psalmist, “our eyes are fixed upon Him.” Also may it be our prayer that He may guide us in our meeting this day.
Events remembered since our last classical meeting were as follows: Rev. C Vogelaar has accepted the call to Franklin Lakes and Rev. H. Hofman the call to Sioux Center. Rev. B. Densel, former pastor of Covell Ave., Grand Rapids, passed away at the age of 80 years. After these remembrances, the meeting was declared open.
Credentials were examined and approved as follows:
Bradford: Elder C. Van Leeuwen, Deacon J. VandenBrink
Clifton: Elder J. Vander Wiele, Elder J. Vander Stad
Covell Ave: Elder A. Blok, Deacon B. Densel III
Franklin Lakes: Elder J. Remus, Elder B. Sweetman
Grand Rapids: Rev. J.R. Beeke, Elder H. Kamp
Hamilton: Elder T. Verhey, Elder N. Koppelaar
Kalamazoo: Rev. H. Hofman, Elder G. Moerdyk
Norwich: Rev. J. Spaans, Elder C. Koudys
St. Catharines: Rev. C. Vogelaar, Elder L. Nieuwenhuyzen
Unionville Elder R. Coates, Elder P. J. Zekveld
The deacons were unanimously granted the right to vote.
President: Rev. C. Vogelaar (by rotation)
Vice-President: Rev. J. Spaans (by rotation)
Clerk Elder J. Beeke (by appointment)
Treasurer: Elder T. Verhey (by appointment)
Article IV — MINUTES
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without correction.
The clerk reported that an acknowledgement for the past ministerial labors by Classis East performed in Classis Midwest was received.
Article VI — REPORTS
A financial statement was submitted by the Macedonia Mission Society. Whereas the present balance is considerably less than the balance of October 14, 1987, the delegates were again reminded to remember this cause in their schedule of collections.
Congregations ask:
1. Asks for a clarification of the Synod’s position on remarriage after divorce because of adultery, specifically as it affects the guilty party.
a. If after they confess their guilt to transgressing the seventh commandment, are they permitted to remarry according to church teaching?
b. If they are not permitted to remarry according to church teaching, and they do so anyway, what action should the church take against such members?
After the delegates explained their two points, the president informed the delegates that these two points were brought before the Synod in 1984. (See Synodical minutes 1984, point 4, page 13. Also Appendix 23, page 73, 1984 Synodical minutes). Therefore these two points will not be forwarded to the Synod to be held in June.
2. The consistory requests a discussion about a request received from the youth to expand our Youth Day Conference to include a carefully super-vised outing with Classis approved speakers and topics as in Classis Far-West.
A request from the Youth Group of a local congregation was read. This letter contained their desire to have a classically supervised camp outing of three days. Included in the letter were suggestions of supervision, approved speakers and other activities.
After some deliberation, the Classis decided to remain with Youth Day Conferences as they are presently held, and advised that camp outings continue to be organized by churches in local areas.
3. The consistory requests the support of Classis in the matter of the law suit against our school which is being appealed to the U.S. Suprème Court. It is also requested that this point be brought to the next Synod to ask for their support.
The delegates of Kalamazoo informed the Classis that the congregation has voted not to appeal their law suit to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, the settlement out of court will cost approximately $27,000.00.
The Classis decided that their request for financial support be forwarded to the Synod.
4. Would it be possible to form an agency or have an appointed representative in Canada to maintain the distribution of charitable donations, seeing this is what the government of Canada proposes, which in turn will cause a less complicated distribution of tax-deductible receipts for all donations leaving Canada.
An explanation of this point was read by one of the delegates. A copy of this explanation will be mailed to all the individuals and consistories who are to investigate further into the possibility to form an agency. During this discussion it was agreed to ask our Synodical Legal Committee for advice. Secondly, it also was decided to ask the Synod to appoint a committee to look into the feasibility of forming a Central Bureau for our churches in North America.
5. What is the difference between the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee and Bible Truth Books? Which organization is to be used to order quantities of books we wish to distribute to our members? Is seems that both handle the same publications.
Rev. Beeke explained the different functions of each organization as follows: The Netherlands Reformed Book & Publishing Committee is the publisher of our denominational book-titles and is synodically approved. Bible Truth Books is a book distributor of many publishers, including our own titles. He informed the delegates that large quantities of denominational books should be ordered from lowa (Netherlands Reformed Book & Publishing Committee) in order to save double postage costs, but smaller quantities may also be ordered from Bible Truth Books.
Obituary notices are printed free of charge and are submitted by the officiating minister; marriage and anniversary notices will be charged at $5.00 per issue and must be individually submitted. Other announcements andlor requests will be approved by the editorial committee on an individual basis as received. (Church events or school needs, such as upcoming classical meetings, “teachers wanted,” office-bearer conferences or youth day conferences will be announced free of charge.)
To place an announcement, simply type (or print neatly) your information, enclose $5.00, and forward to “News and Events,” 2115 Romence St. N.E., Grand Rapids, Ml 49503 by the 5th of the month preceding publication.
6. Why is the Macedonia Mission Society considered a denominational collection and not listed in our annual denominational Yearbook?
After some deliberation on this point, the Classis advised that if the Macedonia Mission Society desires to become a denominational society, and hence to be included in the Yearbook, their request to become a Synodical rather than a Classical committee can be brought to the Classis and forwarded to the Synod to be held in 1990, D.V.
7. We ask Classis to review the 1968 Synodical minutes lor a decision regarding the writing off of members for non-attendance. One of our older Consistory members recalls that a Synodical decision was ratified that if a member did not attend the church services for a year and six weeks, his membership could be cut off by the Consistory.
Upon hearing further details from the delegates, it appeared that there was a misunderstanding in reading one of our church bulletins from a congregation in our Classis. The names of some members in this church bulletin were members who had at their request withdrawn their membership, not members who were written off because of non-attendance. Nevertheless, this point will be brought to Synod for a possible revision of our 1912 Synod minutes.
1. Elder Moerdyk explained the circumstances of the periodical Insight Into. Presently the editorial staff, committee members, administration, etc. are members of the Kalamazoo Congregation. In a few months the editor, Rev. Hofman, will be movingto Sioux Center and the Classis asks the Synod to consider the possibility of Insight Into becoming a denominational periodical.
Because of the departure of Rev. Hofman from our Classis, moderatorships were appointed as follows:
Rev. Beeke: Kalamazoo, South Holland, Covell Ave. and Franklin Lakes.
Rev. Spaans: Bradford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Unionville and Grand Rapids.
Rev. Vogelaar: Clifton and Norwich.
The president spoke some words of thanks to Rev. Hofman for all the labors performed in our Classis and expressed the hope that the Lord may bless his labors in Classis Mid-West.
After voting, the following delegates were chosen (listed alphabetically) to the Synod to be held in June, 1988, D.V.
Rev. J.R. Beeke Elder N. Greendyk
Rev. H. Hofman Elder G. Moerdyk
Rev. J. Spaans Elder L. Nieuwenhuyzen
Rev. C. Vogelaar Elder C Sommer
Elder J. Beeke Elder G. Van Leeuwen
Alternates: Elder Koudys, Elder Kamp, Elder Deur.
1. Advice was given regarding a circumstance of electing officers.
2. Advice was given to discuss the use of V.C.R. and other modern inventions in our schools at the Principal & Teachers’ Conference to be held in Kalamazoo this summer.
3. Asks advice concerning the conditions in South Holland.
The Classis advised that South Holland should be served by the elders of Grand Rapids in the worship services and church activities.
4. Asks about the dismissal papers of Rev. H. Hofman.
Elder Moerdyk offered to translate the dismissal papers, “Akte van ontslag,” from one Classis to another. It was agreed to have these printed after approval. The ecclesiastical papers concerning the dismissal of Rev. Hofman will be taken care of by the committee appointed for out-going and in-coming ministers of this Classis.
The expenses of this Classis meeting were $1,909.44 in Canadian funds. The expenses were prorated as is customary.
Nowich will be the calling church for the next classical meeting which will be held, D.V., on October 19, 1988 in Franklin Lakes. Rev. C. Vogelaar will lead the prayer service the preceding evening commencing at 7:30 P.M.
After a few closing remarks, Rev. Vogelaar re-quested Elder Moerdyk to close the meeting with prayer.
On May 24 and 25, the 59th annual commencement exercises of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia took place. Among the recipients of degrees was Rev. Joel R. Beeke of our congregations, who received his doctorate (Ph. D.) upon completion of his studies and the requirements for this degree. It is our desire to congratulate him on behalf of the congregations, realizing the many hours of study this has necessitated, with the help of the Lord.
His lengthy dissertation is entitled, “Personal Assurance of Faith: English Puritanism and the Dutch ‘Nadere Reformatie’ from Westminster to Alexander Comrie (1640–1760).” In great detail he has researched the works of the leaders of English Puritanism and the Dutch parallel movement, the “Nadere Reformatie,” often termed the Second Refor-mation. God’s Word is central and pre-eminent to all leaming, but in perusing his dissertation we may see and value the influence and instruction of God-fearing fore-bears, such as Luther, Calvin, Owen, Perkins, Teellinck, Comrie and others in bringing to light the depth of this subject matter. Variations in thought and expression do exist and are carefully noted, but we may believe that these divines have sought to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Dr. Beeke’s bibliography listed more than one thousand books and manuscripts, indicating the many resources he has used in writing his dissertation.
In reviewing all that was now behind, Dr. Beeke confessed deep acknowledgment unto the Lord who had provided, and for the desire expressed to say and live with Paul, according to the words found in Philippians 3:8–14: “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” etc.
It is our sincere wish, as well as Dr. Beeke’s, that this study and research which he has been enabled to do, with the Lord’s help, may be used not only for his own personal en-lightenment and edification, but in the hands of the Lord for a blessing for, and to the welfare of, the congregations—all to the glory and honor of the Triune God.
—Elder G. Moerdyk
Three ministers in the Netherlands have or will become emeritus minister. Rev. A. Snoep, 57 years old, is suffering from cancer. He served 18 years, lately at Oudemirdum. Rev. A. Hofman, 75 years old, retired shortly after his wife’s death. He was minister last at Aalburg and served a total of 30 years. Rev. L. Vogelaar who served as minister for 26 years, is 71 years old; he is in Uddel. The Lord remember our congregations in the Netherlands and grant there, too, an increase in faithful laborers, in His favor.
—from Lethbridge bulletin
The Youth Conference of Classis East will be held at Grand Rapids, Michigan on July 2, 1988, D.V. Speakers will include Dr. J.R. Beeke, on “Integrity”; Mr. Benjamin Densel, on “Motivation”; and Mr. Ron Klaasen, on “Careers and Religion.” For reservations, contact Tom Kwekel (616) 455-1538 or Margaret Karelse
(616) 698-8154.
—Classical Conference Committee JRB/GM/GK
Classis Midwest will have a Youth Day on July 23 sponsored by the Rock Valley congregation. For housing, contact John Fluit (712) 753-4550.
The Classical Youth Conference Committee would like to inform all young people fifteen years of age and older, of the Classis Far West Youth Conference to be held, the Lord willing, from Monday evening, July 18, through Thursday morning, July 21.
The Committee was able to locate and reserve a centrally-located group camp-and-conference site in northeastem Washington, near the Idaho border (approximately a six-hour drive for each of our Washington, British Columbia, and Alberta congregations). A conference program has been approved and several ministers and office-bearers have been approached to serve as speakers. The total conference cost will be $45 (U.S.) or $60 (Can.) per person, which includes all food and lodging expenses. Transportation costs are not included. No individual cars are permitted at the conference site; everyone must travel there by group bus or van. Each church group will need to establish its own transportation fee.
The committee plans to mail complete program and informational packets to our consistories and young people in the near future, D.V., but we wish to inform everyone of the dates now in order that you can keep July 18–21 reserved.
May God guide us in our further planning and graciously bless this means of providing topics for instruction, times for discussion, and opportunities for our young people to meet one another. Above all, may God implant His Word where we can never bring it of ourselves — in the hearts of us all.
—The Classical Youth Conference Committee
Elder G. Feyter—Fort Macleod
Elder A. Den Hoed—Sunnyside
Elder J. Beeke—Chilliwack
Mr. H. Hoefakker—Lynden
In Memoriam
On April 16, 1988, Rochus Schelling of Sioux Center, lowa, passed away at the age of 90 years. Brother Schelling had served the Sioux Center flock first as deacon and sub-sequently as elder for nearly thirty years. The church received the love of his heart. He labored, by God’s grace, humbly and simply in the service of God. We trust that his services will be employed in His Master’s cause throughout all etemity to the glory of God Triune.
May the Lord strengthen the mourning family with divine succor, bless the funeral message of Rev. J. Den Hoed, and continue to prove to be a covenant-keeping God from generation to generation in the Schelling family. His Name is Jehovah-jireh—”the Lord provides.” May the free grace of a sovereign God prove to be the pleading ground of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
BRUINOOGE, Jacob—Age 92; May 17,1988; Franklin Lakes, NJ; Son—Nicholas; 1 grandchild; 3 great-grandchildren. (Rev. H. Hofman, Ps. 90:12.)
COUDZWARD, Sadie—Age 81; May 26,1988; Grand Rapids, Ml; Children—Maurice, Maureen, Mina and Tom, John; Brothers—John, Jack; Sisters—Catherine, Ruth; 8 grandchildren. (Rev. J.R. Beeke, Rev. 21:4.)
SCHELLING, Rochus—Age 90; April 16, 1988; Sioux Center, IA; Wife—Jennie (deceased); Children—Cornelius, Henrietta, Alida, Emma, Jeane Joane, John; Brothers—John, Ralph, Paul; Sisters—Elizabeth, Julia, Ella Marie; 42 grandchildren; 82 great-grandchildren. (Rev. J. Den Hoed, Ps. 37:18.)
SCHIPPER, Maria Adriana—Age 63; May 11,1988; Kalamazoo, Ml; Husband—Henry; Children—Ada, Dirk, Case, Conrad; 17 grandchildren. (Rev. H. Hofman, Job 1:20–22.)
VAN BOCHOVE, Grace—Age 91; April 25, 1988; Sioux Center, IA; Husband—Adrianus (deceased); Children—Irene, Andrew; Step-children—William, Case, Anna; Brother—William; Sister—Effie; 2 grandchildren; 15 step-grandchildren; 32 step-great-grandchildren. (Rev. J. Den Hoed, Ps. 24:44a.)
VAN GROOTHEEST, Gerrit Sr.—Age 79; May 5, 1988; Rock Valley, IA; Wife—Henrietta; Children—Gerrit, Jr., Albert, Ted, Betty, Mary; Brother—Henry; Sisters—Elizabeth, Geertruida, Effie, Rikja; 22 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren. (Rev. J. Den Hoed, Ps. 90:10c.)
WESDYK, Lena—Age 76; May 21, 1988; Franklin Lakes, NJ; Husband—Jacob (deceased); Children—Adrian, John, Arend, Eileen; Brothers—Neil, Tunis; 12 grandchildren. (Rev. J.R. Beeke, Ex. 14:13–14.)
REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, COPETOWN is seeking applications for primary, intermediate and senior level teachers. Concentrations in English, French, Mathematics and Business Studies are needed in the intermediate and senior levels. Please apply to: Reho-both Christian School, c/o Mr. H. Kieyn, Principal, Box 70, Copetown, Ontario, LOR 1J0. Telephone: 416-627-5977.
NETHERLANDS REFORMED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Pompton Plains, New Jersey is accepting applications for elementary teacher positions for the 1988–89 school year. Interested applicants are asked to contact either of the following:
Mr. John VanderWiele Mr. John W. Van Der Brink
267 Madison Ave. 18 Clenwood Street
Clifton, NJ 07011 Clifton, NJ 07013
Phone: (201) 365-1590 Phone: (201) 777-0103
Also, the Board is seeking for a qualified industrial arts teacher. Interested applicants are requested to contact either of the above persons.
We are anticipating openings for up to six positions for the 1988–89 school year, the Lord willing. The School-board, therefore, invites applications for the following positions: 2 lower elementary; 1 upper elementary; 1 industrial arts teacher; 1 math and/or science teacher and 1 business education teacher
Additional information may be obtained from the February, 1988 Issue of The Banner of Truth or from the Principal, Mr. A.H. Verhoef, Telephone 403-381-3030 (school), 403-481-4434 (home).
Applications with resume should be forwarded to the Secretary of the School board, Mr. A.M. de Wilde, P.O. Box 142, Monarch, Alberta, Canada, TOL 1M0. (Telephone: 403-824-3635).
NETHERLANDS REFORMED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Rock Valley/Sioux Center invites inquiries and applications for teaching positions at the elementary and secondary levels. Call or write Art Den Hoed 712-477-2459, Route 1, Box 123, Larchwood, lowa 51241; Harold Schelling 712-722-1131, Rural Route, Box 54, Hull, lowa 51239; or the Netherlands Reformed Christian School, Rural Route 1, Box 269K, Rock Valley, lowa 51247. Telephone: 712-476-2821.
EBENEZER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Sheboygan is in need of a full-time teacher for grades 3–5 or 6–8 for the 1988–89 school year. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our principal, Mr. David Lipsy from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at (414) 452-5464 or 5:30-9 p.m. at (414) 457-9257. Resumes or applications should be mailed to: Mr. Phil Kaat, RR #3, Box 4400, Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 53085.
REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Norwich, Ont. is looking for a teacher for grades 5/6 combination for the next school year. If you are interested in this position, please contact Mr. Henry Scholten, president (519) 863-3825 or Mr. Martien Vanderspek, principal (519) 863-3119 (home) or 863-2403 (school). Send your application to Rehoboth Christian School, 43 Main St. E. Box 220, Norwich, Ont. N0J 1P0.
NETHERLANDS REFORMED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, St. Catharines, Ont. has an opening for an elementary teacher for the school year beginning 1988. Interested applicants are requested to contact: Mr. Bas Groenenboom, 73 Bending Road Crescent, St. Catharines, Ont. L2N 5R6, (416) 935-5058 or Mr. Foppe Vander Zwaag, R.R. #1, 5th Avenue, Jordan, Ontario LOR 1S0 (416) 562-4793.
Mr. & Mrs. Lambert A. Rose were each privileged to celebrate their 70th birthday with children, grandchildren, family, and close friends on April 30, 1988.
We thank God for sparing them to see this age and pray that they may have many more years together.
50th Wedding Anniversary
The Lord willing, on June 29, 1988, our parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Slingerland, Sr.
hope to commemorate their 50th wedding anniversary. That they may be spared for many years to come is the prayerful wish of their children and grandchildren.
Box 83, Coalsdale, Alberta, Canada TOK 0L0. (403) 320-8493
Once again, a fictitious petition about a film on the “Sex Life of Jesus” supposedly to be produced by “Modern People News,” is being circulated in many congregations un-necessarily. Such a film would indeed be terrible, if true, but there is no such organization as “Modern People News.” We again request consistories to make use of our Denominational Appointees to the Government prior to distributing such petitions in their congregations so as to ascertain their validity. —JRB
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 juni 1988
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 juni 1988
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's