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Extended and Declined

Rev. J. Den Hoed of Rock Valley, lowa, to the Lynden, Washington and Fort McLeod, Alberta congregations.

Candidate C.A. Van Dieren to St. Catharines, Ontario.

Candidate W. Harinck to Unionville, Ontario and to Sunnyside, Washington.

Accepted in the Netherlands

Candidate W. Harinck to Kapelle-Biezelinge.

Candidate CA. Van Dieren to Stolwijk.



Rev. C. Vogelaar’s farewell sermon in St. Catharines, Ontario is scheduled for August 17, and his installation and inaugural sermons in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, for August 23 and 24 respectively. As the moderator will be in Australia at that time, Rev. H. Hofman will preach the inaugural sermon.

May the Lord strengthen the St. Catharines flock and bless their efforts to receive an undershepherd again. May He also go with our brother, wife, and children to their new congregation, and confirm pentecostal fruits under his ministry: “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47).



On June 28, 1988, the evening prior to the NRC Synod 1988, Rev. M. Heerschap led us in a prayer service based on Ezekiel 9:4 in the Grand Rapids (Crescent St.) sanctuary. His major theme was, “A Sighing and Calling People Saved in the Judgments of God.” The following points were expounded: first, Israel’s sins; second, the punishment of the Lord; and third, a gracious sparing.


As pastor of the calling church of Rock Valley, lowa, Rev.J. Den Hoed opened the 1988 synodical session at 9:00 a.m. on June 29 with the singing of Psalter 275:1–2, the reading of Isaiah 50, and prayer. A word of welcome was extended to the delegates, visitors, and Holland’s advisory representaties, Rev. A.M. Den Boer and Rev. A.F. Honkoop.

The following special events which transpired since 1986 Synod were recalled: (1) The passing away of the following former elders and deacons:

Frank Berman Joe Van Ravensway

Leendert J. Rus Jacob Nieuwenhuis

Floris Bestebreur John Heikoop

Cornelius Van Goudswaard Dick Nieuwenhuis

Evert Evertsen William Schol, Sr.

Reyer Grisnich Jacob Struck

Cornelius F. Boerkoel, Sr. Morris Vander Jagt

Christian J. Van ’t Hof Rochus Schelling

(2) The installation of Rev. J.R. Beeke in Grand Rapids; the acceptance of Sioux Center’s call by Rev. H. Hofman, and the acceptance of Franklin Lakes’ call by Rev. C. Vogelaar. (3) The acceptance of two students for ministerial training: Mr. Peter Bazen in 1986 (as a missionary); and Mr. James Greendyk in 1987. (4) Also mentioned were Rev. A.W. Verhoef’s completion of fifteen years as Chilliwack’s pastor; Rev. and Mrs. Heerschap’s 55th anniversary; Elder J. Vander Wende’s 50 years as elder; Rev. J.R. Beeke’s completion of a Ph.D. doctoral degree from Westminster Seminary; Norwich’s 600+ seat addition was dedicated to the service of the Lord; Chilliwack and Port Alberni commemorated 35 and 25 year anniversaries as congregations respectively; the Covell Ave. NRC of Grand Rapids was affiliated to our denomination; the Sheboygan, Wisconsin church building had its last NRC service; and there was a fire at Plymouth Christian School which the Lord graciously contained. For all of these events, we are dependent on the daily grace and submission which only God can give.

Rev. Den Hoed addressed Synod briefly on Isaiah 50:10 where the Lord speaks to His people in Babylonian captivity. The pastor outlined, first, “a searching question” (i.e., “Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of His servant?”); secondly, “a need described” (i.e., “that walketh in darkness”); and thirdly, “a remedy proposed” (i.e., “let him trust in the Name of the Lord, and stay upon his God”).

With these words, 1988 Synod was declared open.


The credentials were forwarded from the Classes, revealing the following brothers delegated to Synod (listed alphabetically):

1. Classis Farwest: Reverends M. Heerschap and A.W. Verhoef; Elders J. Den Bok, G. Feyter, and J. Neels.

2. Classis Midwest: Rev. J. Den Hoed; Elders A. Den Hoed, L. Stapel, J. Van Ginkel, and W. Van Voorst.

3. Classis East: Reverends J.R. Beeke, H. Hofman, J. Spaans, and C Vogelaar; Elders J. Beeke, N. Greendyk, G. Moerdyk, L. Nieuwenhuyzen, C. Sommer, and G. Van Leeuwen.


Election of synodical officers resulted as follows: Rev. J. Den Hoed, president; Rev. C Vogelaar, vice-president; Rev. J.R. Beeke, clerk; Elder J. Beeke, assistant clerk; Elder G. Moerdyk, treasurer.

After the officers took their respective places, the chairman acknowledged the delegates for their trust on behalf of the moderamen, and expressed that we all might work together in a spirit of brotherly peace.


The chairman gave an opportunity to Rev. A.M. Den Boer as representative from our Holland churches to convey greetings. In his remarks, Rev. Den Boer informed the delegates about the decision made in Holland with regard to Candidate Burggraaf who is no longer eligible for calling. Secondly, Rev. Den Boer informed us of the recent acceptance in Holland of C. De Jongste and W Visser for theological training, as well as the candidacies of C. Van Dieren and W Harinck. Finally, he made some edifying remarks on the current drought we are facing in the realm of nature and of grace, notwithstanding the fact that the saving work of the Holy Spirit is still visible. He expressed the wish that we might all experience, “I shall be as the dew unto Israel, saith the Lord.”

Article V—ACTS OF 1986 SYNOD

The 1986 Synod minutes were approved without correction.


One item of correspondence was received from the Protestant Reformed Churches asking for information on our denominational committee which interacts with various degrees of relationship with other denominations. The clerk w?s instructed to respond that we do not have such a committee and do not feel a need for one at the present time.


A. Report of the Curatorium

The chairman of the Curatorium, Rev. Verhoef, gave a summary of the results of our recent meetings. The Curatorium received no freedom to accept an additional student for theological training. Students Bazen and Greendyk were examined for two and one-half hours by their instructors, Rev. Vogelaar (in Exegesis, Homiletics, Dogmatics, Arch-aeology, and New Testament) and Rev. Beeke (in Dogmatics, Church History, Church Order, and Missiology) in the presence of the Curatorium. Both students passed their exams to the satisfaction of the Curatorium and were admitted to their third and second years of study respectively.

Additionally, Student Bazen spoke a trial sermon before the Curatorium and received permission to commence speaking an edifying word in the congregations, effective immediately. His preaching schedule will be arranged by Rev. Vogelaar and himself. The course load and teaching schedule approved for 1988–1989 was identical to that of the past year’s, with Rev. Beeke being assigned an additional subject of Church Liturgy this year and Ethics the following year. Also, time will be provided for Mr. Greendyk to learn some basic Biblical Greek under Rev. Beeke’s guidance.

For practical reasons Mr. Bazen and his family will move to Grand Rapids for the last two years of his study; Mr. Greendyk and his family will move to New Jersey. In order to accommodate the expenses involved, the congregations are urged to provide additional monetary support.

Obituary notices are printed free of charge and are submitted by the officiating minister; marriage and anniversary notices will be charged ai $5.00 per issue and must be individually submitted. Other announcements and/or requests will be approved by the editorial committee on an individual basis as received. (Church events or school needs, such as upcoming classical meetings, “teachers wanted,” office-bearer conferences or youth day conferences will be announced free of charge.)

To place an announcement, simply type lor print neatly) your information, enclose $5.00, and forward to “News and Events,” 2115 Romence St. N.E., Grand Rapids, Ml 49503 by the 5th of the month preceding publication.

For Classis Midwest, Elder L. Stapel was voted in as member of the Curatorium, and Elder C. Blom as alternate. Rev. J. Den Hoed was appointed clerk to replace the present clerk who is also theological instructor. A temporary appointment to fill the new vacancy was given to Elder Koudys until such time as an additional minister may become available. May the Lord graciously provide for our students, their families and instructors, as well as the Curatorium.

B. Report of Synodical Deputies of Articles 48–49

No synodical instructions were given other than new appointments. For Classis East, Rev. J. Spaans was appointed delegate (to replace Rev. Hofman due to his move), and Rev. C. Vogelaar alternate (to replace Dr. Deur due to his illness); for Classis Midwest, Rev. H. Hofman was appointed delegate and Elder L. Stapel became the alternate; for Classis Farwest, Elder A.H. Verhoef was appointed alternate for Rev. Heerschap (to replace Elder P. Vander Knijf).

C. Report of Correspondence with Foreign Churches

Rev. Den Boer presented a check for $50,000 from our congregations in the Netherlands to be divided by the deputies of this committee for assistance in our schools. The chairman requested Rev. Den Boer to return our wholehearted thanks to our sister churches in the Netherlands for their generosity.

D. Report of Deputies for Correspondence with the U.S.A. Government

Deacon Dave Lipsy was added to the committee.

E. Report of Deputies for Correspondence with the Canadian Government

Elder Koppert was added to the committee.

F. Report of the Emeritus Fund Committee

Synod decided to accept proposal #1 of this report and to change proposal #2 to read as follows: “That 50% of income from the preaching of emeritus ministers not be counted when calculating actual benefits, but that income taxes and pension premiums become the responsibility of the recipient.” In this way, social security payments, etc. will not be affected.

In response to a final question in the report, Synod decided that variations geographically in the cost of living in North America will not be a factor in receiving benefits. Finally, Synod agreed to accept the committee’s report and recommendations as amended above to be made retroactive to January 1, 1988, as requested by the committee.

G. Report of the Inheritance Publishers

No synodical instructions were given.

H. Report of the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee

The president of this committee presented summary comments. Once again, the Lord enabled sales of close to 40,000 titles in a two year period. Currently, several books for children are being worked on.

Approval was given for a new translation of Rev. Borstius’s question book. The clerk was instructed to write a response to the Free Reformed churches regarding the incorporation of 150 Anglo-Genevan Psalms. If the committee feels these Psalms are edifying they will be presented to Synod for discussion.

I. Report of the Banner of Truth Committee

The editor and assistant editor again thanked the ministers and elders for their timely contributions. Synod approved without objection a small subscription increase to cover increasing expenses and postage. US subscription rates will be $9.75; Canadian, $12.75; overseas, for surface mail, $20; overseas for air mail, $29. Personal donations are both welcomed and needed in order to keep subscription rates as low as they are. To a few forthcoming suggestions, the editor agreed to continue to make every effort to fulfil them.

J. Report of the Banner of Truth Tract Mission

No synodical instructions were given.

K. Report of the American General Mission Board

The chairman, Rev. J. Spaans, updated Synod on the present feelings that we may be called to labor in Bolivia. Synod approved the Mission Board’s work and gave them the mandate to continue to pursue further Bolivian contacts. An explanation was given concerning two church members (one “handyman,” Mr. Jacob Nijsse; and one nurse, Miss Connie Stam) who may be sent to Costa Rica in the near future to learn Spanish. Mr. and Mrs. Bazen will also have to take this course upon the completion of his theological training, D.V In the interim, Mr. Bazen will work as closely as possible with Mr. Nijsse and Miss Stam in the establishment of a mission field. May the Lord add His blessing to all these efforts.

Rev. H. Hofman and Elder N. Greendyk were added to the committee.

With minor corrections which are incorporated in the report, a Constitution for the American General Mission was approved.

Rev. Den Boer was requested to carry back to the Netherlands our former request that ministers from Holland take two turns to our one turn in visiting annually the New Zealand and Australia groups.

L. Report of the Mission Periodical, “Paul”

Synod made a unanimous decision to request the consistories to cooperate in supplying bulk mailings to their church members of “Paul” at $4.00 each per year. The Mission Board clerk was requested to write a letter to the consistories accordingly. This, in turn, will make “Paul” selfsupporting.

M. Financial Report of Student Support Fund

The synodical clerk was instructed to write the churches for additional monetary support. Personal donations are also needed and welcomed. Forward to the treasurer: “Student Support Fund,” John Beeke, 5604 West “N” Ave., Kalamazoo, Ml 49009.

N. Report of the National-lnternational Disaster Fund

The clerk stated that he desired to send a letter in behalf of Synod to Dr. Deur to thank him for the many years of service he has been enabled to do by God’s grace on this, and several other, denominational committees, as well as to express the wish of Synod that God may bless him and his wife in this trying time with spiritual and heavenly blessings. This request was approved unanimously.

Mr. Jim Bazen was appointed to replace Dr. Deur.

O. Report of the Savings Fund of the NRC in U.S. and Canada

Mr. Martien Vander Spek was appointed to the Canadian portion of this committee. Deacon Don Rose was appointed to the American portion.

P. Report of the Office-bearer Conference Committee

No synodical instructions were given.

Q. Report of the Synodical Education Committee

No synodical instructions were given.

R. Report of the College Investigatory Committee

After considerable discussion, Synod decided that it would be more feasible financially and practically at present to retain the Teacher Development courses on a more local or regional level rather than a denominational scope. Local school boards may contact this committee for assistance in arranging speakers and courses, etc.

In conclusion, the College Committee was advised that its mandate of two years ago was to be renewed.

S. Report of the Legal Advisory Committee

Synod decided the following: First, Synod approved and confirmed the membership of this committee as listed in the report. Second, Synod decided to pay the expenses incurred by this committee in its own expenses due to its low figure. Third, Synod decided to provide the committee with $500 in advance for expenses between 1988 and 1990 Synods, D.V. Fourth, Synod approved the objectives and policy statement of this committee and affirmed that the remaining consistories who have not as yet designated a contact person to work in conjunction with this committee should do so in the near future and inform the committee accordingly.


All changes in synodical appointments have been designated under Article VII (Reports), and will be incorporated in the 1989 denominational Yearbook, D.V.


A. Classis East

1. The Classis forwards the point of Kalamazoo requesting financial support because of the law suit against their school.

Synod urged the consistories to do what they were enabled to do to assist the Kalamazoo congregation in this regard. The clerk was instructed to write the consistories requesting financial help via collections, etc. on their behalf.

2. The Classis asks the Synod if it would be possible to form an agency or have an appointed representative in Canada to maintain the distribu-tion of charitable donations, seeing this is what the government of Canada proposes, which in turn will cause a less complicated distribution of tax-deductible receipts for all donations leaving Canada.

Secondly, it was also decided to ask the Synod to appoint a committee to look into the feasibility of forming a Central Bureau for our churches in North America.

Concerning the first point listed in #2 above, Synod appointed John Stubbe, Ted Verhey, and Bas Groenenboom to be members of a Canadian agency formed to resolve this problem. This newly-formed committee will be listed under the title “Canadian Bureau of NRC” until such time as this committee may have need to formulate a more fitting title for their work. The committee is to be instructed that they should investigate the problem outlined above and inform the Canadian NRC churches as soon as possible how to handle collections that are taken for causes which list an USA administrative address.

Synod appointed John Stubbe to be clerk of the newly-formed committee. Hence all correspondence concerning this matter should be directed to: John Stubbe, RR 1, Burgessville, Ontario N0J IC0, Canada.

Concerning the second point listed in #2 above, Synod appointed Elder G. Moerdyk to begin this task in a small way on a voluntary basis. Church papers and official forms will be forwarded to Mr. Moerdyk at this time as a central address for distribution. Also Mr. Moerdyk was asked to do some follow-up work on a former investigation as to how a denominational identification number may be registered in Washington, D.C. Other miscellaneous tasks of a similar nature in which various committees may desire assistance may utilize Mr. Moerdyk as a contact person. His address is: 5211 Woodmont Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49001.

3. The Classis asks the Synod to consider the possibility of Insight Into becoming a denominational periodical.

Synod saw no problem in having Rev. Hofman remain editor of a Classis East periodical as a pastor in Classis Midwest, and hence felt no need to make this periodical synodical rather than classical.

4. The Classis requests a decision from the Synod if it is legal to discipline a divorced, but personally innocent, minister, by withholding him from any of his official duties.

A proposal was made to form two committees with regard to this point—the first to answer the point as it was presented by Classis East above, and the second to reinvestigate the conclusions of the Franklin Lakes and Grand Rapids consistories, as well as the classically appointed study committee and Classis East itself—all of which have confirmed the pastor involved as the innocent party in this matter. Synod voted to uphold and confirm the previous consistorial and classical decisions, by rejecting the attempt to form a second committee to reexamine the question of personal innocency.

Thus, Synod appointed only one committee, consisting of Rev. Den Hoed, Rev. Hofman, Rev. Moerkerken, and Rev. Vogelaar, with the mandate to prepare a report, based on Scripture and Church Order, on the theological question asked above by Classis East. This committee is to report back with a recommendation to Synod which is scheduled to reconvene in Grand Rapids on October 20 of this year, D.V. Synod will then take a final vote on the above question.

May the Lord graciously guide Synod in this matter to do that which is scriptural, just, and in accord with Church Order. May He also provide a spirit of united prayer for the denomination to the glory of His worthy Name.

5. Classis asks for a review of the 1912 and 1968 synodical decisions in which it is declared possible to have church membership terminated for lack of church attendance without pursuing the steps of church discipline.

Synod upheld these fomer decisions though it stressed that consistories ought to be very cautious and patient in this regard. The termination of church membership should never be taken lightly, but only after numerous attempts to return the non-attender to church have failed over a lengthy period of time and visitation.

B. Classis Farwest

1. The Classis requests to reconsider the planned republishing of the Rev. Kersten and Rev. Van Reenen Catechism sermons. This Classis does not deern it necessary at this time to rewrite or retrans-late the Catechism sermons of Rev. G.H. Kersten and Rev. G. Van Reenen, as they are found satis-factory and accurate in comparison to the Dutch version.

Synod agreed that corrections needed to be made after hearing a small sample of the weak-nesses of this translation as submitted by Sam Kersten. Concern was also expressed about the cost, however. Finally, a suggestion made to typeset the changes at the conclusion of the volumes, and thereby insert them into the forthcoming reprinting, was accepted by Synod without objection.


Total expenses for Synod were $9,359.00. The treasurer read the prorated shares to be paid by respective congregations.


With the exception of a few committees, which have synodically approved auditors, Synod again confirmed Boerkoel and Boerkoel to continue to serve as denominational auditor.


The calling church for 1990 Synod will be Chilliwack, British Columbia. Synod will convene, D.V., on the last Wednesday of June (and, if necessary, on Thursday), 1990. Rev. J.R. Beeke was appointed to conduct the synodical prayer service on the prior Tuesday evening, with Rev. H. Hofman serving as alternate. The synodical office-bearers’s conference will be scheduled for Thursday of that week, leaving the Tuesday free for the Curatorium meeting.


In concluding Synod 1988 at 8:30 p.m., the chairman, Rev. J. Den Hoed, on behalf of the moderaman, thanked the delegates for their coop-eration. The vice-president, Rev. C. Vogelaar, spoke a few words as well, expressing thanks to the chairman for the service rendered.

It was agreed to have the office-bearers’s conference, scheduled for the next day at 2:00 p.m., moved up to 10:00 a.m.

Upon request, the clerk closed Synod with Psalter 367:1,4 and prayer.

Rev. J. Den Hoed, president

Rev. C. Vogelaar, vice-president

Rev. J.R. Beeke, clerk

Elder J. Beeke, assistant clerk

Elder G. Moerdyk, treasurer


Nick Koppelaar

802 Butter Road West

Ancaster, Ont. L9C 3L1


The consistory of Sioux Center would like to announce that we will hold a special commemoration service on our 75th anniversary to acknowledge the Lord for His undeserved watchful care over us and His goodness in providing for us as a congregation for the past 75 years. This service will be held on October 13, 1988, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Our pastor, Rev. Hofman, will conduct this service, the Lord willing. All are welcome to come and attend this service.



At 10:00 a.m., the morning following Synod, Rev. J. Den Hoed opened the Office-Bearers’s Conference. Rev. J. Spaans addressed us on “The Names of God and Office-bearing” and Elder H. Kamp spoke on “Practical Thoughts for Office-bearing in the Eighties.” Opportunity was given for questions and answers upon both addresses. Dr. J.R. Beeke moderated throughout and closed with prayer. Both topics were well-attended and well-received.


The annual Ladies’ Conference “1988” will be held the Lord willing on October 6, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. in the Hamilton Church, Ontario. This day will be led by Rev. J. Spaans and Dr. J.R. Beeke. A hearty welcome is extended to all ladies. For the potluck lunch bring your favorite dish.



On July 2, 1988, the Annual Youth Day Conference of Classis East was held at the First Netherlands Reformed Congregation at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gathered together, on this very pleasant summer day, were approximately four hundred young people from our various congregations.

Dr. J.R. Beeke opened our day long as-sembly with scripture reading as found in the Book of Psalms, chapter 119 verses 9 through 16. He then extended a welcome to all with opening remarks and words of admonishment. The traditional roll call was then conducted showing a good representation from most of the congregations, especially those of this classis. Dr. Beeke then offered prayer asking God’s blessing on all that transpires—the topics presented, the choir selections, and activities planned.

The first topic, presented by Dr. Beeke, was on “Integrity.” Defining integrity, or one who has integrity, is one who has substance; one who is solid in principle and conduct. Out-lined for us were four things involved in integrity: 1) veracity, one who is habitually truthful; 2) authenticity, being true to his God-given personality and gifts; 3) a moral and reverential fear of God—one who values the smiles and frowns of God above the smiles and frowns of others; 4) integrated balance of life, wholeness—one who is solid in living a balanced life, in our church life, home life, school life, work life, and social life. The fruits of integrity are the favor of God, maturity, happiness, realization of shortcomings, and being driven to prayer. May a life of true and sincere integrity be granted by the Lord unto life eternal.

The combined choirs of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo then presented a selection of Psalters under the direction of Mrs. Tillie Lamain.

The second topic, presented by Mr. Ben Densel, was on “Motivation.” Defining motivation as that which causes activity in pursuit of a goal, we were admonished to be motivated negatively from the temptations of the world and sin along with being motivated to avoid the simpler religions and doctrines so prevalent today. We were encouraged to be motivated toward an active church life as well as to be knowledgeable of the many moral and social issues of our generation. We must also be active in doing all we can to preserve those things we hold dear and ex-pressing our objections to issues unscriptural and tyrannical. We were also encouraged to be motivated in our personal lives pertaining to things eternal—to seek grace to actively and lovingly embrace all of the means of grace.

After Dr. Beeke and Mr. Densel addressed the questions submitted pertaining to their respective topics, Rev. Verhoef, who was in attendance for the morning session, closed with a few remarks and prayer. A luncheon was prepared and served, after which many took advantage of the opportunity to fellow-ship and interact with each other.

The afternoon session was opened with scripture reading and prayer offered by Mr. Henry Langerak. Mr. Garret Moerdyk then conducted a Bible Quiz for the small children. This quiz, in which participation was excellent, revealed very good Bible knowledge among our children. What a blessing if the Lord would work in their hearts (Mark 10:14)!

Again the combined choirs, with many people from the audience, presented another selection of Psalters sung under the direction of Mrs. Diana Kleyn.

The third topic of the day was presented by Mr. Ronald Klassen on “Careers and Religion.” This subject was divided into two thoughts: the choosing of a career, and Biblical work habits. When choosing a career there are five matters to consider: 1) will the career choice enable us to utilize our God-given talents; 2) will it cause me to relocate away from a church where the truth is preached; 3) will I be required to work on the Lord’s Day; 4) will my career choice require me to compromise principles; 5) does my choice meet with God’s favor? In addressing the thought on Biblical work habits we were pointed to Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatsoever thy hand find-eth to do, do it with thy might.” We were reminded to call on God to help us be exemplary employees as well as truthful and upright.

After Mr. Klassen addressed some questions submitted pertaining to his topic, Mr. Gary Kwekel closed the afternoon session with prayer.

Later that afternoon and evening a picnic was held at Dutton Park. On Sunday evening, after the evening service, a sing-a-long with a question and answer session, conducted by Dr. Beeke, was held in the main auditorium of the church.

On Monday, July 4, being a holiday, many young people again assembled at Hofmaster State Park located in Muskegon, Michigan. That evening a picnic was held at the High School.

A special thanks is hereby extended to all who labored to make this a successful conference. May it be that lasting friendships have been developed and above all may God’s blessing be manifested on these means of grace.



In Memoriam


After a lingering illness, Elder Gordon Deur passed from the church militant to the church triumphant on July 23, 1988 at the age of 62. May the Lord graciously strengthen the mourning widow and children with godly sorrow and saving grace.

Our loss is our dear brother’s gain. Dr. Deur was graced with many gifts in every sphere of life—domestic, ecclesiastical, and societal—but now he may rejoice with joy unspeakable with gifts and glory that far exceed all accomplishments on earth.

For more than twenty years, Dr. Deur served the Grand Rapids (Crescent Ave.) congregation as elder or deacon with the love of his heart. He has also been active as a speaker in Baldwin, Michigan and an instructor of the Adult Bible class. Moreover, he volunteered a great deal of time to serve on various denominational committees as well as to assist the visually impaired in various communities. In all these capacities, the Lord graced him with a meek, loving, and peaceable character.

The Lord converted Dr. Deur to an experiential conviction of the doctrines of free grace in a remarkable way despite his personal opposition. Particularly in those early years, Rev. Lamain’s preaching was much used by God to instruct him in the narrow way of salvation. By grace, he was enabled to be salt in the earth and light on the hill for nearly thirty years.

Especially in the last year of Dr. Deur’s life, the Lord has confirmed, “For when I am weak [in self], then am I strong [in Christ]” (2 Cor. 12:10b). Many times when we have visited him, we have felt him pastoring us more than we could ever pastor him. Allow me but one example: Once he has told me with a broken heart, “I have been meditating all day on these precious words, Abide in me and I in you.’” Oh, what sweet times of communion and fellowship many of us were privileged to have with him during this last year of his life when God graced him with a close life with Himself, thereby granting his sickbed to be an open pulpit!

Though death presented itself on several occasions for him as the “king of terrors” and “the last enemy,” Satan did not receive the victory. Most of the time, our brother was enabled to end in his Master via faith rather than in himself via unbelief. The Lord has confirmed wonderfully, “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace” (Ps. 37:37).

Nearly 700 persons attended the funeral, where we spoke from John 3:7, “Ye must be born again.” The service was closed with the singing of, “Amazing Grace—How Sweet the Sound.” At the cemetery, the focus was on Exodus 14:13-14, “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will shew to you today; for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today: ye shall seem them again no more forever. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”

Our dear brother will be sorely missed—not only as husband, father, elder, speaker, counsellor, and optometrist—but also as a dear friend and intercessor. Often we have felt him to be an Aaron and Hur to lift up our hands and to encourage us to look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of faith (Heb. 12:2).

May the Lord fill the empty place with His presence and men of His choosing, anointed with similar grace. We grieve, but not as those without hope. Soli Deo gloria—glory to God alone!


DEUR, Dr. Gordon—Age 62; July 23, 1988; Hudsonville, Ml; Wife—Ruth; Daughters—Cheryl (Mrs. Dick Schipper), Evonne (Mrs. Doug Gritter), Lynn (Mrs. Dick Westrate); Son—Delwyn; Father—Daniel; Sisters —Eloise Kunnen, Evelyn Van Ernst; Brother—James; 14 grandchildren. (Dr. J.R. Beeke, Ps. 37:37, Exod. 14:13,14.))

KEGEL, Johanna—Age 70; July 27, 1988; Grand Rapids, Ml; Husband—John; Sons—Hank, John, Fred; Daughters—Ria (Mrs. Bart VanHamburg), Jenny (Mrs. Dick TenElshof), Ann (Mrs Gerald Sporte); 19 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren. (Dr. J.R Beeke, Ps. 90:10.)

KNIBBE, Klaas—Age 72; June 6, 1988; Sioux Center, IA; Wife—Henrietta; Brothers— Teunis, Gerrit, Hendrik, Jacob; Sisters—Alida, Christina, Dirkje; Children—Hendrik, Dirk, Klaas, Pieter, Marianne, Engel, Jan; 25 grandchildren. (Rev. J. Den Hoed, Jn. 3:3.)

JANSEN, Tannetje—Age 78; June 11, 1988; Chilliwack, B.C.; Husband—(deceased); 9 children; 44 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren. (Rev. A.W. Verhoef, Jn. 14:2.)

WARMOLTS, Cornelia—Age 83; July 8, 1988; Grand Rapids, Ml; Husband—Gerald. (Dr. J.R. Beeke, 1 Cor. 15:26; Heb. 4:16.)


50th Wedding Anniversary

The Lord willing, on August 24, 1988, our parents,

Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Kersten

hope to commemorate their 50th wedding anniversary. May the Lord spare them for each other as well as for their children and grandchildren.

Box 611, Oxford, N.J. 07863

50th Wedding Anniversary

The Lord willing, on September 17, 1988,

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kaat

hope to commemorate their 50th wedding anniversary. That they may be spared for many years to come is the wish of their children and grandchildren.

1323 Cty. Tk. KK., Sheboygan, Wis. 53081



Doubtless many of our readers have heard of the plans of Universal Studios to put out a movie called “The Last Temptation of Christ.” By critiquing this film we do not want to give the impression that only this movie is bad and thereby imply that others are all right. We only bring it to our readers attention to show to what depths of corruption the mass media can descend in order to make money.

To avoid offending you, only the surface details of the plot of this movie can be given here.

In the film, Mary characterizes her Son, Jesus, as mentally unstable. “Jesus is depicted as ‘struggling over his sins’ lust driven, confused, not able to answer basic questions about His identity, and shocked by His own powers” (quote from Mastermedia International). In a dream sequence Jesus marries Mary Magdalene and the character of Jesus says statements that are nothing short of blasphemy. As we mentioned, supplying further detail would not be edifying. Suffice it to say that this is perhaps the most blatant mockery of Christ in an era of ever increasing anti-Christian broadcasting. Indications show that Universal is expecting a huge profit from the film, largely because of its controversial nature.

Write Mr. Lew Wasserman, Chairman, MCA, Inc., 100 Universal Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608 protesting the release of this movie.

Though this film is scheduled for release in the next few weeks, more information about this film and its sponsors can be gotten from “Banner Current Events”, 809 N. 29th St., Sheboygan, WI, 53081. May these and other grim reminders of the state of our nation bring us to humbly seek the Lord for national repentance (Jer. 9:1)


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 augustus 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 augustus 1988

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's