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What Is Humanism?

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What Is Humanism?

6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

What is humanism? It is a term which we hear or read in a variety of contexts. In the deepest sense of the word, humanism is a polite disguise for satanism. Is this statement too strong or too far out? It is no new revelation when we say that man is born a religious being. Religion is defined as a belief binding the spiritual nature of man to a supernatural being, as involving a feeling of dependence and responsibility, together with the feelings and practices which naturally flow from such a belief. When we read the definition with some care we notice that several times the indefinite article a is used; it speaks about a belief, a supernatural being. The Word of God speaks about the God who is the Creator of heaven and earth. There is no other God, but that God, One in essence, Three in persons.

We are either in Christ or outside of Christ

Romans 1 and 2 teach us the origin of the many religions on the face of the earth. But from the beginning it was not so; before the fall, Adam and Eve worshipped the one true God. Satan, not content with his state, coveted the supremacy, and as a result was cast out of heaven with his angels. However, being cast out did not change Satan’s intent and desire, which was soon revealed in the fact of man’s fall in Paradise, through the temptation and lie of Satan. Working by deceit, had he revealed himself to Eve in his true form, she would have fled from him in abhorrence; however, he disguised himself as a serpent. Throughout the ages he continues to disguise himself in one form or another, until that day when he will be revealed in his true form as the son of perdition, the antichrist.

Despite the many religions rampant on the earth, the Word of God teaches us that there is but one true religion, that is, the worship of the one true God. All other religions are but the inventions of man and in its deepest meaning is no more than the worship of Satan under many different guises. The Word of God teaches us but two ways. The Lord Jesus told the Pharisees: “Ye are of your father, the devil.” This is plain teaching, either God or the devil is our father. We are either in Christ or outside of Christ. Man, however, has sought out many inventions, has invented many third ways. This is the very reason why there are so many “isms”; note that Christianity does not end in an “ism.” The father of all “isms” is satanism.

Now that the foundation has been exposed, we can easily perceive that humanism is but one of many off-shoots, the root of which is satanism. We may further define humanism as man worshipping man. Man tries to set himself up as God, goaded on by Satan who knows that worship of self is essentially worship of Satan; however, Satan lets man delude himself until the time comes that he will not disguise himself anymore. Why is it that man is so easily deluded, especially in these last days? The Word of God teaches plainly in 2 Thessalonians 2:11: “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a lie.” Oh, that we may learn to implore the Lord that we and our children may be spared from such delusion!

We have before shown that it was the intent of Satan to seize the kingdom of God; he first attempted this in heaven, but was cast out. Since then Satan has attempted to seize, conquer, and destroy the kingdom of God on earth. The Lord has given Satan a measure of freedom in this, since man, in Paradise, listened to Satan and believed him. As we may see in the book of Job, the Lord always has the last word. Nevertheless, Satan is the prince of this world, the power of darkness, ever perverting the truths of God — if not blatantly, then as an angel of light. Notice how Satan attempted this with the Lord Jesus in the temptation in the wilderness. Also notice that the Lord Jesus did not debate with Satan, but simply stated, “It is written.” The Lord Jesus could have debated and gloriously won, but what a lesson for us not to trust or lean on our own understanding, but to trust in the Lord and His Word.

In our nation we can observe the influence of humanistic thinking in the rejection of theJudeo-Christian principles. This can be observed in all spheres of life: economical, judicial, financial, political, educational, moral, and especially the ecclesiastical, to name a few. This has been and is very detrimental to our society. A few examples will illustrate this: The infamous 1973 pro-abortion decision by the Supreme Court; the banning of prayer and reading of Scripture in the public school system and other public institutions; the abolishment of capital punishment in many states; the enactment of laws facilitating and aiding homosexuality; freedom of expression permitting the Name of God to be used in vain; and the insidious permission to allow or commit euthanasia.

Humanism is the mother sinrebellion against God

The church has not remained immune to the influence of humanism. In many denominations across our nation the experiential truths of the Word of God are not heard anymore. At best a social gospel is preached, which is nothing less than a denial of Christ. However, we must come closer to home, our church, our denomination, our family, our personal life. Who is able to place his hand in his own bosom and not have it come forth leprous? May the Lord grant that it becomes our personal sin. That we by the grace of God may learn that humanism is the mother sin — rebellion against God. That we may be made a follower of Christ rather than remain a follower of Satan. The Lord Jesus states it so plainly in John 3, “Ye must be born again....” We may have this comfort that the triune God will draw His elect one by one out of the world and add to the church daily such as are ordained to eternal life by God.

Dr. L Willekes is an elder of the Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Sioux Center, Iowa.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1989

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

What Is Humanism?

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1989

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's