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Infant Baptism (3)

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Infant Baptism (3)

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The previous time I wrote something on the subject of presenting children in baptism. I pointed out briefly that the responsibility rests upon the father as well as upon the mother. As regards presenting the child in baptism, this must be done by professing members. If the father or the mother is not a professing member of the congregation, the consistory should employ every means, if nothing objectionable is found in their doctrine and everyday life, to urge them to do what is right. In connection with bringing up the children it is also most desirable that the father and the mother tread the same path and have the same aims in view.

The bringing up of our children is indeed a great responsibility which rests upon us as parents. We received them out of God’s hand; He gave them to us and entrusted them to our care. One day we shall have to give an account of our stewardship. That awful day shall dawn for each of us; that great judgment none of us will escape. It is true, when God causes the matter to lay heavily on the soul, and we may feel its importance by the illumination of the Holy Ghost, all of us will have to exclaim: “Who is sufficient for these things?”

We are so deeply fallen in Adam, our first covenant head, that, because of that deplorable fall, we are no longer able to be fathers and mothers. We do not fall short in manyrespects, but in everyrespect. Man nevertheless remains fully responsible. God does not judge a man according to what he has become, but according to what he originally was. In other words: God requires His image from each of us.

It is my earnest desire that you may truly realize this and be humbled before God, so we may be impelled “to seek for our purification and salvation without ourselves” in Christ, and to find it there. We shall never do this of our own volition. If we have never felt the weight of our sins and the depth of our fall by divine conviction, nor the necessity of reconciliation between God and our own soul, how then shall we be concerned about these matters for our children? We may as well admit it honestly: for many baptism is nothing more than an “ecclesiastical solemnity,” or a “formality” which must be adhered to. How it should fill our hearts with sorrow that the weightiest matters of eternity are so little understood by so many who profess the truth! Many parents are so indifferent and unfeeling when they present their child in baptism. In fact, how thoughtlessly do many act when they make that solemn vow in the presence of God and the congregation! This would be so different if they would realize that the Lord will one day recall the oath we have made.

The Spirit of materialism has penetrated into the church to such an extent that the realization of death and eternity is fading more and more. The truth of God makes so little impression upon the conscience with the result that, although it is not put into words, the attitude is no other than: “Let us eat and drink and be merry.”

Mankind attempts to evade the issue in various ways, and uses many fig leaves to cover itself, like Adam did long ago after breaking and violating the Covenant of Works. Basically, however, this is nothing other than a manifestation of our enmity against God. Tell me, what will remain of all our excuses in that day when we shall be summoned before the judgment seat of Christ? We shall not be able to answer one question in a thousand. When eternity presently commences, then reality begins. How I wish the thought would take hold of you what it will mean to have all the labor of love which was bestowed upon our souls, as well as the sacrament of baptism, testify against us to have our children rise up in judgment and bear witness against us!

May the Spirit of God blow upon the garden of His Church (S. S. 4:16) and also upon our hearts! Then, oh then, we shall begin to realize the inestimable value of the Word, and also begin to experience a little of the worth of the sacraments! On the one hand, we shall recognize our great responsibility, and on the other, the priceless riches which are proclaimed in the signs and seals of God’s covenant for all its true members. The one as well as the other would impel us to flee to the throne of God, but also to the blood of Christ, that speaks more powerfully than the blood of Abel. The blood of Abel called for vengeance, but the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, cleanses us from all sins. Parents and children would become suppliants at the throne of heaven and would learn to plead upon the words spoken by God Himself, as the faithful and unchangeable One. Indeed, then the Sacraments will not be empty and unfruitful.

Parents, I pray that the Lord will bless these few lines to your hearts, and that the seriousness of this matter may be impressed upon your souls. Boys and girls, may all of you realize what it means to be baptized. I earnestly hope that the sign of God’s covenant will not burn upon your forehead in the day of judgment. May the fear of the Lord fill your hearts in the days of your youth. The fear of God is a bulwark against sin.

Children, it has pleased the Lord to cause your parents to carry you into the presence of God soon after you came into this world, at which time you received the sacrament of baptism. May you become concerned at an early age to come into possession of the thing signified, namely, the blood and Spirit of Christ. The Lord has declared: “Those that seek Me early shall find Me.”

Rev. W.C. Lamain (1904-1984) pastorea the Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Leiden (1929-1932), Rotterdam-South (1932-1943), Rijssen-Wal (1943-1947), and Grand Rapids, Michigan (1947-1984).

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 juni 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Infant Baptism (3)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 juni 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's