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God Bless Us

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God Bless Us

5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us” (Psalm 67:1).

We have entered a new year. Where do we now seek our help and expectation?

The one depends upon his excellent health. Another looks upon his capable judgments. A third has many good relationships. A fourth hopes that everything will go fairly well. And what about you?

Is it applicable for you, “With a confidence complete, toward the Lord my eyes are turning”? It is grace if it may be so. Ask for it; live for it.

The psalmist begins with the desire: “God be merciful unto us.” Mercy is in opposition to a worthiness of punishment. If we know ourselves to be guilty, forgiveness is so necessary. It is evident that the psalmist has learned this. He knows himself to be a guilty sinner before God. He is not worthy that the Lord should think upon him.

However, the psalmist also cannot miss the Lord. What would he do without the Lord? He therefore asks, “God be merciful unto us, and bless us.”

Do you know something of this, of knowing your guiltiness before God, not worthy that the Lord think upon you, and yet not able to be without Him? How great it would be if in 1996 this would become reality in your life.

Even if we may fear the Lord, we are often brought into difficulties because of our sins and our unbelief. And it can be that we seek everywhere, but not for Him. Wretched is he, who, when death comes, is still seeking everywhere, but has not learned to actually seek it of the Lord. On the contrary, blessed is he who could not find it elsewhere, but has learned to seek it of the Lord. Blessed is he who receives this blessing of the Lord.

The request of the psalmist is not, “Give me riches, give me prosperity,” but that God “cause His face to shine upon us.” That is what concerns him — the favor and inclination of the Lord, and to experience His love and nearness.

How is this with us? What is the first thing which we seek? Is it that a certain wish would be fulfilled, that a particular circumstance would go differently? Or is it by grace that God would “cause His face to shine upon us”?

How great it is if we may observe something of His blessing. This is at times in “little things,” regarding which others shrug their shoulders and pass by. But to those who may see the good hand of the Lord in it, it gives joy and quiet amazement that it is bestowed upon such a one!

See this with the Surety. When He had to experience the hiding of His Father’s friendly countenance, He cried out, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” How heavily this darkness fell upon Him.

Those who fear the Lord will understand something of the complaint, “Thou didst hide Thy face, and I was troubled” (Psalm 30:7). And now the great wonder — the Savior understands their complaint and helps them.

When, by the light of God’s law, personal sins are seen, the prayer may then be, “From my sins O hide Thy face.” However, because of the heartfelt bond of love for the Lord, there will at the same time be the prayer, “Hide not Thy face from me.”

Do you know of these two prayers in your heart? May the Lord teach them to us in 1996 for the first time or by renewal.

There can be many fears and difficulties lying before us, or also prosperity. But shall we fear the Lord, especially with such a heart as we have? Faith must be wrought in our heart by the Holy Spirit. Then it will be certain — the Lord will bless us. If we merely speak on our own about the truth, it is of no benefit. However, if the Holy Spirit enables us to appropriate it personally, then the Word is a power of God unto salvation. Something will precede it, namely, a realization of guilt and a sorrow for sin, and also the eyes are opened for the Mediator, in whom grace is secured.

Then we shall be enabled to experience that His presence accompanies us upon the journey through the wilderness of this life. His presence is indispensable for a stranger who knows not the way and is so prone to stray. If His presence accompanies us upon the journey, then we have a sure protection, for the blessing of the Almighty accompanies throughout our life and even at death shall not cease. Neither sins, nor cares, nor devil, nor grave shall be able to separate from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

“God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1996

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

God Bless Us

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1996

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's