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The Way that Leadeth Through the River (2)

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The Way that Leadeth Through the River (2)

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

This way is such a wonderful way. It is so wonderful, because after three days God Himself would open the way through the river. For all of us there must come a time that we know something of that wonderful way. Outside of this there is no way, outside of this there is no crossing, outside of this we must perish on the wrong side of the Jordan river. When by faith there may be a hope, a hope upon that land across the river, then it is the Lord who must open the way. Then there will be a walking upon a way that has never been passed before.

Something must happen on this side of the Jordan river. If nothing has happened on this side of the Jordan, then it will not be possible to cross that river. There must come a time when we become a lost sinner, when we bow before God and cry because of our sins and iniquities. It is so important that the beginning is sright, because then the end will be right also. If the beginning is not right, then the end can never be right. I speak not of something that is big, but only of a smallest beginning, for that is important. It is important in our life that we know something of where the Lord has stopped us.

“Lo, Father, I come to do Thy will.”

It is often said that we are all traveling to that never-ending eternity. We are all, because of our nature, without hope and expectation. We have sinned it all away, we have separated ourselves from God, we have turned our backs upon the Lord. We have made such a gulf, beloved, that we can never bridge that gulf!

One time in class, when I was a student, Rev. Lamain spoke about that gulf. He said, “One day I was on the shore of the North Sea. On the other side lay England. As a young boy, I stood looking across the water, and I thought how that if the Lord would give the wisdom, the scientific wisdom that we have seen so increased in our age, then it is possible that they will build a bridge here, so that one day we will be able to cross that bridge to the other country.” He thought that this would be possible, but then he said, “I at that moment received such a deep impression of the gulf between the Lord and my soul. I said, ‘Lord, from my side it is never possible that this gulf can be bridged. It is possible that the North Sea can be bridged, but that gulf between God and me can never be bridged, because I myself have made an eternal separation. I have turned myself away from Thee, Lord, never to return again, and now from my side there is no returning.’ But now from God’s side that gulf is bridged.”

People, do you know why He bridged that gulf? It is because He was moved within Himself from the stillness of eternity. The Lord had thoughts concerning that sinful creature which had fallen so deeply. Oh, beloved, election is such a wonderful message. The gulf was bridged by the Father and the Son. The Son said, “Lo, Father, I come to do Thy will,” and there the eternal covenant was established to provide a bridge. That is the bridge for His people, a bridge which they can never build themselves.

When Israel was walking, then every eye had to be focused upon the ark. “Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure.” When they were walking through the river, their eye was not to be focused upon the wall of water, for if their eyes were focused on that wall of water, then they would say, “If that wall ever breaks loose, it will carry me away into the Dead Sea.” They were to focus on the ark, which spoke to them of the faithfulness of God.

The ark was built of shittim wood and overlaid with gold. We see Christ in His human nature upheld by His divine nature. When they were passing the ark, they had knowledge of what was in the ark. It was the law of the Lord. That law can oppress the people of God so much. They feel at times that they have transgressed against all the commandments of the law. Inside the ark was the golden pot of manna, which gave such a wonderful testimony. It spoke of how the Lord had upheld them all the way through the wilderness. For forty years that golden pot of manna spoke. Looking back, they would have to say, “Lord, Thou hast been faithful unto this day and unto this hour.”

In the life of God’s people they may also look back and see that it was He who upheld them. It was He who upheld, as is stated in Revelation 2:17, “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna.” They may eat of that spiritual manna.

That which comes from God always returns to God.

Do you know what the people of Israel had to do for the manna, young people? It was a living by the day. Every day except the Sabbath Day they had to stoop down and pick up the manna from the ground. Every morning they had to experience that it was only because of the faithfulness of God that they would be sustained throughout the day. What a wonderful experience! What a wonderful time that was in the life of that people! Every day they experienced that it was only because of the faithfulness of God that they might continue upon life’s pathway.

People of God, perhaps it has been a long time since you have eaten some of that spiritual manna. It can be that it has been many weeks that the manna has been so hidden, but oh, the faithfulness of God! In those days the manna fell every day for those who were hungering and thirsting. Also in the life of God’s people, the Lord will never forsake the works of His hands. Do you know why? It is because it is His work.

There was one more item in the ark. The budding rod of Aaron was in it, and that spoke of the eternal priesthood of the Lord. The budding rod of Aaron spoke of the chief High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is He who has opened a way and crossed that river of God’s wrath for His people.

The priests were to stand in the river with the ark upon their shoulders. There they stood as a sign of the faithfulness of God. Christ has also entered the river, the river of God’s wrath, for His people. There He stands in the midst of the river, and by Him the wrath of God in respect to His children has been restrained. They may walk this pathway and see, two thousand cubits between, the prints of the nails of His hands. They may see how He has entered into the garden of Gethsemane and cried out, “O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” They may walk upon a pathway which they could never open of themselves. They may walk upon a pathway which the Lord Himself has opened.

If we are to walk that pathway, then the beginning work of God must be present in our life. Perhaps you say, “How may I be sure that it is the beginning work of God?” May I give you just one sign, one mark, so that you may be sure it is the beginning work of God? That which comes from God always returns to God. You must notice: if it always returns unto yourself, then you should place a question mark behind it. That which comes from the Lord always returns back unto the Lord. Then you may know it as the work of God.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 september 1996

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

The Way that Leadeth Through the River (2)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 september 1996

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's