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The True Vine and Its Branches (1)

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The True Vine and Its Branches (1)

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman. Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit” (John 15:1-2).

The Lord Jesus here compares Himself to the vine and His Father to the husbandman. The husbandman is the one who cares for the vine and the branches. He is the one who tends the vineyard. The Lord Jesus then points to Himself and says, “I am the Vine and ye are the branches.”

Why does He speak of Himself as a vine? Why doesn’t He speak of Himself as a cedar tree, which is a much more majestic tree? A cedar tree has a straight trunk with branches which spread themselves out from side to side, whereas a vine is the smallest among the trees of the field. You can’t make anything from a vine. A straight piece of wood cannot be cut from it to make even the smallest piece of furniture, for there is not enough wood in a vine. Most of the time the vine grows a little crooked, and the bark just hangs on it. There is really nothing beautiful to be seen in a vine.

Why then does the Lord Jesus compare Himself to a vine? Although it is the smallest among the trees of the field, the vine’s branches go out the furthest, and there is much more fruit hanging upon its branches than upon any other tree of the field.

When Isaiah foretold His coming, he said, speaking of outward appearances, “There is no beauty that we should desire Him.” He says of Himself, “I am a worm and no man.” He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. That is aptly pictured by a vine, being nothing to behold. However, a vine is known for the sweetness of its fruit. Have you ever tasted the fruit of the vine? Its fruit is for healing and for strengthening, and it “maketh glad the heart of man” (Psalm 104:15).

Therefore the Lord Jesus says, “I am the Vine, because I am for healing in the life of My people, I am for strengthening in the life of My spiritual branches. I make the heart of My people glad when they taste something of what I am for them.” Is this not true, people of God?

“I am the Vine.” This means that He is a planted vine, not a wild vine. God was moved from within Himself because He wanted to bring a Vine upon this earth, a Vine which may have branches ingrafted into it and may bring forth much fruit. That is the reason why this Vine was planted by the Father from all eternity. Remember, a husbandman plants the vine, for a vine does not plant itself.

It was in Bethlehem that this Vine was planted. When the Father planted this Vine in His vineyard, a vineyard destroyed by sin and iniquity, then the angels sang to the glory of God. They sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This planting was so precious in the eyes of God that He called from heaven and said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). The Lord Jesus now says, “I am the True Vine and My Father is the Husbandman.”

He then says, “Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away.” Here we see that there are two kinds of branches in this vine. It is a spiritual comparison of two kinds of people upon this earth, either converted or unconverted. To bear fruit is necessary in your life. It is necessary because it is the fruit that will testify of what your life is. It is the fruit which will be gathered in by God Himself to His honor and to His glory. Possibly you will look under the vine of your life and say, “O Lord, where is the fruit?” However, the Lord Jesus Christ says that bearing fruit is necessary.

What are these branches who bear no fruit? There can be branches who have a wonderful confession. There can be branches who sit under the preaching of the Word and who never leave their places empty in God’s house. Though they may be the most faithful members in God’s house, I must still say to you that it is not enough, because it is necessary that they bear fruit. What is the fruit in your life? Are there only leaves upon the vine? Leaves are not the fruit, but are only the foliage of an outward life. If no fruit is to be found, it tells you that you are not converted unto God.

What is on your branch today, you who have received so many privileges from God and to whom God has been so good? He has walked after you with His Word time after time, Sunday after Sunday, but where is the fruit? How terrible it will be when the Husbandman will have to say, “This branch is unfruitful; there is no fruit on it.” Do you know what then will be done with such branches? In the field we gather them and burn them. They are no good, because they are not fruit-bearing branches.

Is there fruit visible in the most hidden corner? Don’t be discouraged yet, people of God, because in coming to the vine there isn’t much to be seen except for the leaves which nature has given. The leaves often cover the fruit so the fruit will not be burned by the direct rays of the sun. This is so necessary for the fruit to ripen and come to its full sweetness.

By grace may you look under the leaves and say, “O Lord, is there any fruit?” Even though it is only the smallest cluster, you know that it is fruit because it has come from a fruit-bearing branch. It has developed from a little bud which the Lord has placed there. What is one of the fruits in the life of a man? It is the knowledge of my sin and iniquities. Maybe the only fruit that you can find is your tears because you have sinned against God. You know of a bowing in the most hidden corner of your barn, crying unto the Lord, “O Lord, I have sinned against Thee all the days of my life.” That is fruit.

The bearing of fruit is by grace. It is wonderful when you walk into a vineyard and see the branches bearing fruit. The branches become heavy with fruit and cling to the trellis. The fruit causes the branches to bend downward more and more, and as the fruit develops, it changes color and becomes more plump as the harvest time approaches.

“My Father is the Husbandman.” Every branch which beareth fruit is precious in His sight. A true husbandman is very careful, because he knows which are the living branches. Even when there is not any fruit upon it, but just the tiniest bud, he brings it close and binds it unto a trellis which he has prepared. Do you know what purpose this trellis serves? There can be no fruit-bearing branch without a trellis because the branches of a vine are not strong like the limbs of a tree are. Each branch is only a small branch, and without the trellis to support the branch laden with fruit, it falls to the ground. It cannot hold itself up, and therefore the husbandman binds them unto the trellis. Early in the spring when the fruit-bearing branches are small and show only the smallest bud of life, then they are tied to this trellis. The more the wind blows, the winds of opposition, through the vineyard, the closer this fruit-bearing branch clings to the trellis. It can never let go anymore. It needs the support because there is nothing else that can hold it up.

Do you know what a bud speaks of? There is no fruit or cluster yet, but only a bud. This bud foretells that there will be a harvest, and therefore that branch with its bud is precious. In like manner, upon the spiritual branches there may be the smallest bud, but there is the cry, “O Lord, that my sins may be forgiven.” I would like to ask you, “Is there fruit in your life? Or is there such a bud?”

— to be continued —

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1997

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

The True Vine and Its Branches (1)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1997

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's