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The Bringing in Is in Good Hands

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The Bringing in Is in Good Hands

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“Them also I must bring” (John 10:16).

The work of the Shepherd

Christ, as the Good Shepherd, speaks these words in this well-known chapter. “These,” they are the other sheep who are not of the fold of Israel. These other sheep are so far from Him. They wander about, and there the one bends his knees before wood and stone, and the other unto himself. These sheep, just like the other sheep of the fold of Israel, do not come to the Shepherd of themselves. “I must bring them in,” the Lord Jesus says.

The bringing of the sheep into the fold is the work of the Good Shepherd. He is always busy with this, not only when He was upon this earth, but also now that He is in heaven. He is constantly busy with this, and will continue with this work until the last one is brought in and His kingdom is complete.

In good hands

He says, “I must.” Thus it is a work which was laid upon Him. It is the will of the father that those other sheep are brought in. It is truly also the urgent desire of His heart, which is so filled with love, that drives Him to seek these other sheep and to bring them in.

What a blessing it is that He does this work! No mere person would be capable of bringing even one wandering sheep into the fold of this Good Shepherd. If there is one thing to be learned, both on the mission field and here on the home front, it is that we are not able to make one person a sheep of this Shepherd. This work of bringing them in is therefore in such good hands.


This Shepherd is so perfectly qualified for this impossible work. He surely knows where to find these sheep who are to be brought in. He knows of the snares of sin and guilt in which they are entangled, yes, also of the powers of unbelief and superstition in which they are enslaved.

But this Good Shepherd has all means at hand to rescue and deliver these sheep from everlasting destruction. No man, however mighty, is stronger than He. Neither has any man such compassion for these sheep as does this Shepherd. He humbled Himself into their deepest need, indeed, into the depths of hell and death.

And what an opposition He finds, both from the powers of darkness and from these sheep. They do not surrender themselves so readily. They are so unwilling and resistant. But His hand is strong, and His arm has great power.


Now in bringing them in, this Good Shepherd will certainly make use of His servants. Thus He once spoke to Peter, “Peed My sheep.” He still calls laborers to go out. Yet His servants must hear, “I must bring.” These words of Christ point out to us how powerless His servants are. They can exist only through Him. And therefore if He still wishes to use mere men, it is then certainly a wonder. It is their task to carry His message and to witness of Him.

Hearing His voice

“And they shall hear My voice.” The voice is the means used to call someone. All servants of God thus must let His voice be heard. Have you, in the preaching of the Word, ever heard the voice of the Lord? It seems at times as if all is for naught. However, the great Shepherd of the sheep says, “They shall hear.”

In our state of nature this voice passes us by. However, when His voice breaks through into the deepest recesses of the heart, then we hear the voice of the Son of God, which causes us to fear because of sin and guilt. But it is also a voice which speaks of reconciliation and forgiveness, brought about by the Good Shepherd Himself.

May that quickening voice resound among us, indeed, proceed to the ends of the earth.

How blest the man Thou callest
And bringest near to Thee,
That in Thy courts forever
His dwelling place may be.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 maart 1997

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

The Bringing in Is in Good Hands

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 maart 1997

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's