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A Guideline for Parents and Educators of Our Children

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A Guideline for Parents and Educators of Our Children

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

It is with great concern that we ask your attention to the new assaults of the prince of darkness upon us and our families. He is the prince of this world and will not neglect any attempt to lead us into sin and to make our families conform to the world in all things and to corrupt them.

In the past we have attempted to keep out of our homes as much as possible the filthy provision with which he desires to poison our sinful hearts, such as is provided by television and other means. However, now he sees an opportunity to use another means which we already have in our homes. It is by means of the already present computer that he now can bring the entire world into our homes.

And who is on guard against this? Who is aware of the sensual provisions which are dished out to our children? Who looks over their shoulders to see with what they are busy? The computer has been universally accepted among us as a word processor, bookkeeping apparatus, drawing board, etc., but do parents also know of the extensive evil which comes within reach of our children by it? We desire to point out to you the following matters, which are by nature not so innocent:

a. Many children use the computer for games. But do you know what these games are? What are they striving for in these games? Is it only to develop speed and skill, or is it also for financial gain, power, or even about violence with shooting and murder? For example, do you know that there are games in which one must try by means of a speeding automobile to run down in a short time as many pedestrians as possible?

b. By using a CD-Rom or a modem and Internet connection one can with the computer literally bring in view everything which the world has to offer in the area of sports and games, worldly amusements, pornography, and all such evils. Ungodly films for which one formerly would visit theaters, television programs which we did not want in our homes, and so many other things, are now readily brought on the screen by means of a few clicks of the mouse.

c. And even if we attempt to keep out the filthy and sinful things, how much of the precious time of grace goes lost through time-consuming games or purposeless surfing on the Internet?

It is our desire to stir up each other to be on guard and to see to it that this apparatus does not rule over us and our time and become an idol in our families. We must not let it be more than a means for study or work, and thus be for purposes which we can justify before God. Even if no one is watching, He sees with what we are busy! May we give you several specific items of advice.

a. Take care that there are no games in the computer other than those which are responsible and beneficial for education.

b. Permit the children to work on the computer only under supervision, preferably in the living area of the home.

c. If it is not necessary for your business or work, do not connect to the Internet, but let your children research their needed information at the school library.

d. Try to give guidance in your family in such a way that there is time available for discussions together regarding the most important things of our life, namely, the will of God for our lives and how we should seek the welfare of our never-dying souls.

e. Provide means in your homes, namely, good periodicals and good books, which can also be read by our children for their eternal benefit.

We know that the devil not only seeks to use means to keep us from the way of salvation, but that he also finds satisfaction if we place our trust in the use of good means. God's work by His Spirit is indispensably necessary to renew the heart and life, and to deliver from the snares of the evil one. Let us therefore continually flee in prayer to God for His gracious help in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is able to rescue us from the power of the evil one.

The above was recently published by the Synod of our sister denomination in the Netherlands, and it was agreed at our Synod that it would be published by us also. May the Lord give wisdom in the midst of us to address the subject of the Internet with deep concern for the welfare of our families.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 mei 1999

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

A Guideline for Parents and Educators of Our Children

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 mei 1999

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's