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Prayer Day

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Prayer Day

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“LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us”(Psalm 4:6b).

This day we have come together to implore God's blessing upon our fields and that the earth may yield her increase. Our fields shall again be prepared and seeded, but the blessing must come from above. Oh, that we might be fully persuaded of it and have it impressed upon our minds so that we might look up unto God in true humility! From our side, all blessings are forfeited, but may God, by grace for Christ's sake, be yet mindful of us and our land, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater. How we stand in need of God, not alone for the temporal, but especially for things eternal. May this need be wrought in our hearts by the Spirit of God, as was present in David's heart when he wrote the words of our text.

The outward circumstances were very difficult indeed in which David and his people were when he poured out his heart before God in the words of the text. He was being persecuted by his enemies. This psalm probably refers to the time when he had to flee from his son Absalom. God had granted abundant grace unto David, so it was not hid from him why God led him through such ways. No, the prophet Nathan had made known unto him, at God's command that, although God had forgiven his trespass, the sword would never depart from his house.

David did not manifest any enmity, nor curse those who persecuted him so unmercifully, but he bowed himself down in deep humility before God. God's grace triumphed in his heart, and as a fruit of this there was an accepting of the way in which God dealt with him. There was no murmuring and no rebelling, but a real humbling in his soul. David did not rail against his enemies, nor did he seek to disperse the doubt of his friends by argument. David knew by experience that one cannot reason against unbelief and little faith. No, David knew a better remedy for the disease of unbelief and discouragement. Against it he placed this prayer: “LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us.”

David did not manifest any enmity, nor curse those who persecuted him so unmercifully, but he bowed himself down in deep humility before God. God's grace triumphed in his heart, and as a fruit of this there was an accepting of the way in which God dealt with him.

David was privileged to look up unto God. Oh, what abundant grace this is! By our sins we have shut the gates of heaven. By virtue of our deep fall, we have separated ourselves from God. But, oh, infinite wonder, that God from eternity had thoughts of peace and not of evil regarding His people. It pleased Him for His own sake to glorify Himself in the brightness of His attributes, unto the deliverance and salvation of some of Adam's sons and daughters. On man's side all hope was cut off, but God gave His Son, that He would satisfy God's justice and heal the breach that existed between God and us, again to unite heaven with the earth, and the earth with heaven, by means of that blessed Ladder of Jacob.

God's countenance is His revealed Essence. From that countenance the glorious and lively light of His perfections shines forth, particularly of His power, love, and grace. In that light of God's countenance is life, joy, and happiness through the Holy Ghost. The lifting up of God's countenance is the sign and evidence of His favor and help, unto the salvation and preservation of His saints. Moses had need for God's presence to go with him, and the poet of Psalm 80 petitioned, “Cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”

In contrast to the lifting up is the turning away and hiding of God's countenance, which is a sign and manifestation of God's displeasure and wrath. Thus the prophet spoke in Isaiah 64:7, “For Thou hast hid Thy face from us.” There is nothing that God's children stand so in dread of than the hiding of God's face. Just think of Psalm 27:9; 30:7; and 69:17. How earnestly they then desire that God cause His countenance to shine upon them. The times in which God hides Himself are so distressing, for then He is unto them as a bear lying in wait and as a lion in secret places (Lamentations 3:10).

Also against the evil of doubt and irresolution, David did not know of any better and more excellent remedy than the lifting up of the light of God's countenance. Yes, that lifting up of God's countenance causes the disquieted heart to come to rest. Then they experience, “Truly my soul waiteth upon God…for my expectation is from Him.” Then all needs, both outward and inward, are made known unto God by prayer and supplication, and with thanksgiving. In all our ways we then give ourselves over into God's hand.

The lifting up of God's countenance also supplies power and courage to live. Oh, how would God's child be able to proceed in this vast, howling wilderness without the pleasant countenance of God in Christ Jesus? In God they shall do valiantly, and they are able to do all things in Christ who strengthens them. Although the faces of the enemies are then turned against them in anger, yet there is no fear in their hearts. And however sin may lift up its head, nothing shall separate them from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus their Lord. Blessed are all they who, regardless of all circumstances, with David in truth stand in need of the lifting up of God's countenance in their lives.

May God shine His countenance upon us in the coming season. The king himself is served by the field. May the Lord give His blessing upon the labors and make the land fruitful. The blessing, also for the field, must come from above. Oh, that God might look down from heaven in mercy, giving ability for the various labors, each in his own, and enabling us to perform the calling in which God has placed us. We are all dependent upon God and cannot take a step, or make a move, without His will.

God could righteously give us over to the greatest destruction, both us and our children, but may He show us His favor, and in wrath remember mercy, unto the praise of His Name. May we be kept with the pure doctrine, which is according to godliness, and that that truth might be effectual unto salvation, through the irresistible ministration of the Holy Ghost. Then we would stand in need of God and would have no rest before and until we were reconciled to God through the blood of the Lamb. Thus this petition would also become a vital necessity: Lord, if Thy presence go not with us, to give us rest, carry us not up hence.

Oh, beloved, that David's petition, wrought by the Spirit in our hearts, may be, or become, the greatest and principal need in our lives. Amen.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 maart 2001

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Prayer Day

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 maart 2001

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's