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The Heidelberg Catechism in Questions and Answers (21)

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The Heidelberg Catechism in Questions and Answers (21)

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Lord's Day 31

83. What are the keys of the kingdom of heaven?

The preaching of the holy gospel, and Christian discipline, or excommunication out of the Christian church; by these two, the kingdom of heaven is opened to believers and shut against unbelievers.

1. What is the kingdom?

It is not the kingdom of God's power, but of God's grace.

2. Why does it speak about keys?

It is because with a key that people open and shut (Matthew 16:17).

3. How many keys are there regarding the kingdom of heaven?

Two keys: the preaching of the holy gospel, and Christian discipline.

4. What is done with these keys?

The kingdom is opened to believers and shut against unbelievers.

5. In what ways are the powers of the Word and of the government distinguished?

The church has the power of the Word, and the government has the power of the sword.

84. How is the kingdom of heaven opened and shut by the preaching of the holy gospel?

Thus, when according to the command of Christ it is declared and publicly testified to all and every believer, that, whenever they receive the promise of the gospel by a true faith, all their sins are really forgiven them of God for the sake of Christ's merits; and on the contrary, when it is declared and testified to all unbelievers, and such as do not sincerely repent, that they stand exposed to the wrath of God and eternal condemnation, so long as they are unconverted; according to which testimony of the gospel, God will judge them both in this and in the life to come.

1. What is the public declaration of the gospel?

It is the proclamation in the congregation, and in the homes at family visitation.

2. What does the minister of the gospel have to testify?

To the believers, each and every one of them, is declared and publicly testified that whenever they receive the promise of the gospel by a true faith, all their sins are really forgiven them of God for the sake of Christ's merits.

3. May he extend the promise of the gospel to all in general?

No, he must present the promises as applicable to believers.

4. Does the gospel also threaten?

Yes, it threatens the unbelievers and such who do not sincerely repent.

5. In what does this threatening consist?

That they are exposed to the wrath of God and eternal condemnation so long as they do not repent.

6. Is this opening and shutting of importance?

Yes, for according to the testimony of the gospel God will judge them both in this and in the life to come.

85. How is the kingdom of heaven shut and opened by Christian discipline?

Thus: when according to the command of Christ, those, who under the name of Christians, maintain doctrines or practices inconsistent therewith, and will not, after having been often brotherly admonished, renounce their errors and wicked course of life, are complained of to the church or to those who are thereunto appointed by the church; and if they despise their admonition, are by them forbidden the use of the sacraments; whereby they are excluded from the Christian church and by God Himself from the kingdom of Christ; and when they promise and show real amendment, are again received as members of Christ and His church.

1. What is the second key of the kingdom?

Christian discipline, which is called the ecclesiastical censure.

2. With what does Christian discipline deal?

With hidden and public sins.

3. What are hidden sins?

They are sins which are known by only a few persons. They must be dealt with according to the rules in Matthew 18.

4. What are public sins?

They are sins which because of their nature have become public and cause offense in the congregation.

5. How must public sins be dealt with?

First, the offenders must be withheld from the Lord's Supper, which is the so-called silent censure. Then the first step of censure is taken, without mentioning the name of the guilty person. Upon this follows the second step of censure, which includes mentioning the name. This may only take place with consent of the classis. Finally there is the excommunication with Christian discipline.

6. What must be done regarding the person censured or excommunicated?

It is necessary to pray for him or her.

7. Is return still possible?

Yes, upon remorse and repentance the excommunicated person may, after a trial period, be again received in the congregation.

— to be continued —

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The Heidelberg Catechism in Questions and Answers (21)

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