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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (2)

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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (2)

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Dear young people,

We saw in the previous letter how Paul reminded Timothy that from a child he had known the holy Scriptures. This was not knowing with his mind only; this was not knowing as in historical faith, giving assent to a truth known by our understanding. Rather, Timothy knew the Holy Scriptures experimentally; he knew them inwardly by the application of the Holy Spirit. Do you know what happens at such a moment? Then those Scriptures become holy Scriptures.

Why are the Scriptures holy? Let me mention a few reasons.

God's Word is holy because God Himself is the author. He is holy, high, full of majesty and glory. He is righteous, He is true, He is great. The Bible says He is “the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy” (Isaiah 57:15). And if He is holy, would not His Word be holy as well?

Oh, if the wonder of grace is worked in your heart, then there comes reverence for God, but also reverence for the Word of God. No, then we do not speak casually about Him. Then we do not talk lightheartedly about the Lord. Then we do not listen irreverently to God's Word. Then we handle the Bible with care. Then our prayers become reverent in the words we use, in the tone of voice, in our very frame. If we truly come to know that God is in heaven and we upon earth, then our language and manners are not flippant, not superficial, not empty, not offensive. Then we experience with Abraham, “Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes” (Genesis 18:27). The Lord teaches humility.

Young people, even with an outward impression of who God is, there comes an outward reverence. Wherever reverence for God, for His Word, and for holy matters is missing, do turn away from such people; it is to be feared that they have a religion without truly knowing God.

The Scriptures are holy, then, because of the author. Imagine receiving a letter from the Prime Minister or from the President. Would you not carefully keep it, store it away, or frame it? How much more care should we show towards the Bible!

The Scriptures are holy, moreover, because of the secondary authors. These were the men inspired to write God's Word. Peter wrote that “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21). As with any servant of God, they must be respected, and so must the Scriptures which they penned. What are God's servants today compared to Moses whose face shone from close communion with God, compared to Samuel who prayed so much, to David the sweet psalmist; yes, what are God's servants today compared to an Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, not even to mention John, Peter, or Paul!

Must we not say as well that the Scriptures are holy because of the contents'? From the beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation this book is holy. The Lord has left us with many sound books, and we do well to regard them and read them, yet none is holy like the Bible. Young people, i f God makes His Word holy for you—as took place with Timothy— then you do not want to miss any part of God's Word. Then not a single doctrine, not a single text, not a single word must be omitted from the Holy Scriptures, nor should anything be added. You want no changes in the Bible. Those truly converted, will want to have nothing to do with the New King James Version and with other versions, for they lack dignity and reverence. May all young people follow in their footsteps!

Do you know what you will come to see when the Lord makes His Word holy for you? Then you will bow under the law of God, since it is holy. The Lord is so righteous in all His demands, in every requirement. I owe obedience unto Him, but, alas, what grief it becomes that I can only break the Lord's commandments. “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all” (James 2:10). Are there some young people who have been taught this by God's Spirit?

Has the gospel of God also become holy for you? Has that precious and suitable message of salvation ever become dear unto you? The Scriptures are holy, for the way of salvation is declared in them; it is the testimony about that holy Child Jesus, that only and holy Name revealed under heaven whereby we must be saved.

Let me add one more reason why the Scriptures are holy. I f you receive God's grace and you come to know the Scriptures experimentally, you find out that the purpose of God's Word is holy. What is that purpose? Paul put it very plainly. These Scriptures “are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” In other words, they were the means used by the Lord to convert Timothy, and it is by that same Word that you can be saved. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). All this redounds to God's honor.

Young people, have the holy Scriptures made you wise unto salvation? Has that Word of free grace been magnified within you? Let us try to deal with this the next time, D.V.

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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (2)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 februari 2004

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