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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (3)

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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (3)

5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dear young people,

Do you still remember that the Holy Scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation? Now that is not by the letter of the Bible but only by the application of the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote that the gospel of Christ is "the power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16). In Timothy that wondrous power was applied. But, young people, these Scriptures are still able to do what Paul said here to his spiritual son, so that by this same power you can be converted, you can be made wise unto salvation.

How does that take place? It happens when the Holy Spirit applies the Word. That is not taking it, nor trying to apply Scripture yourself. It is not like putting two and two together and drawing a conclusion that now I am saved and converted. No, not at all, for the Holy Spirit works in the opposite way.

He brings that Word of God into your soul just like a sharp sword pricking your heart. What is the fruit of this? David tells us, "The entrance of Thy Words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple" (Psalm 119:130). Then you taste something in that Word that you have never tasted before. "How sweet are Thy Words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103). Those Scriptures are so desirable and delightful. However, you also experience how awful it is within; you taste bitterness and you find darkness inside. Oh, you will have grief on account of missing God, missing His communion, that blessed salvation. Your own sins make the separation between God and your soul. Truly, you find you have no wisdom, no faith, no love, no hope; in short, you have no God as your portion for aye.

Shall I tell you something, young people? Then the Holy Scriptures become so precious unto you, you love them, they are dear unto you. They become your companion; you search them and read them; they become food and drink unto you. Then you bow before the truth of those Holy Scriptures, and you bow under the authority of God's Word.

These Holy Scriptures tell you of sin and guilt; they show the breach in your life; they uncover your iniquities, so that you sigh, "Sins of youth remember not, nor recall my hid' transgression; for Thy goodness' sake, O God, think of me in Thy compassion." Ah, then there are times that you read the Word or hear the Word, and your heart is broken, your spirit contrite. You sorrow after God, and there is wrought within a repentance not to be repented of.

But, young people, not only do you then experimentally learn to know your sin and guilt, not only your misery and missing God, not only your folly and blindness, not only your ignorance as to how you must be saved. The Lord, by His Spirit, uses the Holy Scriptures to teach you more. After all, this work of the Spirit is to make you wise unto salvation.

How does the Lord do this? By revealing sin but also grace. By showing guilt but also pardon. By teaching misery but also deliverance. And that is now "through faith which is in Christ Jesus," writes Paul to Timothy. Then the only Mediator is pointed out; He is declared, He is revealed.

Oh, young people, if such saving faith would be planted in your heart by the Holy Spirit and brought into exercise by that same Holy Spirit, that faith goes outside of itself; it takes refuge unto Christ Jesus alone. By the exercises of faith through the Spirit o f God, that Savior becomes so suitable, so precious, so indispensable. Only through Him is communion with God restored, because He brings the chosen sinner back unto the Father. He suffered, He bled, He died, yes, He merited a full salvation. Would that He say unto your soul, 'T am thy salvation" (Psalm 35:3).

How wondrous and gracious then is the Lord, in giving us those Holy Scriptures. Shall you read them upon your knees, young people? Shall you often pray, "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law" (Psalm 119:18)? Christ Himself admonished, "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me" (John 5:39). I f by grace you may find Him in those Scriptures, how blessed would your portion be!

Remember, then, young people, as we close this subject, you are not too young to die. We are all conceived and born in sin. The wages of sin is death, also when we are young.

No, you are not too young to die.

But remember, you are also not too young to be converted. See it in Timothy, for in him was also found that unfeigned faith. He knew the Holy Scriptures "from a child." Those same Holy Scriptures are also able to make you wise unto salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus. There is but one blessed people here on earth. They are God's people. They have received grace for all their guilt. Do respect them, do visit them, do listen to them. Above all, beg the Lord to grant you the portion they have received, namely, the application of the Holy Scriptures to your everlasting salvation.

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Timothy and the Holy Scriptures (3)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 maart 2004

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